From: NY Transfer News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2001 19:31:14 -0500 (EST)
Subject: [CubaNews] Fidel Castro Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Thursday March 15 3:12 PM ET (via yahoo)

Castro Up for Nobel Peace Prize

OSLO, Norway (AP) - Cuban President Fidel Castro has been nominated for the
Nobel Peace Prize for his work on behalf of developing nations, a Norwegian
politician announced Thursday.

Hallgeir Langeland, a left-wing member of Parliament, said he knew his
decision to nominate the Cuban leader might be seen as controversial.

But he said Castro deserved recognition for helping other nations despite
the hardships of U.S. sanctions imposed on Cuba after his communist
government seized power in 1959.

Cuba is a small, poor country that still has managed to send doctors,
engineers and aid workers to developing countries, said Langeland.

The awards committee last month announced that 132 Nobel Peace Prize
nominations were received by the Feb. 1 deadline. It never reveals the names
or comments on candidates.

Some of those nominated for the 2001 peace prize are known because those
backing them announced their choice.

They include U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, U.S. peace broker Richard
Holbrooke, Chinese Falun Gong (news - web sites) movement founder Li
Hongzhi, and former President Carter.

The winner of this year's prize will be announced on Oct. 12. The Nobel
prizes were first awarded in 1901, and are always presented on Dec. 10, the
date their creator, Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel, died.

Langeland has nomination rights as a member of a national legislature.

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