TODAY'S NEWS (March.08.2001 Juche 90)



KCNA on Japan's "strategic review" of East Asia

Friendly meeting with delegation of women's association for Turkey held

Struggle against sack of S. Korean unionists goes on

Rodong Sinmun on International Women's Day

Women's social role in DPRK

Japan's colonial rule over Korea ambiguously described in its report

DPRK-Cuba friendship will be ever-lasting

Collective self-reliance called for

National meeting held

DPRK hails formation of African Union

Greetings to Syrian President

For Spanish-speaking people


quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia

politica de independencia lucira mas en siglo 21

conjurar guerra nuclear es tarea primordial de epoca


KCNA on Japan's "strategic review" of East Asia
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The "Defence Research Institution" of
Japan called "think-tank" of the Japan Defence Agency released on march 1 a
"2001 strategic review of East Asia" analyzing the military situation in
East Asia. What matters here is that the review analyzed and described
"increased military capabilities" in a number of countries including the
DPRK and china as a factor of affecting the strategic security environment
in East Asia.
    The review used such derogatory and malignant words against the DPRK as
"the future of North Korea still remains untransparent", asserting that it
staged large military exercises and is going ahead with the production of
weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missiles and beefing up special
units, etc. 
    This is intended to divert elsewhere the attention of the international
community from Japan, the root cause of threat to global peace, and to
justify its wild ambition for overseas expansion which has already been
brought to light. 
    Japan is now keen to become a leader of East Asia and, furthermore,
benefit from its involvement in the moves to implement U.S. global strategy
for hegemony. militarist and expansionist hysteria now prevalent in Japan
reminds one of the eve of the pacific war. Madcap arms buildup, reckless
military exercises staged under the simulated conditions of an actual war,
evermore undisguised ultra-nationalist utterences and moves to place Japan
under a fascist system are arousing the international community's
    Through the review expansionist Japan seeks to justify its militarist
moves under the pretext of "threat" from someone and shift the
responsibility for the unstable regional security onto him.
    Japan is well advised not to forget that such a nasty and cunning way of
thinking as taking issue with others for no reason has never gone down with
    The review only revealed the true colours of Japan obsessed with
hysteria of militarist overseas expansion.


Friendly meeting with delegation of women's association for Turkey held
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting with members of the
delegation of the women's association for the Republic of Turkey led by its
chairperson Cenal Sarihan on a visit to Korea was held here on March 7.
Present at the meeting were Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Korean Society
for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries who is also chairman of the
Korea-Turkey Friendship Association, members of the association, teachers
and students of Pyongyang Ryulgok Senior Middle School.
    Participants conversed with each other about developing the friendly
relations between the two peoples and appreciated an art performance given
by students, deepening feelings of friendship.
    On the same day, officials of the central committee of the Korean
Democratic Women's Union and members of the delegation met.
    They talked to each other about activities of women's organizations of
the two countries and their achievements and experience.


Struggle against sack of S. Korean unionists goes on
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- At least 1,000 members of the Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) and the Dae Woo Motor Workers Union of
South Korea held a rally in Inchon on March 3 to vow to struggle against the
layoff, Seoul-based MBC reported. They demanded the immediate withdrawal of
the layoff, stating that the livelihood of over 1,700 unionists and their
families is seriously threatened by the layoff measure taken by the Dae Woo
Motor Company. 
    On the same day workers under the Taegu headquarters of the KCTU and
students had a rally in Taegu to vow to block the layoff, which was followed
by a demonstration.


Rodong Sinmun on International Women's Day
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today editorially observes
March 8, the International Women's Day. The women's movement in Korea was
pioneered and developed under the loving care of President Kim Il Sung and
has entered a new phase of historic turn under the tested guidance of leader
Kim Jong Il, the editorial says, and goes on:
    It is the precious fruition of his wise guidance that many social
policies were made and such good health and public service establishments as
the Pyongyang Maternity Hospital built in Korea for the women and the coming
generations and that Korean women are proud of being flowers of the
revolution, the country and the society.
    There are no more proud women in the world than the Korean women who
lead a dignified and happy life with equal social position and rights with
men under the great and meticulous loving care of the party and the leader.
    The Korean women devoted all their wisdom and enthusiasm to work with a
view to repaying the loving care and benevolence of the party and the leader
during the "arduous march" and the forced march unprecedented in recent
history. Many heroines were produced from among them. The socialist
construction is being stepped up by large contingents of credible women
boundlessly loyal to the ideology and leadership of the party and the leader
and possessed of noble moral trait and beautiful emotion.
    A bright future is in store for the Korean women's movement today.
    The editorial stresses the need to develop the movement onto a higher
stage in keeping with the requirements of the new revolutionary era of Juche
under the steermanship of Kim Jong Il.
    The Korean women are discharging an important role in a drive to build a
powerful nation, the editorial says, calling upon all the women to always
live and work in a revolutionary and militant manner as befitting women in
the era of revolution and the era of struggle.


Women's social role in DPRK
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The women, who account for a half of the
population in the DPRK, have a big role to play in society. Women take an
active part in state affairs with an equal right with men and play an
important role in different fields of the national economy.
    Women deputies to power organs at all levels account for 20.1 percent of
all the deputies and the proportion of women in the work force in the
national economy is nearly 50 percent.
    Women are performing a very important role in education, culture, public
health, commerce and other fields.
    The state provides the women with all conditions for being active in
    The women at the Pyongyang Textile Mill can be cited as a good example.
    The mill is the nation's leading textile producer. It is practically
managed and operated by the women who account for 75 percent of the
    There are several creches and kindergartens in the mill. It also has a
sanatorium, a hospital, a shop and all other welfare service facilities.
    There are more than 60 teams made up of working mothers with babies.
They work, receiving many additional benefits from the state.
    The mill boasts of dozens of women recipients of Kim Il Sung Order,
labour heroines and merited weavers.


Japan's colonial rule over Korea ambiguously described in its report
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Japan in its report submitted to the U.N.
commission on human rights asserted that Koreans settled in Japan for
"various reasons", downplaying the forcible drafting of Koreans by the
Japanese imperialists and other facts and gave no specific explanation to
them, Seoul-based Yonhap News said. By using the ambiguous term "rule"
instead of using the words colonial domination over Korea by the Japanese
imperialists, the report suggested that there is no change in the Japanese
government's understanding of the past history of overall relations between
Korea and Japan including the issue of Koreans in Japan, the news noted.
    The report admitted the facts that the Japanese authorities have
disqualified the graduates from high schools run by Koreans in Japan from
entering Japanese universities under various pretexts and discriminations
against Koreans in Japan still remain in their everyday life including
employment and lease of houses, the news added.


DPRK-Cuba friendship will be ever-lasting
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Papers here today dedicate articles to the
15th anniversary of the visit of Fidel Castro Ruz, supreme leader of the
Cuban revolution, to the DPRK (March 1986). Rodong Sinmun in a signed
article stresses that the visit marked an epochal occasion of putting the
friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties, two countries
and two peoples on a new higher stage.
    The DPRK-Cuba friendship has been solidified as it is based on the
particular intimacy and comradely obligation between President Kim Il Sung
and Fidel Castro Ruz, the daily notes.
    Saying that leader Kim Jong Il is paying deep attention to consolidating
and developing the traditional DPRK-Cuba friendship, it continues:
    Cuba serves as a banner of socialism in the western hemisphere.
    Under the revolutionary slogan "Let us defend the fatherland, the
revolution and the gains of socialism " the Cuban people are stoutly
struggling against the U.S. anti-Cuba moves.
    The Korean people are rejoiced as their own over the brilliant successes
made by the Cuban people in their struggle to defend the sovereignty of the
country and the gains of revolution, and extend full support to their just
    The DPRK-Cuba friendship is a solid, invincible and fraternal one which
was established in the common struggle for independence against imperialism
and for socialism and has undergone severe trials of history.
    The Korean people will as ever work hard to continue to develop the
traditional friendly and cooperative relations with the Cuban people.
    Minju Joson in an editorial article stresses that the DPRK-Cuba
friendship will contribute not only to common interests of the two peoples
but to world peace and progress and the immortal feats Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong
Il and Fidel Castro Ruz performed in this cause will shine long.


Collective self-reliance called for
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Collective self-reliance is a principle
and way to be held fast to by developing countries in their struggle and
activities to achieve social progress in the new century, says Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed article. Collective self-reliance is one of the most
effective ways for developing countries to make rapid progress in keeping
with the trend of the new century by making an effective use of the existing
capacities and potentials, the article notes, and continues:
    If developing countries promote mutual cooperation and exchange on the
principle of collective self-reliance, it will be possible to successfully
achieve socio-economic progress with less expense of financial resources and
energy and significantly raise their qualitative level.
    The developing countries have rich natural resources and manpower.
    They also have a wealth of experience gained in the fields of science
and technology and economy. When they properly draw on it they will be able
to successfully push ahead with building a new society and make rapid
progress commensurate with the new century, without depending on developed
    What is important for the developing countries to promote collective
cooperation is to have a stand to achieve common prosperity and progress by
helping each other, not seeking national interests.
    Collective self-reliance among the developing nations also means
boosting production and pushing ahead with construction by widely
introducing up-to-date technologies and methods so as to reach a higher
level, while positively pursuing exchange and cooperation.
    In promoting cooperation and exchange among developing countries they
should neither disregard nor sidestep advanced science and technologies,
reasonable and effective methods of advanced countries.
    The developing countries should glorify the new century as a century of
independence and a century of a high level of civilization by intensifying
cooperation among them under the uplifted slogan of collective self-reliance
in keeping with the requirements of the new century.


National meeting held
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- A national meeting to commemorate the 91st
International Women's Day was held here today. The meeting was attended by
Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly of the DPRK, Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central Committee of
the Workers' Party of Korea, Ryu Mi Yong, chairwoman of the central
committee of the Chondoist Chongu Party, and working women in the city.
    Also present there on invitation were wives of embassy officials of
different countries here and foreign women.
    Pak Sun Hui, chairwoman of the central committee of the Korean
Democratic Women's Union, in a report delivered there said that President
Kim Il Sung, with a deep insight into the importance of the position of the
women and the mission performed by them in the revolutionary struggle and
construction, expounded an original idea and theory on the emancipation of
women and the women's movement based on the immortal Juche idea and had
successfully put them into practice.
    Under his wise guidance the anti-Japanese women's association, the first
revolutionary organization of the Korean women, was formed, giving origin to
the Juche-oriented women's movement in Korea. And the foundation of the
Korean Democratic Women's Union and the promulgation of the law on sex
equality helped bring about a fundamental change in the position of the
Korean women, she said, and went on:
    Leader Kim Jong Il further enriched the president's idea and theory on
the Juche-oriented women's movement and put the position of the women on the
highest level. 
    Kim Jong Il's leadership over the women's movement clearly proved its
sagacity and vitality over the past six years in which the great history of
his revolutionary activities was glorified despite ordeals.
    Today Korean women are active as deputies to power organs at all levels
including the Supreme People's Assembly and as officials of the party and
state institutions. They are displaying to the full their creative talents
and making innovations in different domains of the national economy.
    Credit for all these successes entirely goes to the peerlessly great men
who have led the Korean revolution and the women's movement.
    All the women should further develop the Juche-oriented women's movement
in Korea, strengthen friendship and solidarity with all the progressive
women in the world and work hard for global peace and the happiness of the
women and children in the 21st century, too.


DPRK hails formation of African Union
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- The foundation of the African Union is a
historic event as this makes it possible for the countries in the region to
meet the challenge of "globalization" by accelerating political, economic
and social integration in the continent and raise the position of Africa and
reliably defend its dignity and interests on the international arena. A
spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry declared this stand in an answer to
a question put by KCNA today as regards the formation of the union.
    He further said:
    It is the consistent foreign policy of the DPRK government to further
develop the friendly and cooperative relations with African countries in the
idea of independence, peace and friendship.
    We will as ever support the cause of the African union and countries in
the continent to ensure regional peace and stability by their united efforts
and develop the economy with their own enormous potentials and rich natural
resources and thus build a free, peaceful and prosperous, new society.


Greetings to Syrian President
     Pyongyang, March 8 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, yesterday sent a message of
greetings to President Bashar al Assad on the occasion of the 38th day of
March 8 Revolution in Syria. The message extended warm congratulations to
the president, government and people of Syria on this day.
    The friendly government and people of Syria have achieved great
successes in the work for building new independent and prosperous Syria true
to the cause of Hafez al Assad, under the correct leadership of the Arab
Socialist Baath Party headed by the president, the message said, and
    The Korean people are sincerely rejoiced over them and send full support
to the just cause of the Syrian Arab people.
    Expressing the conviction that the excellent friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries would grow stronger and develop in the
future, the message sincerely wished the president and the people of Syria
greater success in their struggle to take back the Golan Heights and achieve
just and comprehensive peace in the middle east.


For Spanish-speaking people

quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia
     pyongyang, 8 de enero (atcc) -- con motivo del cumpleanos del gran
dirigente kim jong il (16 de febrero) se inaugurara en esta capital la
quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia. la primera montada con motivo de la fiesta
de febrero del ano 86 (1997) de la era juche continuo efectuandose
anualmente bajo auspicios de la federacion de kimjongilia de la rpdc.
    en ella tomaran parte todas las unidades y personalidades individuales
del pais y los coreanos en el ultramar que la cultivan, aficionados y
especialistas de esta planta decorativa de varios paises del mundo.
    la exhibicion estara montada del 14 al 20 de febrero en el palacio de
estudio del pueblo.


politica de independencia lucira mas en siglo 21
     pyongyang, 8 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo de hoy senala que la justedad y la vitalidad del modo politico de
independencia de corea se manifestaran mas plenamente en el siglo 21. el
articulo continua: 
    solo al materializar el principio de la independencia en la politica
cada pais resolver segun su credo independiente y conforme a los intereses
de su pueblo y su realidad concreta todos los asuntos que se presentan en la
revolucion y la construccion y lograr el avance y exitos de la revolucion y
la construccion al movilizar al maximo las fuerzas creadoras de su pueblo.
    hoy la politica de independencia deviene un modo politico universal que
corresponde a la aspiracion de la humanidad.
    la universalidad de la politica de independencia reside en que esta
refleja la demanda esencial y la aspiracion del ser humano y la corriente
principal de la epoca actual.
    la universalidad y vitalidad de esta politica se comprueban
irrefutablemente a traves de la practica de corea.
    hoy nadie se atreve a dar directivas a la derecha o a la izquierda a la
rpd de corea que despliega la politica de independencia ni impone su injusta
demanda a ella. 
    es gracias a mantener la politica de independencia que hoy la rpd de
corea al rechazar la siniestra ofensiva de los reaccionarios imperialistas
defiende y lleva adelante el socialismo, fortalece su unidad y solidaridad
con las fuerzas independientes y antimperialistas e impulsa energicamente la
causa de la independencia de la humanidad.
    la politica de independencia de corea que hizo balance orgulloso del
siglo 20 manifestara mas plenamente en el siglo 21 su justedad y vitalidad.


conjurar guerra nuclear es tarea primordial de epoca
     pyongyang, 8 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo individual de hoy senala que el arma nuclear es un medio de ataque
en la guerra y un remedio de exterminio masivo. el articulo continua:
    la firme garantia para conjurar la guerra nuclear es abolir por completo
las armas nucleares.
    la demanda inmediata que se presenta ante la humanidad para prevenir la
guerra nuclear es detener el despliegue del sistema de "defensa misil" de
los estados unidos.
    el sistema de "defensa nacional de misil" de ee.uu. es un plan de guerra
nuclear muy peligroso para militarizar el universo, ocupar la supremacia
nuclear para amenazar y golpear a otros paises, aventajarse a las potencias
y establecer el dominio militar sobre el mundo.
    al mismo tiempo hay que conjurar el despliegue del sistema de "teatro de
defensa misil". 
    este sistema constituye un peligroso plan de guerra nuclear que los
estados unidos y el japon promueven en comun para atacar con misiles
nucleares a corea, china, rusia y los demas paises de asia oriental.
    en conjurar la guerra nuclear es importante impedir el armamento nuclear
y preparativos de guerra del japon y en particular atarle de mano y pie a
este pais de modo que deje de desplegar el sistema de "teatro de defensa
    otra importante demanda que se presenta para prevenir la guerra nuclear
es prohibir el uso de armas nucleares y su prueba y crear la zona
desnuclearizada y de paz en varias regiones del mundo.
    el pueblo coreano desplegara activa lucha antinuclear por construir el
mundo libre de armas nucleares.

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