Ten outstanding young people elected

The Youth Union and the Vietnam Fund for Young Talents elected ten most
outstanding young people in 2000, the Year of Young People in many aspects,
including study, sport, science-technology, work, production, culture-art
and security-national defence.

This was on the occasion of the 70th founding anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh
Communist Youth Union (March 26,1931 - March 26, 2001).

Of those elected, Nguyen Ngoc Huy, born in 1982, a student of the Hanoi
National University¹s Information Technology Faculty has won two gold medals
at the International Informatics Olympic Contests.

Le Quang Nam, born in 1980, a student of Mathematics and Informatics Faculty
of the University of Natural Science, Ho Chi Minh National University, has
won a gold medal at the Asia-Pacific Mathematics Olympic Contest in 1997.
Nam also gained the ŒOutstanding Young People and Student¹ titles in 1998
and 1999 and was a delegate to the National Emulation Congress last year.

Tran Hieu Ngan, born in 1974, a teakwondo martial art athlete in Phu Yen
northern province, won a silver medal at the Sydney Olympics 2000 becoming
Vietnam's first olympic medal winner. She has also won many gold, silver and
bronze medals at domestic and international competitions.

Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son, born in 1990, is a chess player of Kien Giang
southern province and a world chess champion. Son has won a gold medal at
the South-East Asia Young Chess Championship and is also the youngest player
in the list of the most outstanding athletes so far.

Bich Tra, born in 1973, from Ho Chi Minh City, came first in the finals at
the Higher Course Specialising in Piano Performance in the United Kingdom.
She won the first prize at the International Piano Contest held in the UK in
June last year. 

Nguyen Ngoc Khoa, born in 1965, is a cadre of the Anti-Aircraft - Air Force
Technical Institute . He has directly conducted research, designed, improved
and put into use many military technology and science themes of high
practical value. 

Le Minh Hoang, born 1969, is a cadre of the Binh Duong Material and
Construction Company from Binh Duong southern province. He has raised many
technical initiatives of high economic value, contributing to saving
expenditure and increasing profits for his company.

Tran Thi Bich Le, born in 1968, is an excellent cadre of Youth Union of Binh
Phuoc Secondary School in Binh Phuoc southern province. She has been
presented ŒWoman Good at Public Affairs and Housework' title in five
successive years and ŒFor the Young Generation¹ Medal.

Kbrel, born in 1967, is a Co Ho ethnic minority man in Di Linh district, Lam
Dong southern province. He has made great achievements in tree planting and
animal rearing. He has applied science and technology to production and
helped create employment for many young labourers in his locality.

Trinh Quang Thiep, born in 1976, is a police officer of the Investigation
Police Department of Gia Lai Central Highlands province¹s Public Security.
He has caught and called on many wanted offenders to give themselves up to
the police. He has also received many certifications of commendation of the
provincial Public Security Department and Youth Union and is one of 21
outstanding young people of Gia Lai province.


Youth Union¹s 70th founding anniversary marked

Activities are being held to celebrate the 70th founding anniversary of the
Youth Union (March 26, 1931 - March 26, 2001).

Ly Tu Trong Secondary School in Ha Tinh central province presented Ly Tu
Trong prizes in 2000-2001 academic year for outstanding pupils on March 17.

Youth Union cadres and pupils from Ha Tinh, Nghe An and Thanh Hoa provinces
representing for 207 pupils from 61 provinces and cities received the prize.

Thousands of young people, students and pupils of Ha Ba Trung district,
Hanoi participated in a camping festival in Lenin Park during March 17 and

During the festival, young people joined exchanges and gave performances,
singing songs about the revolution, the Party and Uncle Ho.


Vietnam hosts ASEAN officials' meetingVietnam hosted the ASEAN Senior
Officials' Meeting, ASEAN-SOM, and the fifth meeting on the Treaty on
Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapon Free Zone, SEANWFZ, in Ho Chi Minh City on
March 15 and 16. 

The deputy-minister-level meetings were chaired by Vietnam's Deputy Foreign
Minister Le Cong Phung.

During the meetings, ASEAN deputy foreign ministers exchanged views about
regional and international issues of common concern and discussed measures
to realise decisions reached at the fourth informal summit of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN, in Singapore last November.

They focused on boosting co-operation among ASEAN countries, narrowing the
development gap, supporting new ASEAN members, and developing human resource
and information technology.

Singapore and Thailand presented projects to help new ASEAN members
including Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam develop information technology
and human resource.

Vietnam in its capacity as President of the ASEAN Standing Committee (ASC)
and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) briefed the meeting about its
preparations for the ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (AMM-34), ARF and other ASEAN
meetings to be held in Hanoi in July.

The ASEAN deputy ministers agreed to the next Hanoi AMM's theme of striving
for stability, solidarity, closer economic co-operation and expansion of
international co-operation.

They also acknowledged Vietnam's proposal for 'Declaration on narrowing the
development gap for an ASEAN of dynamic and sustainable development' to be
submitted to the AMM-34 for approval.

They unanimously agreed to make a mid-term review of the implementation of
the Hanoi Plan of Action at the ASEAN Summit to be held in Brunei next
November and continue implementing Vietnam's initiative for setting up ASEAN
hotlines, organising the ASEAN cultural week and the East Asia tourism

The ASEAN deputy ministers also discussed the Code of Conduct in the East
Sea. They agreed to enhance bilateral and multilateral talks with a view to
reaching an early agreement with China on the Code of Conduct, thus
contributing to strengthening the ASEAN-China relationship for peace and
stability in the region.

The ASEAN deputy ministers agreed to make direct negotiations between
SEANWFZ members and the nuclear powers, China, France, Russia, Britain and
the United States, in Hanoi in May in the hope to strengthen the efficiency
of the SEANWFZ. 

ASEAN-member countries welcomed Vietnam's decision to co-chair the
International Support Group on Confidence Building Measures, ARF ISG-CBM,
during 2001 and 2002.

They also welcomed Vietnam's initiative to organise a seminar on economic
security in the Asian-Pacific region in the early decades of the 21st
century by the end of 2001.

The ASEAN group decided to set up an East Asia research group which will
consist of deputy foreign ministers of the 10 ASEAN countries, China, Japan
and the Republic of Korea and the ASEAN General Secretary.

The group will present recommendations for boosting East Asia co-operation
at the upcoming ASEAN+3 meetings. (VNA)


East Asian studies group set upASEAN countries, China, Japan and the
Republic of Korea (RoK) have agreed to set up a joint East Asian Studies
Group (EASG). 

The agreement, made in furtherance of a decision of the Summit between ASEAN
and China, Japan and the RoK held in Singapore in November last year, was
reached at a Senior Official Meeting of 13 countries (SOM/ASEAN+3) in Ho Chi
Minh City on March 17.

The EASG will include senior officials from 10 member countries of the
Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), China, Japan and the
Republic of Korea (RoK), and the ASEAN General Secretary. Vietnam holding
now the post of ASEAN president, was appointed to be the group's
co-ordinator among ASEAN countries; and the RoK, a co-ordinator of the three
remaining countries.

Participants agreed to hold the EASG's meeting in Hanoi in May 2001 on the
occasion of a special SOM meeting. (VNA)


Sweden opens honorary consulate general Sweden has opened an honorary
consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City.

Swedish Consul in the city Niels Sundvik will serve in the new post.

Swedish Ambassador Marie Sjolander, who is visiting Ho Chi Minh City, held a
banquet on March 16 to inaugurate his appointment.

Earlier, she was received by Chairman of the Ho Chi Minh City People's
Committee Vo Viet Thanh. (VNA)


Vietnam-Russia exchange held

An exchange entitled 'Prospects of Vietnam-Russia Co-operation and
Friendship' was held on March 18 in Ho Chi Minh City.

The exchange was between 200 students of universities and Russian consul
general in Ho Chi Minh City, Mr Y G Grashenkov.

During the three-hour cordial and open exchange, Mr Grashenkov provided to
the young people updated information on Russia-Vietnam diplomatic ties and
prospects of co-operation in economic, cultural and educational fields
between the two countries in the coming time.

This was an activity to mark the 70th founding anniversary of the Ho Chi
Minh Communist Youth Union.

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