From: John Clancy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: [Cuba SI] VIEQUES PRESS RELEASE 3-15-01

Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques
P.O. Box 1424 Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765
Tel. (787) 741-0716 E mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

15 March, 2001
      Special Report
            Viequenses paralize ATSDR proceedings

On Wednesday, March 14, a large group of Viequenses, representing
diverse  sectors of the community, paralized the proceedings of the
Agency for Toxic  Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) in Vieques.
The agency arrived on  Vieques as part of the US Navy¥s public
relations program designed to  discredit the arguments of our
envirnomental scientists and silence our  denunciation of the
negative impact on our health from military  contamination.

  During five hours officials of ATSDR waited to receive people from
the  community to offer their ëorientationí about the lack of
military  contamination of our waters. Nobody showed up!. In
solidarity with the call  from our organizations for NO COOPERATION
with the federal agency, our  people rejected ATSDRís invitation. The
only visit they received was from  around 150 Viequenses - men and
women, mothers, grandmothers and great  grandmothers, fishermen,
teachers, young people, students, doctors, civic,  political and
religious leaders ñ who entered the Multiple Uses Center to  denounce
the agencyís presence here and the health crisis caused by the

 The protesta action was organized by the Committee for the Rescue
and  Development of Vieques (CRDV) with the active participation of
the Vieques  Women¥s Alliance, Vieques Youth United, the Federation
and Association of  Teachers of Puerto Rico (Vieques locals),
Horsemen for Peace, Vieques  Veterans for Peace, Peace and Justice
Camp, Luisa Guadalupe Camp, the ex  Mayor of Vieques, RadamÈs Tirado,
Association of Fishermen, among others.

 A procession of people carrying crosses with names of victims of
cancer or  military violence, heavy metals and other chemical
contaminants began the  entrance to the meeting hall. Then four
people carried in a wooden casket  that was placed in the center of
the room, followed by about one hundred  citizens with crosses and
signs about contamination and deaths due to  cancer. With litanies,
chants, hymns and several brief messages, the group  clearly and
firmly expressed the community¥s rejection of intervention by  this
agency whose history is one of serving the industrial and military
 interests accused of contaminating. Harry Felix sang a song he
recently  wrote dedicated to Milivy Adams, a 4 year old viequense
girl with cancer who  has become a symbol of the cancer crisis here.

 Among those holding crosses were Fela GarcÌa, cancer patient whose
cross had  the name of her husband ñ don Angel Navarro ñ also a
cancer victim; don Suso  Berm™dez lifted high a cross with his
daughter¥s name ñ Minerva ñ died of  cancer at the age of 20; also
with a cross was the family of Liza Rosa, who  died at the age of 16
with leukemia. Fishermen¥s Associations leaders Carlos  Ventura and
Carlos ZenÛn also participated, as did Education Department
 officiales and members of the Municipal Government.

With an impressive discipline and strength of statement, the
protesters  filed out of the Multiple Uses Center, leaving one by one
the sixty crosses  (one for each year of the Navy presence) on the
ATSDR information table. We  stayed outside the Center until at 5 PM,
the hour to end the Public Audience  - that never took place!!

We must thank our environmental scientists-advisors for their
important help  in creating awareness about ATSDR and for helping us
to critically analyze  the agency¥s report suggesting no Navy
contamination of Vieques drinking  waters. Sara Peish (Center for
Environmental Action), UPR chemist, Jorge  ColÛn (Technical and
Professional Group in Support of Vieques), chemist JosÈ  Sep™lveda,
spokesman for the Villa Cristiana community in Puerto Rico that
 suffered terrible mercury contamination and expected health crisis,
although  ATSDR certified their neighborhood as "safe".

All aspects of the protest were discussed in two community meetings
at the  Peace and Justice Camp, the second with the participation of
more than forty  people representative of the diverse segments of our
civil society. The  tasks were divided and a program of action
prepared to carry out what was  proposed and discussed with the
intention of paralizing the ATSDR  proceedings in Vieques. Everyone
did their work ñ and this collective action  ended in a small but
signficant victory in defense of our health and against  military

The struggle for Peace on Vieques has received great impulse
recently: the  excellent work of the People¥s Lobbyists in
Washington, D.C.; declarations  of solidarity from public figures
like the Governor of New York, the ex  president of Costa Rica,
Hillary Clinton, the Bishops of Puerto Rico and of  Chiapas, actor
Martin Sheen, Ricky Martin; the Governors statement that the  health
of our people is not negotiable.   All of these actions are
important. However, it is the organized and  militant work of our
people in the streets of Vieques, our fishermen in the  sea, our
constant protest in the Navyís face at the gate to Camp GarcÌa, and
 actions like the paralization of the ATSDR ñ with the participation
of  diverse sectors of our community ñ that send the strongest
message to the  Navy: that the days of military tyranny on Vieques
are over; that no more  bombs will be dropped here; that here lives a
people with dignity and  willing to make the necessary sacrifices to
defend their right to live in  peace.

R. Rabin, CRDV 

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