
"One Country, Two Systems" Vital to HK's Prosperity, CPPCC Vice-Chairman

The principle of "one country, two systems" is vital to Hong Kong's
prosperity and stability, business tycoon Henry Ying Tung Fok said Monday.
"Hong Kong will fare better when the state goes well," said Fok, who is a
vice-chairman of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), in an interview with Xinhua.
The essential issue for Hong Kong at present is how to implement the
principle of "one country, two systems," "Hong Kong people governing Hong
Kong" and a high degree of autonomy for Hong Kong, and full implementation
will benefit not only Hong Kong but also the economic development of the
country as a whole, he said.
What Hong Kong should do to implement the "two systems" is for it to
maintain the norms, values and cultural concepts of market economics and
continue to give play to the important role of Hong Kong as a trading port,
Fok said. 
He stressed that without the support of the mainland, Hong Kong could not
keep its prosperity and stability. "Frankly speaking, Hong Kong would not
even have enough drinking water without the mainland," he said.
As it is easy to get in touch with the mainland in Hong Kong, foreign
companies have flocked to the territory to open representative offices, he
said, citing statistics that the number of these companies increased from
2,500 in 1999 to 3,000 in 2000.
He also suggested that Hong Kong properly handle its relations with the
neighboring Pearl River Delta and the interior areas of the mainland, saying
that this is also vital to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.
He quoted Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa as saying that it is important to
take the development of Hong Kong and the development of the Pearl River
Delta as that of a regional economy, seize opportunities to maintain Hong
Kong's dynamic and further promote economic growth in the whole region.


Israeli Officials Raps Tightening Blockade of Palestinian City of Ramallah
The Israeli army's tightened blockade of the West Bank city of Ramallah and
other areas has sparked criticism among Israeli officials who argue the
blockade would do Israel more harm than good.
Ephraim Sneh, new transportation minister who until recently served as
deputy defense minister, told Army Radio on Monday that the disadvantage of
the Israeli closure on Palestinian areas "is that it causes serious
embitterment among the general public, the sense that they have nothing left
to lose, and it also causes the state of Israel severe damage
He called on Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who intends to finalize the makeup
of his security cabinet on Monday, to include his cabinet in making security
Minister of Science, Culture and Sports Matan Vilnai, a former senior army
officer, said that through "the injury to innocent populations, we are
pushing more and more Palestinians to the path of terror."
On Sunday, the Israeli army tightened its siege on Ramallah, the seat of the
Palestinian National Authority (PNA) in the West Bank, saying that the move
was to thwart a planned terrorist attack.
Palestinians said blockades around the West Bank cities of Jericho and Jenin
were also enhanced.
Israel has sealed off the West Bank and Gaza since the start of the
Palestinian uprising late last September, citing security reasons.
The Palestinians view the blockade as collective punishment, which barred
more than 100,000 Palestinians from work in Israel and strangled their
Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, who was reportedly not notified in advance of
the decision to tighten the blockade on Sunday, said the siege policy
"requires review and will be reviewed."
Israel Radio Monday quoted unnamed Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officers as
saying the blockades were liable to turn formerly unradicalized Palestinians
into militants. 
The radio report said that officers of the Central Command, which oversees
IDF operations in the West Bank, "dismissed" the blockade, saying that it
could spawn future terrorism.
In reaction to criticism, the Israeli Prime Minister's office issued a
statement to defend the move, saying that the the closure on Ramallah was
tightened "in the wake of specific information on a terrorist attack from
within the city." 
Israel Radio quoted an unnamed senior security official as disclosing that a
number of those suspected of involvement in the planned attack were arrested
in an operation the official said was made possible by the closure clamped
on the city. 


Britain Wishes to Strengthen Cooperation with DPRK
Britain wishes to expand and strength cooperation with the Democratic
People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in the political, economic and cultural
fields, a visiting Foreign Office official said Monday.
John Kerr, permanent under-secretary of Britain's Foreign and Commonwealth
Office, told a press conference at the Koryo Hotel that during his three-day
stay in Pyongyang, he had met with Kim Yong Dae, vice-president of the
Presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK and held talks with
DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun and other senior officials.
At the talks, they discussed bilateral relations, economic cooperation,
disarmament, non-proliferation and US-DPRK relations. He also reaffirmed
Britain's support for the North- South Joint Declaration.
Kerr said Britain respects the sovereignty of the DPRK, has no intention of
interfering with its internal affairs and wishes to continue the dialogues
between the two countries.
He also said Britain and the DPRK would sign two agreements on investment
guarantee and avoidance of double taxation, as part of the efforts to boost
the development of bilateral relations.
Kerr, head of the British Foreign Office delegation, arrived in Pyongyang
last Saturday at the invitation of the DPRK Foreign Ministry. The two
countries established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level on
December 12 last year.


Venezuelan President Visits Cuba
Venezuela <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/Venezuela.html> n
President Hugo Chavez arrived Sunday on a brief working visit to meet with
his Cuban counterpart Fedel Castro on bilateral cooperation.

In an arrival statement, Chavez said Castro and he will discuss and update a
bilateral cooperation agreement signed last October.

Under the agreement, Cuba
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/cuba.html> will offer assistance
in medical and sports areas to Venezuela, which promises oil supply in
preferential terms in return.

Chavez was received by Castro at the airport, the third meeting between the
two leaders within on year.

The two leaders expressed satisfaction with the development of bilateral
relations, and said there is a bright future for their cooperation.

The Venezuelan president will also visit hundreds of Venezuelan patients
receiving free treatment in Cuba under their agreement.

Chavez has just concluded his three-day official visit to the Dominican


Expert: US Arms Sales to Taiwan Threaten Sino-US Relations
Sales of advanced and high-tech weapons to Taiwan by the new administration
of US President George W. Bush will greatly damage Sino-US relations,
according to a leading Chinese expert on Taiwan affairs.
The Bush team is due to make a decision next month on the annual arms
provision to Taiwan. On the top of Taiwan's shopping-list are sophisticated
weapons such as destroyers equipped with the AEGIS satellite anti-missile
"If the United States makes a misjudgment and gives more military support to
Taiwan's political adventurism, cross-Straits ties and Sino-American
relations will surely experience significant changes," warned Xin Qi, a
research fellow with China's Peace and Development Research Centre, in a
signed article that lists three reasons for the concern.
First, since Taiwan has already acquired weapons for a TMD (Theatre Missile
Defence) system, selling more advanced weapons to the island is tantamount
to restoring the military alliance between Taiwan and the United States.
This would greatly threaten the continuation of good Sino-American
Second, the United States has interfered in China's internal affairs with
the Taiwan Relations Act, which legalizes arms sales to the island.
The US military intervention has encouraged pro-independence forces in
Taiwan and thus sown seeds of trouble in the Asia-Pacific region.
Third, if the new US Government goes ahead with its foreign policy of
viewing China as a strategic competitor as compared to a "strategic
partner," which is what the Clinton administration saw China as, China will
be forced to respond by making policy adjustments.
The research fellow's warning echoed the views of several high-ranking
Chinese officials who have urged the United States to scrap its arms sales
to the island. 


Annual CPPCC Session to Close Monday Afternoon
The Fourth Session of the Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's
Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) is scheduled to close Monday
afternoon, before new members are co-opted to the CPPCC Standing Committee.
According to sources with the secretariat, a number of conclusions are
expected to be adopted at the closing meeting, including the Political
Resolution of the 4th Session of the 9th CPPCC National Committee, the
Resolution on the Work Report of the Standing Committee, and the Resolution
on the Report on Proposals since the 3rd Session of the 9th CPPCC National
Committee, as well as a report on the examination of the proposals given by
the Subcommittee for Handling Proposals.


ran's Khatami to Moscow on Monday for Landmark Visit
Iranian President Mohammad Khatami is expected in Moscow early Monday on his
first trip to Russia since coming to power in May 1997, his office
Khatami, who will be heading a high-ranking political and economic
delegation, is scheduled to meet with his Russian counterpart Vladimir
Putin, his office said in a statement.
The landmark trip "confirms the strategic rapprochement between Iran and
Russia in all fields," Iran's ambassador to Moscow, Mehdi Safari, was quoted
as saying Sunday by state television.
Khatami and Putin are expected to discuss a variety of issues, including
bilateral ties and international issues, notably those relating to the
Middle East and Afghanistan, according to the Russian embassy in Tehran.
The talks are also expected to touch on country rights to the Caspian Sea's
energy reserves. 


Mexico Rebel Leaders March into Mexico City
After a long march, 24 masked Mexico's Zapatista rebel commanders, headed by
Subcomandante Marcos, marched into the downtown of the Mexican capital and
received a warm welcome from thousands of their supporters.
Standing on a flatbed truck at the Zocolo square, Marcos told his 150,000
supporters, "We are here as rebels who cry out: democracy, justice,
Marcos, who has led a seven-year war against the government demanding
indigenous rights, said, "the hour of the Indian people has come." He called
for the recognition of Indian rights and culture.
The Zapatista leaders arrived in the capital city after 14 days and 3,000
kilometers drive from their stronghold in the jungles of Chiapas with safety
and passage assurance from the government.
Mexican President Vicente Fox has repeatedly pledged that, for the sake of
political stability, economic development and the peace in Chiapas, the
government is willing to enter dialogue with Zapatista rebel leaders.
The rebels also said that they are ready to reach a peace deal with the
government if the congress passes the indigenous rights bill, the government
recognizes Indian rights and culture, demilitarizes Chiapas and releases
arrested Zapatista rebels.
Observers believe that because of the different interpretations of the term
of "autonomy," it will not be easy for the two sides to reach a final peace

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