NA chairman asks minority officials to fulfil their obligations

National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh has asked key minority group
officials to be fully aware of their tasks in understanding the people and
their aspirations and encouraging them to follow Vietnam Communist Party
line and State policy.

Mr Manh was meeting with more than 60 key minority group commune officials
from Central Highlands Dak Lak province in Hanoi on March 8.

The officials are visiting Hanoi.

He praised the contributions and sacrifices by the people of the Central
Highlands, especially Dak Lak province, in Vietnam's struggle for national
liberation and present national defence.

The National Assembly chairman called on the people to continue upholding
the revolutionary tradition to build a prosperous life in their locality.


Activities welcome women¹s day

Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh met ethnic minority female students in Hanoi
on March 8 to praise them for their efforts to overcome difficulties to
study well. 

Ms Nguyen Thi Oanh, vice chairwoman of Vietnam Women¹s Union reported their
achievements. Ms Hoang Thi Hanh, a Dao ethnic minority female student from
Ha Giang province and Ms Lam Thi Chien, a Day female student from Lao Cai
province, spoke of the difficulties which students from ethnic minority
groups face. She asked for help from the Party and State so that others like
them living in remote areas and areas in difficulties have an opportunity to
go to school and receive proper education.

Vice President Binh encouraged them to continue their study and presented
them gifts. 

On the same day, Ms Ha Thi Khiet, chairwoman of the Vietnam Women¹s Union
met 24 outstanding representatives of Hanoi¹s women on the occasion of the
women¹s day. 

Participants exchanged their work experiences and asked for more assistance
from the Party and the government to improve their performance and the role
of the woman in the family.

The women¹s unions in Ha Giang province have guaranteed more than VND 4
billion of loans from banks for women of ethnic minority groups to develop
household economy. The regular checking of the effectiveness of the loans
revealed that 67% of them used loans effectively, 56% of them got out of
poverty while 37% of them have new jobs as part of the assistance from the

Women¹s unions in Long An province in the Mekong river delta promoted
activities to help one another eliminate hunger and poverty and in other
social works as well as educating members on the role of women in the
history of the country.

The Women Union of Vinh Long province co-ordinated with the provincial
sports and physical training to organise a sporting event for more than 700
women in the province.


Vietnam to join young people's peace camp

A delegation of five young people of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union
will join a international Asia young people's camp for peace in Cambodia on
March 11. 

Participating in the event will be eighty young people from Myanmar,
Bangladesh, Laos, the Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, the United
States, Vietnam and Cambodia.

The participants will discuss the awareness of globalisation and its
influence on young people, the roles of religion and peace in peaceful
construction, potential of young leaders and the situation of young people
in each country and learn about Cambodian culture and the process of
building peace in Cambodia.


Efforts made to relieve hail, whirlwind aftermath

A number of strong whirlwinds together with hails hit the northern
mountainous province of Ha Giang late last month, causing great losses to
houses and vegetables of the ethnic minority people there.


The total losses were put at some VND 3 billion. Of which, Vi Xuyen district
suffered damage estimated at over VND 825 million; Quan Ba district, VND 30
million; Yen Minh, VND 600 million and Dong Van and Meo Vac, VND 1.4

The provincial administration has provided people in the calamity-stricken
areas with seed rice and maize. At first, Quan Ba district has been
supported VND 6 million, Vi Xuyen district, VND 565 million and Yen Minh,
VND 117 million. 

In addition, the local administration has also offered non-interest loans to
families of priority policy beneficiaries and natural calamity victims with
a view to helping them repair their houses and restore production.


Vietnam, Lao provinces boost economic ties

Vietnam's northwestern Son La province and its Lao neighbouring province,
Saynhaboury, have signed an economic co-operation document for the 2001-2005

Under the document, Son La province will promote trade in Sayaboury
province's capital, expand goods exchange and help zone off areas for
planting tea, coffee, maize and soya beans.

Son La province will also help train Lao technicians. (VNA)

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