Year 2001 No. 42, March 6, 2001

Article Index :

Tony Blair's Reference to the Welsh Nation

Turkey: What Is Behind the Attacks on Political Prisoners


Tony Blair's Reference to the Welsh Nation
Tony Blair was speaking to the Welsh Labour conference in Swansea on March

His speech, "Wales has every reason to be confident", was along the lines of
the now well-worn path of pointing out the serious problems which exist -
"This is a time of struggle for Wales." Here he could not avoid pointing out
the devastation of the farming community and the threat to jobs at Corus.

But then pointing out that, as the Prime Minister claims, although there is
still much to do, the foundations have been laid for change - "The
foundations are being put in place that will deliver a bright future for
Wales." Here, Tony Blair points to the National Assembly of Wales providing
leadership and the Welsh people rising to new challenges and shaping its own

And then, along with obvious swipes against the Tory Party, comes the issue
of tough choices and the identification of the Labour Party with the
nation - "The issue for us is not whether we have the right aims. The nation
's agenda and ours is the same. The issue is: can we deliver it?"

The conclusion of Tony Blair, of course, is that Wales can be confident that
the Labour government can deliver this agenda, in partnership with the Welsh

In the course of Tony Blair's earnestness to identify Party with nation, the
Prime Minister has actually been forced to recognise that the Welsh nation
exists and that the Welsh people must shape their own destiny. In the
majority of speeches he gives, of course, by sleight of hand the "nation"
that he refers to is "Britain". That no such nation exists does not worry
Tony Blair in his programme summed up in the slogan of "Making Britain Great
Again". But in Wales, Tony Blair has realised this will not wash.

Therefore, his message to the conference was: "I believe Wales has every
reason to be confident about the future. It is a time of optimism because
devolution is bringing with it fresh leadership, home grown solutions to
Wales's challenges, the prospect of a Welsh nation moving forward with a
sense of purpose and direction."

The programme of the working class is for modern sovereign states of
Scotland, Wales and England, with a voluntary union between them should the
people's so decide. The Welsh nation must itself determine its own future.

Naturally, it will not do to identify this self-determination of the Welsh
people with the agenda of the Labour Party. Tony Blair is caught with the
logic of devolution, even though this constitutional reform was meant to
head off the movement of the Welsh and Scottish peoples for

The working class of Wales has also a strong sentiment for socialism, which
the Prime Minister was at pains to rubbish with such non-arguments as:
"Changing Clause 4 now seems such an obvious thing to do it seems amazing
that it was as controversial as it was." But in unity with the working class
of Scotland and England, the working class of Wales can also put the English
bourgeoisie in its place. As in Scotland and England, the working class must
rise to become the leading class of the nation.

What Is Behind the Attacks on Political Prisoners
Article from Yeni Evrensel Turkish daily (24 December 2000)

WDIE has recently received a bulletin from "The Campaign for Human Rights in
Turkey". This was launched by the Liverpool Dockers' Shop Stewards
Delegation to Turkey, July 1996. Here we reproduce the lead article
published under the above headline.

History reveals that the ruling classes will attempt to smash the labour
movement when faced with a social crisis which finds them weakened, and when
society is embroiled in instability.

... All sections of society in Turkey are undergoing a period of
mobilisation, discontent and fundamental change. The IMF and World Bank
backed economic programme could not be implemented successfully, despite the
fact that the labour opposition is not strong enough to halt the programme
totally... All established parties have adopted the same programme which
have the same results of leading to more unemployment, poverty, a decline in
production capacity, privatisation, investment collapse, reduced purchasing
power for the working people, etc. This policy is paving the way for the
imperialists to plunder national resources and intensifying political
attacks on the people. Despite this, the ruling classes are in a state of
pessimism and internally divided.

The attacks on the revolutionaries in prison and other opposition forces
cannot be understood in isolation from the instability facing the ruling
classes, or from the increasing conflict among the capitalists, or from the
more obvious signs of economic crisis. Their display of might and savagery
is a cover for their powerlessness and impasse. Having witnessed the
tendency of the expansion and rise of the labour struggle, the reactionary
forces are trying to bring it to a stop, to deepen the divisions in the
ranks of the people, and reinforce the ideology that "one cannot gain
anything against the state"...

The ruling classes are aware of the conflicts among themselves and of the
erosion of support from the people to establishment institutions and
parties. In order to implement their programme fully, they seek to attack
the popular movement from its weakest point and reap benefit from the
division among the working people. In line with the requirements of
psychological war as part of their propaganda apparatus, they use the weapon
of "terrorism" to isolate the advanced sections of the working people from
the less politically advanced majority.

... To achieve a successful tactic of assault on the people they tried to
select the most suitable attacking point, in other words "the weakest point"
of the opposition forces, and they have been successful to a certain extent.

The politicians of capital in intensifying the false propaganda and
presenting the attacks and massacre as a "return to life" are relying on the
tactic of political-psychological and ideological attack. They are trying to
make the masses of people believe the "necessity of this operation" and
portray themselves as "innocent".

The ruling classes are using the "death fast" and the developments in
prisons as a weapon against the impulse to organise against capital and
against the commitment of organised revolutionaries to struggle against
imperialism and reactionary forces for the emancipation of the workers and
working people in general. They want to get out of their economic crisis and
their internal conflicts by intensifying the attack on this "weakest point"
in order to prevent the working people from struggling and from taking
action in response. Dozens of dead people, hundreds of injured, and the
savage attack on protesters outside are all part of the wave of attack
designed to repress the organised struggle of the working people, their
social gains and abilities to struggle.

The broadest sections of the working class, especially those exhibiting
class consciousness, are faced with the task of developing a struggle
against these attacks, a struggle which can make the ruling classes and
their government step back. Although this is not a new task, there are new
developments which make it more urgent. The working people's ability to
protect their rights will ultimately depend on how far they can unite around
the advanced and organised sections. Achieving the unity among the class
party and all other parties claiming to be on the side of the working people
will help develop the struggle of the working people and make it possible to
reverse the attacks of capital. Ideological differences and the principle of
independent organisational activity will not be obstacles to this.


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