From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Belarusian President Pledges to Arrest Spies
MINSK, Mar 5, 2001 -- (RFE/RL) "We will arrest and
jail spies. If they work under the cover of an
embassy, we will expel them. No matter which [embassy
will be in question], the U.S. one or some other,"
Interfax quoted Alyaksandr Lukashenko as saying on 1
The Belarusian president was commenting on the
previous day's television program devoted to the
activity of CIA spies in Belarus.
Lukashenko said "several people have already provided
evidence" of the activity of foreign special services
in Belarus.
He added that he promised to release those people in
exchange for the information they gave to the KGB.
Lukashenko noted that foreign special services are
incapable of influencing this year's presidential
elections in Belarus in any significant way.
He said the elections will be held in strict
accordance with the constitution, "in a quiet and
boring way," from the viewpoint of journalists. "There
will be no electoral bacchanalia," he added.
"The elections in Moldova turned out perfectly well.
The winners were the same political forces as those
that won in Belarus several years earlier. They are
centrists," Lukashenko commented on the recent
sweeping victory of Moldova's Communists. He said he
will accept "with [all his] heart and soul" the idea
of Moldova's accession to the Union of Belarus and
He added that the possible accession of Moldova may
prompt Kiev to revise its view of the Belarus-Russia
Union, including President Leonid Kuchma's "wary
attitude" to this alliance.

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