TODAY'S NEWS (March.07.2001 Juche 90)



Songs of women created in DPRK

U.S. "Atlantic defense initiative" under fire

China's campaign against "Falun Gong" cult supported

Djiboutian President on relations with DPRK

Federal formula, best way of reunification

KCNA on Japanese media attitude towards tampering with history

For Spanish-speaking people


tergiversacion de historia y prensa japonesa, comentario de atcc

esencia agresiva de proyecto de "defensa de oceano atlantico" de ee.uu.

Songs of women created in DPRK
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Many songs in praise of women have been
created in the DPRK. All of those songs popular among people are based on
the important role of women in society, the collective and in home life.
    The recently created "song of wife" fully reflects the feats of wives
who always take care of household without any complaint and devotedly work
for them with smile on their faces even under the difficult conditions, and
the mind of their husbands ready to dedicate their lives to the worthwhile
work for the country with them.
    In fact, the Korean women, who account for half of the population, have
performed great feats in the whole course of the arduous Korean revolution.
    A large number of women took arms to liberate the country from the
Japanese imperialists' military rule and dedicated their youth to this
sacred war for national liberation. In the fatherland liberation war the
Korean women encouraged and helped their husbands and sons and daughters to
perform heroic feats in the battles for defending the country more precious
than their lives. 
    They also fully displayed the revolutionary faith, optimism, the spirit
of overcoming difficulties and the spirit of devoted service in the periods
of postwar rehabilitation and socialist construction and, especially in
recent years of the "arduous march" and the forced march.
    Such beautiful appearance of the simple yet resolute Korean women, who
always dynamically push one of the two wheels of the revolutionary chariot,
is represented in many popular songs.
    Among them are "song of woman fighter", "don't forget woman guerrilla",
"my mother", "love of great mother", "request of mother" and "fighter's
wife", which sing of the feats women soldiers performed in the bloody
revolutionary war and of the mind of women as mothers or wives who take care
of their sons and daughters and husbands so that they can vigorously advance
along the road of revolution.
    Such songs as "do you know who that girl is", "girl on steed", "I can't
say yet" and "urban girl comes to get married" mirror the high zeal for
labour and the tender passion of women who are performing feats in socialist
    There are also "love wife", "women are flowers" and many other songs
that reflect the social traits of treasuring and putting forward women,
simple and sincere. Those songs of women are resounding through now when the
March 8 International Women's Day is at hand.


U.S. "Atlantic defense initiative" under fire
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
condemns the invariable ambition of the united states for world domination.
The U.S. "Atlantic defense initiative" is an extension of the "National
Missile Defense" (NMD), the article says, and goes on:
    This initiative reflects new U.S. strategic plan.
    By the NMD the U.S. means building a powerful "missile defence system"
to destroy "enemy" missiles in the air and "protect" itself.
    For this, the U.S. is demanding the modification of the "ABM" concluded
with the former soviet union in 1972, asserting that the treaty does not
provide a sure guarantee for defending the U.S. "security."
    The initiative can be termed as a "strategy for space missile alliance"
aimed to drum up the support of its allies for the NMD.
    The NMD is designed to achieve the U.S. strategic aim by force of arms
in a bid to establish world hegemonism.
    The U.S. is keen to push ahead with the establishment of the nmd with
increased zeal and, at the same time, tighten control over its allies.
    The initiative is also designed to achieve this objective.
    The U.S. aims to extend the sphere of the NMD as far as Europe and thus
get its support and cooperation and isolate Russia.
    The U.S. initiative will not only affect many countries including NATO
members in Europe but upset the global strategic balance and create fresh


China's campaign against "Falun Gong" cult supported
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed article
on the campaign against "Falun Gong" cult intensified in china. The Chinese
government is organizing and intensifying the campaign against the "Falun
Gong" cult because it is an anti-social and unethical perverse organization
which paralyses the sound reason of people and harasses social stability and
legal order, says the article.
    Referring to the harmfulness of the "Falun Gong" cult, the article
points out: 
    The Chinese government is intensifying the campaign also because this
perverse organization hatches an anti-government plot in conspiracy with the
anti-Chinese outside forces.
    The anti-Chinese outside forces described the Chinese government's
strict dealing with the "Falun Gong" cult as "human rights abuse" and
"crackdown upon the freedom of citizens." However, legal control over the
unethical and anti-state perverse organization cannot be human rights abuse.
    Political parties, public organizations and religious groups of China
are bitterly condemning the criminal "Falun Gong" cult and demanding
intensified legal sanctions and control over it.
    With the Chinese government's timely and dynamic efforts, the campaign
against the "Falun Gong" cult is now being carried out effectively and a
number of people, once tempted by the "Falun Gong" cult, are propagandizing
its harmfulness and joining in the campaign, awakened to the essence of the
perverse religion. 
    China's efforts to deal a blow to the unscientific and unethical "Falun
Gong" cult will bear a good fruit.


Djiboutian President on relations with DPRK
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Ismail Omar, President of Djibouti, when
he met with the DPRK ambassador to that country on February 26, said that
the government of Djibouti sincerely hopes for the positive development of
relations with the DPRK striving for progress and peace under the wise
leadership of Kim Jong Il. He expressed the belief that the relations
between the two countries would grow stronger through active and effective
cooperation on the basis of deep trust and the desire to live in a better
    The government of Djibouti will fully support the reunification of Korea
and contribute to its early achievement, he noted.


Federal formula, best way of reunification
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
says that federal formula for national reunification is the most fair and
reasonable way that is suitable to the reality of Korea. Reunification by
federal formula means, in essence, to achieve national reunification through
the establishment of a unified national government on the condition that the
north and the south recognize and tolerate each other's ideologies and
social systems, a government in which the two sides are represented on an
equal footing and under which they exercise regional autonomy respectively.
    Materialisation of the federal formula is feasible because it reflects
the principle of neither conquering nor being conquared, the article says,
and goes on: 
    The way of reunification by federal formula based on one nation, one
state, two systems and two governments is a way peculiar to Korea,
unprecedented in history.
    The establishment of a unified state by federal formula means not a
federation between the same social systems based on class interests but a
federation between different social systems based on the common interests of
the nation. 
    The way of reunification by federal formula is the most reasonable and
fair and aboveboard way that helps solve the reunification issue smoothly,
not pursuing one side's predominance or interests and not doing harm to any
    And it is a genuine patriotic way acceptable to anyone because it values
the common interests of the nation, national commonness and the desire of
all the fellow countrymen for national reunification more than differences
of ideologies and systems in the north and the south and puts them to the


KCNA on Japanese media attitude towards tampering with history
     Pyongyang, March 7 (KCNA) -- Asian countries and many other nations of
the world are increasingly critical of Japan's examination of history
textbooks. This is because Japan seeks to revise history textbooks in the
direction of tampering with its history of aggression of Korea and other
Asian countries and justifying its past crimes. this is little short of
Japan's expression of its will to repeat the history of aggression as it
refuses to reflect even a bit on the hideous crimes committed against Asian
countries in the 20th century.
    That is why the international community and media are taking Japan to
account for its moves to distort history and calling upon it to handle the
issue prudently. 
    It is an unavoidable historic duty of all the Japanese including
politicians and intellectuals to educate the rising generation with a
correct view on history in conformity with the desire of humankind to live
in peace in the 21st century. Nevertheless, Japanese rightwing forces do not
bother to make a spate of reckless remarks such as "self-maltreatment" and
"interference in internal affairs", far from feeling guilty of the
distortion of history. Worse still, most of the Japanese are not aware of
the truth behind such disturbing development.
    The moves to tamper with history are, in fact, directly linked with the
dangerous design for ultra-nationalism and militarism which will lead Japan
again to war of aggression and destruction. yet, public opinion is not built
up in Japan over this acute socio-political issue. this is chiefly
attributable to the attitude of Japanese media toward this issue.
    Despite strong reaction of Asian countries and protest and condemnation
by Japanese fair-minded intellectuals most of the Japanese media have kept
mum about this issue. Worse still, Sankei Shimbun is keen to speak for the
shameless assertions of the rightwing forces to justify their moves to
tamper with history.
    If Japanese media take such attitude, the people and public of Japan
will be ignorant of what is going on and once again fall victim to the
fascist politics and war of aggression as they did in the period of Japanese
    That is why aged soldiers of the former Japanese "Kwantung Army" who
were hurled into the war of aggression thronged to the Ministry of Education
and Science on March 2 and warned that if history is distorted, the history
of aggression will be repeated.
    The Japanese media are well advised not to keep mum about the moves to
distort history but to lead the popular masses to justice and conscience if
they truly think of the future of Japan and value people's interests.


For Spanish-speaking people

tergiversacion de historia y prensa japonesa, comentario de atcc
     pyongyang, 7 de marzo (atcc) -- en estos dias los paises asiaticos y
otros varios paises del mundo elevan voces de censura y protesta en torno al
asunto de sancion oficial de manual de historia del japon porque este pais
pretende enmendar el manual de historia en direccion de tergiversar su
historia de agresion a corea y los demas paises de asia y de justificar sus
actos criminales perpetrados en el pasado. esto quiere decir que el japon no
se propone reflexionar ni en lo elemental de sus crimenes antieticos
cometidos contra los paises asiaticos en el siglo 20 sino trata de repetir
su historia de agresion.
    por esta razon la sociedad internacional y su prensa cuestionan la
tergiversacion de historia del japon y exigen que este pais aborde con una
discreta actitud este problema.
    los politicos, intelectuales y todos los demas japoneses tienen el
ineludible deber historico de educar a los integrantes de la nueva
generacion con una correcta concepcion de la historia de acuerdo con la
aspiracion de la humanidad al siglo 21 pacifico.
    sin embargo, en vez de hacer reflexion sincera en el asunto de
tergiversacion de la historia, ahora en el japon se manifiestan abiertamente
las injustas insistencias de las fuerzas derechistas como "acto de maltrato
a si mismo" e "intervencion en los asuntos internos". en la actualidad los
japoneses mayoritarios no se enteran del verdadero aspecto de tal situacion.
    el problema de la tergiversacion de historia, ligado directamente con la
peligrosa ambicion ultranacionalista y militarista de llevar de nuevo el
japon a la guerra de agresion y la ruina no se presenta como una seria
cuestion socio-politica en este pais, lo que tiene que ver grandemente con
la actitud de la prensa japonesa.
    el asunto del manual de historia del japon ha causado la poderosa
resistencia a los paises asiaticos y la protesta y censura de los
intelectuales concienzudos del japon.
    pero, por el respecto la mayoria de los organos de prensa del japon
guardan silencio y aun peor, el periodico "sankei shimbun" se apresura a
defender la descarada insistencia de las fuerzas derechistas para justificar
la tergiversacion de la historia. asi es la situacion de la palabra del
    mientras la prensa tome tal actitud es inevitable que el pueblo y la
opinion publica del japon no cobren conciencia sino se conviertan de nuevo
en victimas de la politica fascista y la guerra de agresion como en el
pasado periodo del imperialismo japones .
    por eso, los ex-militares del "ejercito kwantung" del japon que en el
pasado fueron lanzados a la guerra de agresion se reunieron el dia 2 en el
ministerio de ensenanza y ciencia donde advirtieron que la tergiversacion de
la historia puede traer la repeticion de la historia de agresion.
    si la prensa del japon se preocupa verdaderamente del porvenir de su
pais y aprecia los intereses de su pueblo debe romper silencio irresponsable
con respecto al problema de la tergiversacion de la historia para orientar a
las masas a la justicia y la conciencia.


esencia agresiva de proyecto de "defensa de oceano atlantico" de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 7 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un articulo poniendo al desnudo la invariable ambicion de ee.
uu. de tomar la heguemonia mundial. el articulo senala en particular:
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" de ee.uu.
    como una ampliacion de "defensa nacional antimisil" implica la nueva
intencion estrategica.
    el proyecto de "defensa nacional antimisil" es para formar el poderoso
sistema de "defensa antimisil" para interceptar en el espacio aereo los
misiles de "enemigos" y "proteger" a estados unidos.
    para este fin, ee.uu. exige la enmienda del "tratado sobre misiles
antibalisticos "tmab" concertado con la ex urss en el ano 1972 pretextando
que este tratado no es capaz de dar plena garantia a preservar la
"seguridad" de su pais.
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" es la "estrategia de
alianza de misil en el universo" para recibir el apoyo de los paises aliados
al establecimiento del sistema de "defensa nacional antimisil".
    el proyecto de "defensa nacional antimisil" es para realizar su
intencion estrategica de perseguir la hegemonia y dominar con las fuerzas el
    los estados unidos impulsan con mas energia el establecimiento del
sistema de "defensa nacional antimisil" e intentan fortalecer el control
sobre los paises aliados.
    esto es precisamente el proyecto para la "defensa del oceano atlantico".
    los estados unidos tratan de ampliar hasta europa la esfera de la
"defensa nacional antimisil" para recibir el apoyo y cooperacion de dichos
paises y aislar a rusia.
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" ejercera influencia sobre
los paises miembros de la otan de europa y otros numerosos paises, destruira
el equilibrio estrategico del mundo y creara nuevo caos.

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