Greetings sent to Lao Party Congress

The seventh National Congress of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP)
marks a new step in the country's steady development, the Communist Party of
Vietnam Central Committee (CPV CC) says in its message of greetings to the
LPRP's congress. 

The congress was opened in Vientiane yesterday, March 12.

The message salutes the achievements recorded by the Lao Party, State and
people over the past 15 years in implementing a comprehensive reform

The reform, it says, has ensured economic growth and political stability,
improved people's living conditions and enhanced Laos' international status
and position.

The CPV CC regards the special friendship, solidarity and comprehensive
co-operation between the two neighbours fostered by President Ho Chi Minh
and President Kaysone Phomvihane as an example of faithful and pure
international relations, an important factor in the victory of each
country's revolution and a priceless treasure of the two peoples.

The CPV CC pledged to do their utmost to develop bilateral co-operation in
the interests of both countries, and for peace, stability, co-operation and
development in the region and the world.

The CPV CC also expressed heartfelt gratitude to the LPRP and the Lao people
for their valuable support and help to Vietnam's national construction and


Ho Chi Minh City launches tree planting movement

Deputy Chairman of Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee initiated the tree
planting and protection in the city through a movement entitled 'Planting
trees to remember our Great Uncle Ho' on March 10.

As planned, all schools, offices, industrial and import-export zones,
hospitals and residential areas will participate in planting trees to expand
the green coverage of the city up to 35% of the city's total area and 4.5
metres of green trees per head by the year 2005.

The city's Department of Agriculture and Rural Development will, in
co-ordination with relevant agencies, have the responsibility to organise
contests 'Green, Clean and Beautiful Environment' at all levels.


Youth contribute ideas to draft Political Report

Many Youth Union members and students came to Nhan Dan newspaper
headquarters yesterday morning to join a talk to contribute opinions to the
draft Political Report which is to be submitted to the upcoming ninth Party

Most participants affirmed that the content of the draft Political Report is
concise, adequate and profound. Many of them also expressed their belief in
the path to socialism raised in the draft document and their delight in the
achievements recorded by the Party, State and people of Vietnam for 15 years
of renovation. They also said they promised to unceasingly study so as to
follow the path chosen by the Party, Uncle Ho and the whole people.

Young people also frankly contributed ideas to the draft Political Report,
focusing on two main issues including the development of culture,
education-training, science-technology and environment; and enhancement of
the Party building and consolidating work and improvement of leadership
capacity and fighting spirit of the Party.


Activities mark 70th anniversary of Communist Youth Union

The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union has started a
series of activities to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the committee
(March 26, 1931 - March 26, 2001).

These are aimed at enlarging the participation of young people in national
building and defence and promoting the tradition of Ho Chi Minh Communist

On this occasion, the committee will recognise projects completed by the
youth, present Ly Tu Trong prize, organise the festival of Central Highlands
ethnic young people, launch the movement 'Volunteer Year for Children in
Special Difficulties' and award prizes to ten outstanding young people in

Vietnam introduced on Belgrade television

Halong bay.

Belgrade Television broadcast a programme to introduce the landscape and
features of Vietnam on March 11, according to the correspondent of the
Vietnam News Agency in Belgrade.

The programme directly presented the views of Hanoi known as the heart of
Vietnam, including the historic Ba Binh Square and President Ho Chi Minh's
Mausoleum to people in Yugoslavia.

Significant features of Hanoi were highlighted in the programme such as a
capital of thousand years of culture with One Pillar Pagoda, Temple of
Literature, world-unique water puppetry, Tran Quoc Pagoda and other historic
projects built to mark the glorious history of the fights against foreign
invaders and national building of Vietnam.

Ha Long bay, recognised as a world heritage site by UNESCO, was also


Vietnamese workers in France support renovation

The Workers' Society of the Overseas Vietnamese Association in France has
affirmed continued support to the Vietnamese Party and State's renovation at
its 26th congress. 

The congress, which was held in Paris on March 11, reviewed the society's
activities over the past three years in promoting the tradition of
patriotism and making spiritual and material contributions to the homeland.

Over the past three years, the society donated FRF 200,000 and emergency aid
to victims of natural calamities in the country.

Addressing the congress, Vietnamese Ambassador in Paris Nguyen Manh Dung
praised the society's contributions to national defence in the past and
national construction at present.

The congress elected a new 15-member executive board for the 2001-2004 term.

Russian anti-submarine warships arrives

Two Russian anti-submarine warships: ŒAdmiral Vinogradov¹ (launched in April
1989) and ŒAdmiral Panteleev¹(launched in 1991) of the Asia-Pacific Fleet,
the Russian Navy arrived in Saigon port in Ho Chi Minh City for the first
time on March 12.

This is within the framework of co-operation between the Defence Ministries
of Vietnam and Russian Federation.

The whole crew has 800 members. Vice Admiral and Deputy Commander of the
Asia-Pacific Fleet A V Konev is the head of the delegation.

The two warships will be staying in Ho Chi Minh City till March 16. The
delegation is scheduled to pay floral tribute at the Ho Chi Minh Monument;
met with the city¹s leaders, the Naval Command, the Command of the Military
Zone No 7 and have friendly volleyball matches with the Ho Chi Minh City
Naval Technical School.
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