From: "benjamin ramos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques
P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
(787) 741-0716 E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
6 March
Press Release
Protests continue in Vieques
The Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) announced the
suspension of the 4th Embrace of the Military Fence, or Human Chain,
scheduled for Sunday, March 11. Instead, a car caravan will be held to
exhort the commuity to keep vigilant before the threat of new bombing
practice in the near future. "We are happy with the decision to suspend
March bombing. However, we will not lower the guard and will continue with
constant pressure until we achieve the permanent cessation of all Navy
activity in Vieques," expressed Nilda Medina, CRDV board member.
The Vieques committee has coordinated with representatives of diverse
sectors of the local community, from the main island of Puerto Rico and from
the US, who will enter the Navy’s restricted zone if bombing is renewed.
Protest actions will take place simultaneously in several continents to
dramatize the situation of the people of Vieques – very high cancer case
rate and other mortal diseases, high levels of unemployment, lack of control
over ¾ of their land – as a consequence of the military presence and
Last October nine Viequenses, inclding an ex mayor, the Deacon of the
Catholic Church, the vice president of the local merchants association,
Viequense veterans of the Korean and Vietnam wars, spent twenty four hours
in the bombing zone during NATO exercises. At their hearing held in Federal
Court, the nine were accused of putting themselves and military personnel in
danger by being in the impact zone during bombing. The action by the group
of Viequenses caused serious problems for carrying out the rest of the
military maneuvers. A larger group is prepared currently to enter into the
impact zone if bombing is renewed on Vieques.
"This is a struggle of our people. It is the government’s duty to defend our
people against threats to our peace and security. But if the government
shows itself incapable of confronting the Navy, our people have proven their
capacity and determination to continue this struggle until the last
consequences," said Ismael Guadalupe, one of the principal leaders of the
Vieques struggle.
Spokespersons for the CRDV exhorted the Viequenses to participate in the
Caravan for Peace this Sunday, March 11th, beginning at 12 noon at Muñoz
Rivera Street, to demonstrate the "determination of our people to continue
this struggle until we achieve the demilitarization that will bring peace to
our Island."
Contact: Robert Rabin 787 741-0716

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