
NPC Chairman on Legislation Work in 2000

China to Enact More Laws This Year: Li Peng
Standing Committee of the National People's Congress adopted 14 laws, one
decision on legal problems and one judicial interpretation over the past
year, said Li Peng, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National
People's Congress (NPC) Friday.
Besides, 12 bills are being reviewed, he said.
Reporting the work of the NPC Standing Committee to the on-going annual
session of the Ninth National People's Congress, Li Peng said that the NPC
Standing Committee revised the Law on Regional Autonomy of Minority
Nationalities, revised laws on Chinese-foreign cooperative ventures, and
foreign investment enterprises, customs and patents.
The committee also made laws on seeds and revised the laws on product
quality, air pollution control, and fisheries, adopted laws on the national
common written and spoken language, extradition, protection of the rights
and interests of the families of returned overseas Chinese, drug
administration and regulations on officers in active service and took a
decision on safeguarding Internet security.
The laws were revised based on the changes that have taken place in the
course of the development of the socialist market economy, Li said.
In the past year, the NPC Standing Committee rectified 12 treaties or
important agreements signed with foreign countries, including the
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.
Li said that China is a country always honoring its commitments. It will
perform the obligations of all international treaties and agreements it
signed with foreign countries and ensure their implementation, he declared
The NPC Standing Committee also organized checks on the enforcement of the
township enterprise law, land management law, the organic law of urban
neighborhood committees and criminal procedure law.
On the supervision side, Li said, the NPC Standing Committee held hearings
on a number of hot spot problems and on central tasks of the country,
including WTO accession, implementation of the Western China Development
Drive and reform of state-owned enterprises.It also strengthened oversight
over the handling of the major problems raised in the auditing report.
Li also reviewed the achievements in foreign exchange and cooperation and
the handling of motions, proposals and criticism raised in the last annual

China to Enact More Laws This Year
In 2001, China will complete amending the Marriage Law and work on new laws
including a Civil Code, laws governing some sorts of administrative
activities, and a number of economic laws on fighting monopoly, dumping of
foreign goods, and social security.
China's legislative work has made enormous achievements in the past decades,
but some laws that should constitute a major component of a socialist legal
system are yet to be enacted, said the top legislator.
He pledged to lose no time in working out the laws.
He said, "To strengthen supervision by law is one of the main jobs of the
The NPC Standing Committee has put the enactment of a supervision law on its
agenda this year, in response to strong calls to the effect made by
lawmakers at previous sessions, Li said. Once the law is drafted, it will be
handed over to the standing committee for discussion.
This year, the standing committee will also bring an end to the much-debated
amending of the Marriage Law, work on a law on material rights, and start
working on a Civil Code, according to the top legislator.
At the same time, the standing committee will work on a law on
administrative compsulsory measures, a law on administrative licensing, and
a law on administrative charges, to pave the way to work out a unified
administrative procedural law, he noted.
The proposed enactment of an anti-monopoly law and an anti- dumping law will
fill up a blank in the country's financial legislation, while the enactment
of a social security law will help improve the social security system in
China to ensure social stability, according to Li.
When all these laws are enacted, a socialist legal system with Chinese
characteristics will take shape, he said. In the coming two years, the
standing committee will work on the above laws and laws that aim to promote
socialist democracy, building a clean government, development of a socialist
market economy, and joining the World Trade Organization (WTO).
He pledged to bring democracy into full play in legislative work.

Power Without Control, Supervision Leads to Corruption
 Li Peng said Friday the NPC will take practical measures to strengthen
supervision over and ensure law enforcement.
It is necessary to establish supervision over the exercise of power to
prevent power abuse, Li said in his report on the Standing Committee's work
at the fourth plenary meeting of the annual NPC session.
"Historical experience shows that power free from control and supervision
will lead inevitably to corruption," the top legislator said, adding: "If we
fail to do a good job of fighting corruption and building a clean
government, we'll risk the future of the Party and the state."
He appealed for efforts to prevent and curb corruption from the source. In
the fight against corruption, education is the foundation for success, a
well-functioning legal system is a guarantee and supervision plays a key
role, he said. 
Li said the NPC Standing Committee will take into consideration the campaign
against corruption when it enacts laws in the future.
In the new year, he said, the NPC Standing Committee will organize
inspections on law enforcement and hear reports on specific work relating to
major social and economic issues concerning the implementation of the
country's 10th Five-Year Plan.
The committee will also continue its fight against the Falun Gong cult, he


FM Spokesman on Sino-US Relations
China attaches great importance to Sino-US relations, and is willing to work
with the US to strengthen dialogue, build understanding, expand common
ground and carry out further cooperation.

Chinese Foreign Ministry <http://www.fmprc.gov.cn/eng/>  Spokesman Zhu
Bangzao made the remark here Thursday afternoon at a routine press
conference, saying that the two sides should do more to safeguard bilateral
relations so as to ensure the healthy and steady progress of such relations.

Noting that Sino-US relations have reached an important moment bridging the
past and future, Zhu said that bilateral relations, although they have been
undergone uneven developments in the past, are generally moving forward.

At the start of the new century, China and the US share extensive and
significant common interests and tasks in matters concerning peace,
development, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific and the world at
large, he stressed.

He pointed out that a healthy and steady development of bilateral
cooperative relations is in the common interest of the two countries and
their people. 

He said he is convinced that Sino-US relations can continue to develop only
when the three Sino-US joint communiques are sincerely observed and the
existing problems between the two sides, particularly the Taiwan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/taiwan.html>  issue, can be
handled properly. 

Zhu noted that the US has made serious commitments on the Taiwan issue, and
it is recognized by most countries in the world that there is only one
China, Taiwan is part of China, and the Taiwan issue is an internal affair
of China. 

Past experience has shown that the Taiwan issue has always been the most
important and sensitive key issue in Sino-US relations, and it directly
affects the general situation of this relationship, voiced Zhu.

The US made clear its commitments on this issue to the Chinese, and the US
government repeatedly stated these commitments, which are to adhere to the
"one-China" policy and abide by the three Sino-US joint communiques and
other commitments, added Zhu.

He said he hoped that the new US leaders and government can honor these
commitments in a down-to-earth manner, handle Taiwan issue properly and
support China's peaceful reunification.


US Ambassador on Sino-US Relations
The United States <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>  and
China should conduct strategic dialogue on the basis of mutual respect, and
the United States will continue to build a constructive relationship with
China, US Ambassador to China Joseph Prueher said Thursday.

At a seminar sponsored by the Center for World Affairs Studies of Xinhua
News Agency <http://www.xinhua.org/> , Prueher reviewed the development of
the two countries' relations in recent years.

Prueher said that the Bush administration views US-China relations as "too
important" and "too rich," and believes that they should be "constructive
relations on the basis of mutual respect."

Prueher said that he is confident in the prospects of the US- China

Asia's population accounts for over 50 percent of the world's total, and
given its economic development Asia is becoming increasingly important in
the new century, Prueher said.

He said the Bush administration attaches great importance to its
relationship with countries in the region, especially that with China.

Prueher said that the United States and China share common interests and can
strengthen cooperation in such fields as trade and commerce, environmental
protection, non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction as well as
cooperation in the United Nations and other international organizations.

The ambassador also exchanged views with participants on such issues as the
US arms sales to Taiwan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/taiwan.html>  and US-China

Prior to the seminar, Tian Congming, president of Xinhua News Agency, met
with Prueher. 


Writing New Chapter for Cause of Women: Commentary
At the arrival of the first "March 8" International Laboring Women's Day of
the new century, we extend our warm greetings to women of various
nationalities and in various circles of the country who are working hard on
various fronts! And our cordial regards to laboring women in various
countries around the world!

Women of China solemnly commemorate this day, March 8 every year, in order
to arouse the concern of the whole society for the issue and rights of
women, earnestly safeguard their lawful rights and interests, and mobilize
the broad section of women to actively pitch into the cause of reform,
opening up and the socialist modernization drive.

In China, the population of women makes up half of the total. In the great
practice of reform, opening up and the socialist modernization program, they
emancipate their minds, update their old concepts and display their
abilities at their different posts, the large number of model workers and
outstanding talents emerged in the process have become an important force in
China's economic, political and cultural construction, and "hold up half the
sky" in economic construction and social development. Women federations at
various levels, under the leadership of Party committees and governments at
all levels, are creatively carrying out work, centered around the general
situation regarding the work of the whole Party and the whole country and in
combination with the effort to safeguard women's rights and interests and
promote an all-round development of women's cause; they have played an
important role in improving women's qualities, safeguarding women's rights
and interests and promoting socialist cultural and ethical progress. The
work of women has taken on a new look brimming with vitality.

This year marks the beginning of the new century and is the first year of
implementation of the outline of the 10th Five-year Plan for economic and
social development in China. Under the guidance of the outline of the 10th
Five-year Plan, China's Women and Children Development Program (2001-2010)
will also be put into practice. Such being the case, success made in the
work of this year will be of important significance in forming a connecting
link between the preceding and the following and carrying on the past and
opening a way for the future. Women federations at all levels should further
emancipate their minds, be keen on reforms, engage in constant innovation
and lead the broad section of women to start their careers and make
contributions in the socialist modernization drive, so as to make a good
start and lay a sound foundation for the cause of China's women and children
at the beginning of the 21st century.

China is presently in the primary stage of socialism, the principal
contradictions at the present stage determine that we must concentrate our
energy on developing productive forces. Chinese women play a vital role in
promoting social progress and boosting the liberation and development of
productive forces. Implementation of the outline of the 10th Five-year Plan
requires further display of the initiative and creativity of the broad
masses of women. Women in different trades and professions should have a
clear understanding of the situation, show greater enthusiasm in
participating in the practice of the accelerated economic construction,
ensuring that they work diligently, immerse themselves in hard work, learn
from and overtake the advanced, be determined to make progress and display
their talents in all places where they can exert their roles.

The deeper is reform and opening up and the further the development of the
socialist market economy, the greater is the need to strengthen the building
of socialist culture and ethics. Women are the creators of material wealth,
as well as the builders of advanced culture and ethics. Women of all ethnic
groups and from all walks of life should be well aware of the
responsibilities placed on their shoulders, start something on their own
initiative and begin with doing trifle things bit by bit; they should take
the lead in promoting new social mood, advocate civilized and healthy
lifestyles and ensure that they love the collective, show concern for
others, respect and love their work, make selfless dedication, uphold
science, boycott heresies, use their own civilization and progress to
promote family civilization and progress and further social stability and

Respect and protect women is an important indication of social progress and
is the law and morality a civilized society should have. At the arrival of
the 91st "March 8" International Laboring Women Day, we hope that the entire
society will further establish a Marxist outlook on women, give full play to
the superiority of the socialist system in safeguarding women's legal rights
and interests and enhancing the social status of women, implement the basic
national policy on equality between men and women, discard the traditional
concept of regarding men as superior to women, deal a telling blow at the
law-breaking criminal acts that encroach upon the rights and interests of
women and children and harm their physical and mental health, and strive to
create a sound social environment for the development of women and children.

The broad section of Chinese women who have stepped on the new century
journey, with their pursuit of and aspiration for the future, will
definitely write a new chapter for the cause of the Chinese women by holding
high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and rallying closely around
the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/jzm/jzmhome.htm>  at the


China Opposed to Cloning of Man
The Chinese government is opposed to research into the cloning of man, a
scientist said Thursday.

"The cloning of man is not allowed in China," said Hong Guofan, a member of
the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference National Committee.

"However, we differentiate between cloning technology and the cloning of
man," said Hong, who is also director of the State Gene Research Center
under the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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