Dr. Salim Speaks On African Union, As 31 Members Ratify Charter

Tomric News Agency 
March 7, 2001 
Posted to the web March 7, 2001

Tomric Correspondent
Dar Es Salaam 

Thirty-one members of the Organization of African Unity (OAU) have ratified
the charter aimed at establishing the African Union, the OAU Secretary
General, Dr. Salim Ahmed Salim, has said.

In his interview also published by a government publication here, the Daily
News, Dr. Salim says that the development comes hardly five days after the
OAU extraordinary summit had laid the legal ground for the creation of the
Union. The summit in Libya's Mediterranean City of Sirte ended last Friday.

He, however, says the Founding Act of the union has to be ratified by at
least 36 or two-thirds of the 53 OAU member states before the union could
come into force. "We therefore need at least five more countries to ratify
the Act," he says. The union is expected to legally recognize a month after
ratification of the charter by the required number.

All the 53 OAU member states, he says, have signed the Act, 40 of them
before the Sirte summit. The charter sets in motion the creation of a Pan
African Parliament, a Central Bank, a Court of Justice and a single
currency. These would be initial steps towards total social, political and
economic union of the African continent.

Dr. Salim explains that the envisaged African Union modeled on the European
Union (EU) would replace the 38-year-old OAU. A commission to be headed by a
chairman would be formed to supersede the OAU Secretariat. However, after
coming into force the union would have to go through a one-year transition
period during which key issues such as democracy, human rights and economic
cooperation would be addressed.

"During the transition period the union operations will be government by
three constitutions, its own, the OAU's and that of the African Economic
Community," he said. Dr. Salim says he personally believes that the stage
reached at the Sirte summit was a significant step towards turning the 1960s
dream of having a continental confederation into reality.

"The initiatives did not begin yesterday. They were started more than four
decades ago by a number of African leaders such as Julius Kambarage Nyerere
of Tanzania, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Ahmed Seko Toure of Guinea and Jomo
Kenyatta of Kenya," he says, adding: "It is only that the time was not yet
ripe for that."

The OAU boss says that the political momentum was high and he is optimistic
that the initiatives would be a success. He, however, maintains that it
would take time before the desired goals were finally attained. The Sirte
summit followed the endorsement by OAU leaders of the fine print of the
agreement to establish the proposed union at the 36th Ordinary Summit held
in Lome, Togo last July.

Dr. Salim says it was unfortunate that the union was being established at a
time when a number of African countries were engulfed in civil wars. "That
means that one of the big challenges of the union would be to bring peace
and harmony in those countries in particular and the continent as a whole.
Under African Unity conflicts will have no place," he says.


Tripoli Still A Favourite Destination For African Migrant Workers

Panafrican News Agency (Dakar)
March 7, 2001 
Posted to the web March 7, 2001

Paul Ejime
Tripoli, Libya 

Sule Ahmadou from Mauritania and his two comrades sprang to their feet as a
car pulled up near the footbridge.

The visiting journalist in the vehicle did not betray his profession so the
three Sub-Saharan African immigrant workers had mistaken him for a possible

It was 9.30 AM Sunday (4 March) and the drama was at Gurgarech, a
residential area west of Tripoli, the Libyan capital, one of the venues of
the September 2000 fracas between immigrant African workers and some of
their Libyan hosts.

Sule, 41, and his job-seeking friends from Niger and Mali are among the
estimated 2.5 million foreigners, most of them illegal immigrants, engaged
in menial work, supporting the private sector of the North African country's
oil-rich economy.

Although disappointed that the journalist, who had posed as an employer
could not hire them, the comportment of the three job hunters reinforced the
feeling that relations between the immigrants and their hosts had returned
to normal.

"We have no problem. We assemble here to be hired for work," said Sule, a
casual worker in a construction firm.

>From between 10 and 25 Dinars he makes in a day, Sule sustains himself and
saves some money, which he sends periodically to his wife and two children
back home in Nouakchott, through travellers. (1.6 USD = 1Dinar).

His story resembles those of other illegal immigrants in Libya, who cite
economic hardship in their home countries as the reason for undertaking the
hazardous and unpredictable journey through the Sahara desert to Libya in
search of work.

Egyptians are said to account for some 1.5 million of the foreigner
population in Libya, followed by the Sudanese, with the rest coming mainly
from as far as Ghana, Mali, Niger, Nigeria and Senegal, among others.

For his part, Williams Ansah, a 30-year-old Ghanaian, who emigrated to
Tripoli two years ago, now has a regular job.

"I can say that the situation is normal," he told PANA at the sprawling Souk
Al-Thalath industrial area near Gurgarech.

Commenting on the September violence, which claimed several lives and for
which some 300 people are facing trial, the Ghanaian said both the
immigrants and the Libyans were to blame for the "misunderstanding."

Although Libyan officials said five people died and several others were
injured in the violence, which erupted in Zawia, some 50 km West of Tripoli
and later hit the Gurgarech and Gorji districts of the Libyan capital, some
immigrants repatriated over the incident claimed the toll was higher.

Williams said he was protected by his employers during the crisis and had to
stay away from work for one week.

He admitted that some immigrants engaged in criminal and anti-social
activities such as prostitution, theft and drug trafficking, which are
forbidden in the Jamahirya, observing strict Islamic principles.

But he suggested that the best solution is to fish out the suspects as well
as their local collaborators for punishment under the law.

"In every society, there are bad people, and the same applies to Libya and
the immigrants," said Williams, a casual worker with one of the oil
companies, who is supporting his wife and a child on a salary of 400 Dinars
a month.

Asked why he did not join those who went home after the crisis, Williams
said some of them were returning to Libya and "I am still better off here."

His plan is to make enough money and then go back to Ghana. Another
immigrant, Ismail Gaye from Senegal, who is probably in a worse situation,
is however, fired by similar monetary ambition as Williams.

An apprentice at a metal workshop owned by a Libyan, Ismail, had set out
from Dakar two months ago with Morocco as his destination.

"But on getting to Tunisia I could not continue my journey because of lack
of money, this was how I found myself in Tripoli," said the 23-year-old
Senegalese, who disclosed that he lost his father at an early age and could
not continue with his education.

He said his mother also died recently leaving him and eight other orphans of
their parents to fend for themselves.

>From all indications, the emigration of Sub-Saharan Africans into Libya
which dates from history, and accentuated in the 1990s by the down turn in
the economies of many African countries, is unlikely to abate, not even with
the last September incident, which Libyan officials are eager to erase from
their country's memory.

Many of the later day immigrants are attracted to the North African country,
partly by its buoyant economy and a burning desire to use the nation as a
launching pad for emigration to Europe.

Southern Libya too, is populated by Blacks, who account for some 1.4 million
of the country's estimated five million people, and officials in Tripoli say
Col. Moammar Kadhafi, leader of Libya's 1969 Revolution, also practices his
Pan-Africanist policy at home.

They cite two raking positions held by Blacks --Gen. Aboubakar Younes Jabber
as Commander of the Libyan Army and Abdulraham Chulgham as Foreign Minister,
arguing that the nation cannot therefore be accused of discrimination.

Like any other developing country, Libya has its own political and
socio-economic problems, but Kadhafi is anxious not to dent his
Pan-Africanist record, as evidenced by his efforts at championing greater
continental unity through the African Union, proclaimed on 2 March in his
home city of Sirte, some 450 km from Tripoli.

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