
Year 2001 No. 50 , March 16, 2001

The Prime Minister's "Modern Version of Full Employment"

The World in Brief


The Prime Minister's "Modern Version of Full Employment"
Speaking at the launch of the Employment Green Paper on March 14, Tony Blair
had the message: "Full employment in the modern sense is within our grasp."

It was only near the end of the speech that "this vision" which "is finally
coming into focus" (and this "is entirely new") was spelt out. It is
"nothing less than to create in Britain the chance for everyone to work";
"the chance for everyone to have a stake in society through work". So it "is
now up to all of us to take that final step and make employment
opportunities for all - the modern version of full employment - a reality".

That is, full employment "in the modern sense", "the modern version" of full
employment, does not mean that everyone in society is employed. It means
"employment opportunities for all", "the chance for everyone to have a stake
in society through work".

"Full employment" in the language of the economists who are apologists for
capitalism has never actually meant that everyone is employed. Such a thing
is inconceivable under capitalism, which needs its "reserve army of the
unemployed" to ensure that the cost of labour power in the market place is
kept as low as possible. This is no perverse interpretation of these
economists of capitalism (of course, presented as a kind of timeless
economics). For example, one commentator points out that according to many
economists, "full employment" translates into "a level of unemployment that
puts no upward pressure on inflation". In other words, this is an economy
"without labour shortages appearing that lead to rising wages and hence
prices". "Without labour shortages" means that in the labour market there
must always be a pool of unemployed workers to be hired by the capitalist.

However, it is evident from Tony Blair's remarks that, although he is
comfortable with the assumption that "full employment" does not entail
employment for everyone, nevertheless there is something specific that he is
trying to get across. There is the question of the Labour Party's programme,
its communitarianism or model of a stakeholder society. And there is a
contemporary reality to be taken account of, the reality of imperialist
globalisation and the cut-throat competition among the monopolies to compete
for and dominate markets.

Tony Blair's catchphrase for the Labour government's developing programme is
"opportunity for all, responsibility from all". So there is the opportunity
for everyone to advance "by merit", to get a job, follow a career - provided
they buckle down to it, show responsibility to the system, seize what job
opportunities they can. For the rest who don't make it, well, that shows
their irresponsibility, and if they are not to be considered shirkers, they
must jump through so many hoops to take the most menial jobs on pain of
losing the "safety-net" of benefits. Because "very few people are", as Tony
Blair condescendingly says, "in the jobs of their dreams". And there is the
chance for everyone to have a stake in globalisation through working to make
their employers successful and competitive in the global market. Those who
get thrown out of work in the process or who refuse to accept their role in
the system, well, then society has no responsibility towards them because it
has done its duty by providing full employment "in the modern sense" - "we
gave them a chance".

The point is, the Labour government's employment programme is geared to the
need for the monopolies to win out in the globalised market, to remove the
"rigidity" of the labour market, to seek to attack workers' rights under the
guise of partnership and giving the workers a stake in society through work.
It has little or nothing to do with the unemployment rate, except for
propaganda purposes or as a policy objective. Rather, for "the inactive in
our society", those "who have - until now - been considered by some as
unable to work" - for those people Britain is opening up "as a land of
opportunity" (and woe betide those who indulge in "benefit fraud", whom the
government is targeting as the most heinous criminals). For "lone parents"
it "may mean keeping them in touch with the world of work through regular
work-focused interviews; for the disabled it may mean offering opportunities
for supported employment; and for those people living in areas with high
unemployment or inactivity, it may require extra outreach through an Action
Team for Jobs". Naturally and inevitably it "will require more tough

It is not that the economic crisis has been solved. It is the so-called
"claimant unemployment" or the "claimant count" - those eligible for and
claiming benefits and actively seeking work - that has fallen famously to
below one million (for the first time since 1975 when the Saatchi & Saatchi
slogan of "Labour Isn't Working" was launched). The unemployment rate
according to the ILO (Independent Labour Organisation) definition which Tony
Blair refers to is 5.2% -- that is, 5.2% of all those who are "economically
active". Furthermore, according to this measure there are still 1.54 million
people out of work, including those unable to claim the Job Seekers
Allowance. There are also a large number of people who are defined as
"economically inactive". The last Labour Force Survey put the number of
those working people who are of working age and who want a job at 2.2
million. This gives the number of people without a job but "willing to
work", or who "want a job", at 3.74 million.

>From the end of World War II to the beginning of the 1970s, before the
present economic crisis set in from which a way out has never been found and
which has developed from one economic crisis to another, the unemployment
rate in Britain was never above 2%. The Labour government's programme does
not promise a way out of the crisis. According to TUC forecasts, 120,000
jobs will go in manufacturing alone in 2001. Next year, it is forecast that
at least 20,000 workers will lose their jobs at car plants, suppliers and
the related economy when Ford ends vehicle assembly at Dagenham and if
Vauxhall does the same at Luton. The rosy picture which Tony Blair attempts
to paint also covers over the plight of workers in the North East of
England, where the unemployment rate is 8.1%, in Wales where it is 6.2%, and
in Yorkshire and the West Midlands where it is 5.9%. It covers over the
plight of a large number of women who would like to work but are unable to
find jobs. Among the total of 28.1 million people in work (this represents
an employment rate of only 74.8%), 7.04 million are part-time workers.

The fact of the matter is that still the trend is that more jobs are being
lost than are being created. There has been and continues to be a huge fall
in jobs in manufacturing industries. In employment such as call centres,
employers can and do axe workers as easily as the jobs were "created" in the
first place. In areas such as South Yorkshire where industries such as
coalmining have been decimated, those jobs available (such as at call
centres) may well be only at rates as low as 60% of average earnings. Not
only that, but the impending economic recession, which is a world-wide
phenomenon, may well be just round the corner.

In sum, only the programme of the working class holds a way out of the
crisis. Tony Blair's "modern version" of full employment is a programme to
ensure that the government is not held responsible for the welfare of those
whom the crisis has thrown out of a job and who face increased exploitation.
It is a programme to attempt to convince the workers that their only stake
in society is to be found by throwing their weight behind the project to
make the monopolies successful in the global market. It is a programme to
enrich the international financiers and follow their dictate, while the
vulnerable and the victims of globalisation are made the scapegoats and told
to be responsible.

The way out of the crisis is by the working class fighting for their
programme that society should guarantee a livelihood for all and fulfil this
guarantee through socialist planning with the working class and people
deciding the direction for the economy.

Article Index

The World in Brief
14-19 March BELARUS: World Bank mission led by department director for
Ukraine and Belarus to hold consultations with Belarusian government to work
out three-year co-operation strategy.

16-17 GREECE: NATO Secretary General George Robertson visits for talks with
state leadership and Defence Minister and Foreign Minister on Balkan issues
and Greek-Turkish deliberations within the context of the NATO alliance.

17 March UKRAINE: Nationwide protest for social justice to be held.

18-24 March USA/CHINA: Chinese Vice-Premier Qian Qichen visits the US.
Scheduled to meet the US President in Washington on 22 March.

18-29 March LATIN AMERICA/RUSSIA: Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov
visits Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Benezuela.

19 March USA/JAPAN: Japanese Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori and US President
meet in Washington. As well as talks on strengthening Japan-US alliance, the
summit is also expected to deal with collision between Japanese ship and US
submarine on February 9.

20 March GERMANY: Franco-German summit takes place in Herxheim.

23-24 March SWEDEN: EU heads of state and government meet to discuss among
other issues sustainable development strategy and EU enlargement. Russian
president Vladimir Putin to attend to focus on economic problems and
EU-Russian relations.

25-26 March RUSSIA/JAPAN: Japanese Prime Minister meets Russian President in
Irkutsk for discussions on how to proceed with negotiations for a bilateral
peace treaty.

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