TODAY'S NEWS (March.18.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. warned against its hardline policy toward DPRK

Austrian preparatory committee for commemorating Sun's Day formed

People's solidarity organization formed in S. Korea

GIs' mass killings condemned

U.S. administration's assertion refuted

Rodong Sinmun on anti-U.S. struggle

U.S. warned against its hardline policy toward DPRK
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- If the United States takes a hardline
stand towards the DPRK, resorting to the "policy of strength", it will react
to it with the toughest position, warns Minju Joson today in a signed
commentary. It says:
    The U.S. imperialists announced that they would deploy 4 sophisticated
helicopters "MH-47E" for special operation in South Korea. They are
contemplating the delivery of various type war means including
fighter-bomber "F-15K" to South Korea.
    All these facts clearly prove that their aggressive nature remains
unchanged as those grave moves are aimed to aggravate the situation on the
Korean peninsula, disturb peace and increase the danger of war.
    The north-south relations have developed on good terms since the
publication of the historic June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and an
atmosphere of reconciliation, unity and reunification is mounting higher
than ever before among the Koreans.
    However, the U.S. is reinforcing its armed forces in South Korea and
steadily escalating hostile acts and war exercises against the DPRK,
straining the situation in Korea. How should all these moves be interpreted?
    These are an undisguised challenge to the desire of our fellow
countrymen to sincerely implement the north-south joint declaration and open
the door of national reunification by the concerted efforts of our nation
and the aspiration of the progressive people of the world after the peace
and peaceful reunification of Korea.
    The DPRK will never tolerate the adventurous moves of those keen on
confrontation and war against it but deal telling blows at anyone who dares
attack it. 

Austrian preparatory committee for commemorating Sun's Day formed
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- An Austrian preparatory committee for
commemorating Sun's Day (April 15), the birth anniversary of President Kim
Il Sung, was formed in Vienna on March 13. Max Verworner, chairman of the
society for the promotion of the relations between Austria and the
Democratic People's Republic of Korea, was elected chairman of the
    The committee discussed and decided on a plan for commemorations of
Sun's Day. 


People's solidarity organization formed in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The "National People's Solidarity for
Achieving National Independence, Democracy and Civil Rights for Existence"
(Minjungryondae) was inaugurated in South Korea on march 14, says the
newspaper Hangyore. It groups 35 workers, peasants and dissident movement
organizations such as the South Korean Confederation of Trade Unions and the
National Federation of Peasants Associations.
    Minjungryondae said at an inaugural meeting that it would intensify in
the future the movement to solve issues such as the opening of a people's
rally, the launch of a regional popular movement, unemployment and the
problem of the Dae Woo Motor Company.


GIs' mass killings condemned
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The United States should officially
apologize and compensate for GIs' mass killings against Korean civilians and
should not interfere in the Korean nation's efforts to settle the question
of national reunification by themselves in any case. The secretariat of the
Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland said this in
information bulletin no. 808 issued yesterday in connection with the recent
disclosure of more mass killings committed by GIs during the Korean War.
    The bulletin said:
    Remains of more than 2,000 Koreans brutally killed by U.S. imperialist
aggressor forces were recently unearthed in a mine in Kyongsan, North
Kyongsang Province.
    This is another evidence clearly showing how brutally GIs killed
innocent Koreans in different parts of Korea during the last Korean War.
    Nevertheless, the U.S. imperialists are playing a sleight of hand to
evade responsibility for GIs' barbarous mass killings, instead of
apologizing to the Korean nation for them.
    It is a miscalculation for the U.S. to think it can get off scotfree
after committing such hideous massacres of Koreans.
    The people in South Korea and all other Koreans will never remain a
passive onlooker to the shuddering massacres perpetrated by the U.S.
imperialists but force them to pay for their blood a thousand times.


U.S. administration's assertion refuted
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The Bush administration said that it
would take a "hardline stance" towards the DPRK, absurdly asserting that the
DPRK's stand to implement the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework is not transparent
and it is a "dangerous state". In this regard Rodong Sinmun today says in a
signed commentary: This is an indication that the Bush administration is not
interested in the improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations but is poised to
pursue an extremely dangerous aim to destroy the DPRK's socialist system by
force of arms. 
    As far as the issue of the implementation of the AF is concerned, it is
the U.S. that is nontransparent in its stand toward the AF.
    The construction of the light water reactors, a core point of the AF, is
being indefinitely delayed due to the U.S. deliberate negligence and the
DPRK is, accordingly, suffering heavy economic losses. The United States has
brought the charge of "non-trasparency" against the DPRK which has sincerely
implemented the AF despite the fact that Washington is throwing artificial
hurdles in the way of its implementation. This is just like a thief crying
"stop the thief ". 
    The far-fetched assertion made by the U.S. imperialists is aimed to
shift the responsibility for the possible collapse of the AF on to the DPRK
and watch for a chance to stifle it by force.
    The United States's description of the DPRK as a "dangerous state" is
simply designed to justify its moves to stifle the DPRK. It is preposterous,
indeed, for the U.S. imperialists, most dangerous forces of aggression, to
label other country as a "dangerous state".
    The DPRK is neither afraid of nor browbeaten by the U.S. "hardline
policy". This only compels the DPRK to strengthen its tough attitude toward
the United States and further increase the self-reliant defence capability.
    It is a wrong option for the bush administration to seek to bring the
DPRK to its knees by high-handed military threat and pressure instead of
finding a negotiated solution to the issue of DPRK-U.S. relations.
    The people's army and people of Korea will demonstrate their stamina by
mercilessly punishing any aggressors coming to seize the DPRK by force of
    The U.S. ruling quarters are well advised to bear this in mind and stop
such foolish moves.


Rodong Sinmun on anti-U.S. struggle
     Pyongyang, March 18 (KCNA) -- The anti-U.S. struggle at present is the
common duty and prime task of all the people the world over and the main
strategy of global independence in our era, says Rodong Sinmun today in a
signed article. It goes on:
    It is none other than the U.S. pursuing "unipolar globalisation" who
viciously disturbs and challenges the struggle of the world people for
    By talking about the demonstration of U.S. "strength and authority" U.S.
President Bush betrays his stand and attitude to dominate the world by force
of arms and intends to step up the establishment of the dangerous "National
Missile Defence" system.
    The reality shows that without the struggle against the U.S.
imperialists world peace and security cannot be defended, nor can the
sovereignty of the nation be achieved.
    The anti-imperialist and independent forces of the world should
strengthen their unity and fight against the U.S. imperialists with
concerted efforts and give no place for the U.S. to set foot.
    What is important in the struggle against the U.S. imperialists is to
struggle against the pro-American reactionary forces.
    It is one of the basic methods applied by the U.S. imperialists to
embroil all reactionary forces in the campaign against the anti-imperialist
and independent countries.
    Therefore, it is an important part of the anti-U.S. struggle to fight
against the stooges and followers of the U.S. imperialists.
    The progressive people of the world should heighten vigilance against
the U.S. "double-faced tactics" and smash it to pieces.
    The U.S. imperialists are frantically trying to make the world a
unipolar world under their baton, resorting to high-handed and arbitrary
practices even under the circumstances where multi-lateral international
relations are being established in the new century.
    The progressive people of the world should squarely see the aggressive
nature and true colour of the U.S. imperialists and turn out to the struggle
against them, the common enemy.

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