TODAY'S NEWS (March.21.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. urged to face up to trend of times

U.S. urged to pay for blood shed by Koreans

Japan's apology and compensation to Korean people demanded

Reception in honour of CPC delegation

Boards on GIs' mass killings set up

Korean people vow to avenge U.S. provocation

Brisk land readjustment project in Korea

Solidarity for reunification formed in South Korea

Rodong Sinmun on national self-respect

Greetings to Iranian President

Greetings to Tunisian President

Kim Yong Nam greets Namibian President

For Spanish-speaking people


clausurada quinta exposicion de kimjongilia

mexico concede diploma de honor a dirigente kim jong il

"rodong sinmun" senala necesidad de ejecutar cabalmente declaracion conjunta

U.S. urged to face up to trend of times
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The U.S. Defense Department on March 5 in
an annual report submitted to the congress argued that a test program for
the "National Missile Defense" initiative (NMD) is too passive. The report
suggested that for now it is difficult for the united states to have the
immediate capacity to deploy the "NMD" for a real war between 2006 and 2010
as planned. In this regard Rodong Sinmun today says in a signed article:
    The annual report goes to clearly prove how frantically the U.S. is
working to put into practice the "NMD" as soon as possible. Its real aim is
to realize its ambition for world supremacy.
    A spokesperson for the U.S. Defense Department in charge of ballistic
missile defense admitted that the system which is now being developed by the
U.S. as regards the "NMD" is projected to cope with threat from a dangerous
state, not China, Russia and others. The U.S. hue and cry over "measure" to
cope with any country's "threat" is a pretext to justify the establishment
of the "NMD". 
    Whenever the united states undertook any aggression and war, it invented
pretexts to justify them. A proof of this was its smear campaign against the
DPRK over its "missile threat". The ulterior intention of the U.S. is to
sacrifice the DPRK for attaining Washington's sinister aim.
    That is why the U.S. is talking about a "hard line policy" towards the
DPRK, letting loose such outbursts as labelling it as "a dangerous state"
and "sponsor-terrorism". This is a very dangerous development as the U.S. is
pushing the DPRK-U.S. relations to the phase of new confrontation and
seriously threatening the peace and security in the Korean peninsula and the
rest of Asia. 
    The United States should refrain from criminal acts of going against the
trend of the times towards detente and peace.


U.S. urged to pay for blood shed by Koreans
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- British political party leaders expressed
strong resentment at the monstrous atrocities committed by the U.S.
imperialist aggressors after seeing the evidence proving them at the Sinchon
Museum in South Hwanghae Province. Displayed there are materials showing
mass killings committed by the aggressors during the Korean War (June
1950-July 1953). They killed in the most brutal way more than 35,000
innocent civilians, one fourth of the population of Sinchon county, in just
over 50 days of their occupation of the county.
    Christopher Coleman, leader of the Revolutionary Communist Party of
Britain (Marxist-Leninist) who is a spokesman of its central committee,
noted that GIs' massacres of peaceable civilians were something beyond human
imagination. The museum bears witness to the crimes of the aggressors, he
    He expressed confidence that the Korean people under the wise guidance
of leader Kim Jong Il would certainly take revenge upon the aggressors a
thousand times. 
    Andy Brooks, general secretary of the Central Committee of the New
Communist Party of Great Britain, said that he heard a lot about the brutal,
vicious and crafty nature of the U.S. imperialists and he could verify them
firsthand at the Sinchon museum.
    Saying that the U.S. imperialists committed crimes putting into the
shade the atrocities of the Hitler fascists, he urged all the people to
clearly know about what the GIs perpetrated in Korea and heighten their
vigilance against U.S. imperialism.
    Europeans should come to see the museum if they wish to know well which
sort of a country the U.S. is and what atrocities GIs committed.
    The Korean people, fully determined to give vent to the grudge of
Sinchon, will surely force the U.S. to pay the blood shed by its population.


Japan's apology and compensation to Korean people demanded
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The members of the delegation of
activists for Japan's post-war compensation headed by Koken Tsuchiya, former
chairman of the Japan federation of bar associations on a visit to the DPRK,
were interviewed by mediamen in Pyongyang on March 19. A statement issued by
the delegation at the interview contained a three-point demand to the
Japanese government and diet. It urged them to resume at an early date the
negotiations for the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and
the DPRK, apologize and compensate for Japan's military occupation of and
rule over Korea and its war of aggression and make an immediate and honest
apology and compensation to all the victims of "military sexual slavery" and
forcible drafting, etc.
    It also urged them not to allow the distortion of history, step up the
probe into its truth and take a measure to refer to Japan's war of
aggression including its military occupation and rule, "comfort women for
the army," forcible drafting, etc. in history textbooks as they were.
    It is a great mistake for Japan to treat the DPRK like South Korea,
Tsuchiya said, adding: The DPRK has maintained principled stand that it is
impossible to establish diplomatic relations with Japan unless there are
apology and compensation from it.
    He said that he would directly convey the delegation's will to the
government and work hard so that it may rectify its attitude towards the
DPRK and positively handle the issues related to the improvement of the
Japan-DPRK relations, and the opening of the ties of peace and friendship
with Pyongyang. 
    Member of the delegation Ken Arimitsu said he would strive to strengthen
exchange with the victims and those concerned in the DPRK and solidarity and
cooperation with them in order to realize an early compensation.
    Member of the delegation Satoshi Uesuki spoke of the ulterior intention
of those who try to make a retrogressive revision of Japanese history
textbooks and expressed his determination to carry on the protest campaign
against the revision.


Reception in honour of CPC delegation
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The Central Committee of the Workers'
Party of Korea hosted a reception at the mansudae assembly hall yesterday in
honour of the visiting delegation of the Communist Party of China led by
Zeng Qinghong. Choe Thae Bok in his speech warmly congratulated the Chinese
people on their full demonstration of the inexhaustible creative power and
might of the Chinese nation in the socialist modernization drive under the
leadership of the CPC with Jiang Zemin as its core and expressed the belief
that they would gain a greater success in their efforts to achieve the
grandiose strategic targets of the tenth five-year plan.
    The workers' party and people of Korea will make all efforts to further
develop the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties and
the two countries, upholding the noble intention of leader Kim Jong Il, he
    Zeng Qinghong in his speech said that the Sino-Korean friendship was
provided and developed by chairman Mao Zedong, premier Zhou Enlai, Deng
Xiaoping and president Kim Il Sung, proletarian revolutionaries of the old
generation in the two countries, and that the friendship is consolidating
under the concern of Jiang Zemin and Kim Jong Il.
    It was a great event in the relations of the two countries that the
supreme leaders of the two parties exchanged profound views and reached a
consensus of views on the issues of common concern and on the development of
bilateral relations, he said, adding: the friendly and cooperative relations
between the two countries will surely greet a brighter future in the new


Boards on GIs' mass killings set up
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Boards have been set up in different
places of Sinchon county, south hwanghae province, to expose and condemn
mass killings committed by the U.S. imperialists there during their
occupation in the Korean War (June 1950-July 1953). Boards were set up at
the air-raid shelter of the former public security office of Sinchon county
where U.S. imperialist aggressors killed over 520 members of the Workers'
Party of Korea and other civilians through an explosion after closing its
door, on the Sokdang bridge from which they threw more than 2,000 innocent
people, killing them all, at the Poku reservoir where they massacred over
640 civilians, and other places.
    The board standing in the Joksu valley in Uryong-ri deals with the
monstrous atrocities committed by the aggressors.
    They buried patriots alive and killing them after torturing them by
cutting off the soles of their feet.
    They murdered over 35,000 people in Sinchon county or one fourth of its
population in a brutal manner during 50 odd days of their occupation.
    Seeing the boards, people from all walks of life and servicepersons
bitterly condemned the U.S. imperialists for running amuck in the moves to
provoke a new war. 


Korean people vow to avenge U.S. provocation
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- The Bush administration's undisguised
moves to isolate and stifle the DPRK are escalating the Korean people's
indignation and hatred. Working people of Korea, enraged by the U.S.
warmongers' clamours for "hard-line," are hardening their determination to
resolutely fight against the enemies.
    They unanimously condemned the U.S. imperialists for attempting
arrogantly and shamelessly to stifle the DPRK instead of apologizing and
compensating the Korean people for their crimes.
    Yang Sun Chol, first secretary of the Kim Il Sung University Committee
of the Youth League, said that the Korean students would take the lead in
annihilating the U.S. imperialists if they ignite a war against the DPRK.
    We will shower fire of revenge on the U.S. imperialist aggressors to
wreak our parents' pent-up wrath and make them pay for the blood shed by our
people, he said. 
    Hong Ung Phyo, manager of the Pyongyang Textile Wholesale Firm, stressed
that all workers of the firm are tensely working and living with surging
indignation against the u.s. imperialists and that all of them would take
arms to fight against the enemies when they kindle a war of aggression.
    Ri Sang Mu, director of a department of the Jagang provincial people's
committee, said that the U.S. imperialists are, indeed, the sworn enemy of
the Korean people. 
   The U.S. imperialists are resorting to the moves for aggression, throwing
a wet blanket over the increasing desire of all the Koreans for
    If the U.S. imperialists ignite a war of aggression, we war veterans
will fight against them as bravely as we drove them into the "trap valley"
in the past war, he stated, and continued:
    The U.S. imperialists should be mindful of this warning of the Korean
    If they foolishly try to test our strength, they will sustain a bitterer
defeat than that in the 1950s.


Brisk land readjustment project in Korea
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- A project for land levelling and rezoning
is now progressing apace in South Hwanghae Province of the DPRK. According
to information available, thousands of hectares of land have been readjusted
into standardized fields, each covering 1,000 to 1,500 phyong, in recent ten
odd days, taking the province as a whole.
    More than 30,000 hectares of land have so far been levelled and rezoned
in the province. 
    The province is carrying out land readjustment in such a way as to win
admiration of posterity.
    Those from Pyongyang and Kangwon Province in charge of the land
readjustment in Paechon county are carrying out their daily assignments at
150 percent by ensuring the full capacity operation of bulldozers and other
means involved. 
    Those from Nampho and South Hamgyong Province in charge of land
readjustment of Yonan and Chongdan counties are turning many areas into
standardized fields by bulldozing or carrying hundreds of cubic metres of
earth everyday. 
    Those from Jagang Province are registering successes in readjusting
terraced paddy fields in Thaethan and Ryongyon counties and turning mud
puddles into arable land.
    Patches of paddy and nonpaddy fields, each covering 10-20 phyong, and
winding ridges between paddy fields in Unryul, Unchon and Jaeryong areas
turned into a wide plain.
    Those from various provinces engaged in land readjustment in south
hwanghae province are registering signal achievements everyday with a goal
to level and rezone more than 70,000 hectares of land before the spring


Solidarity for reunification formed in South Korea
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Solidarity for reunification, a civil
organization for national reunification, was formed in South Korea on March
15, according to an MBC report from Seoul. It consists of over 30 dissident
and student organizations including the national alliance for democracy and
reunification and the South Korean Federation of University Student
    The solidarity, inaugurated under the banner of solidarity with all
organizations and individuals who assent to the June 15 North-South Joint
Declaration, decided to make a positive contribution to speeding up


Rodong Sinmun on national self-respect
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- It is a sure guarantee for successfully
carving out the destiny of the nation and glorifying the national dignity to
deepen national self-respect, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article.
If a nation loses its self-respect to have illusion and expectation for the
imperialists, it is bound to go to ruin, the article says, and continues:
    The imperialists, talking about the improved relations with big
countries, are loudmouthed about "strategic partnership" and "engagement"
and avoid confrontation with those countries as far as possible under the
signboard of "smile diplomacy" and "diplomacy of detente". But they are
putting pressure upon small and weak countries in a bid to stifle them by
force of arms. 
    Professing "democracy," "liberty," "pluralism" and "multi-party system"
the imperialists are working hard to bar small countries and nations from
advancing along the road chosen by themselves and pursuing a big-stick
policy towards those countries to let them meekly obey them.
    It is the imperialists who will become more arrogant and outrageous if
other countries get more obedient to them, bereft of self-respect.
    However small a nation is, it should have stronger national
    This is an important lesson and truth the Korean people have learned in
the gunfireless confrontation with the imperialists.
    Only when a nation has strong self-respect, can it defend its
sovereignty and dignity and contribute to the human cause of independence.


Greetings to Iranian President
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to Seyed
Mohammad Khatami, President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, today on the
occasion of the Islamic New Year. Extending warm greetings to him and the
friendly Iranian people, the message expressed the conviction that the
friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would continue
to expand and develop in the new century.
    It wished the president, the government and people of Iran greater
progress and prosperity.


Greetings to Tunisian President
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings
to Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, President of the Republic of Tunisia, on the
occasion of the 45th national day. The message extended warm felicitations
to the president, government and people on their national day and expressed
belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries
would further develop on good terms in the future in conformity with the
desire and wishes of the two peoples in the new century.
    It sincerely wished the Tunisian people greater progress and prosperity.
    Meanwhile, premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam and foreign
minister Paek Nam Sun sent messages of greetings to their Tunisian
counterparts Mohamed Ghannouchi and Habib Ben Yahia.


Kim Yong Nam greets Namibian President
     Pyongyang, March 21 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, sent a message of greetings to
Namibian President Sam Nujoma on March 16 on the occasion of the 11th
anniversary of the independence of Namibia. The message extended warm
congratulations to the president, government and people on their
independence day and expressed belief that the good friendly and cooperative
relations between the two countries would grow stronger in the future.
    It sincerely wished the president greater success in his work for the
prosperity of the country, the people's wellbeing and peace in the region.


For Spanish-speaking people

clausurada quinta exposicion de kimjongilia
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- ayer fue clausurada la quinta
exposicion de kimjongilia inaugurada el dia 14 en el palacio de estudio del
pueblo en pyongyang. mas de 500 mil personas recorrieron mas de 7 000
kimjongilias exhibidas esta vez.
    en el acto de clausura fueron adjudicados el premio mejor, el premio
excelente, el premio al merito, el premio al trabajo y los diplomas de
reconocimiento a las unidades que contribuyeron grandemente al aseguramiento
exitoso de la presente edicion.
    tambien, fueron conferidos el premio al trabajo y los diplomas de
reconocimiento a los destacados trabajadores, militares y estudiantes.
    jang chol, presidente de la federacion de kimjongilia de corea al hacer
uso de la palabra dijo que la quinta edicion fue un festival de flores que
refleja fervorosos sentimientos de elogio, veneracion y votos del pueblo
coreano, los coreanos residentes en el ultramar y la humanidad progresista
del mundo quienes respetan infinitamente como el sol del siglo 21 al
estimado general kim jong il.


mexico concede diploma de honor a dirigente kim jong il
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- el gobierno de la ciudad de puebla
de mexico concedio el diploma de honor de la ciudad al gran dirigente kim
jong il con motivo de su cumpleanos. el acto de otorgamiento tuvo lugar el
dia 16 en el ayuntamiento.
    en el acto el jefe de departamento de relaciones exteriores del gobierno
de la ciudad dijo que el diploma de honor de la ciudad de puebla que se
concede tradicionalmente a los grandes hombres se otorga esta vez al
estimado general kim jong il en alta evaluacion a sus grandes hazanas e
inmortal contribucion a los esfuerzos por el progreso y el bienestar de la
humanidad sobreponiendose a todos los obstaculos, con su excepcional
presciencia e indoblegable lucha.
    el subalcalde lo entrego al encargado de nogocios a.i. de la rpdc en su


"rodong sinmun" senala necesidad de ejecutar cabalmente declaracion conjunta
     pyongyang, 21 de febrero (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun" inserto
en el numero de hoy un articulo individual que senala: la llave principal
para registrar este ano un viraje trascendental en el cumplimiento de la
causa de reunificacion de la patria radica en cumplir estrictamente la
declaracion conjunta norte-sur.
    la ejecucion cabal de la declaracion conjunta norte-sur es la llave
principal de la solucion del problema de la reunificacion del pais porque
esta declaracion indica el camino de la reunificacion independiente. el
unico camino para la reunificacion es resolverla de manera independiente con
las fuerzas propias de la nacion coreana de acuerdo con el espiritu
fundamental de esta declaracion.
    otra razon por la cual la ejecucion cabal de dicha declaracion es la
llave principal para realizar la reunificacion de la patria reside en que
esta declaracion dilucida claramente los medios de lograrla de manera
independiente y pacifica y que dicha ejecucion propicia lograr la
reconciliacion y la unidad nacionales. en el documento el norte y el sur se
comprometen a lograr la reunificacion basada en la coexistencia de sus
regimenes diferentes, lo que constituye un avance trascendental en el camino
para la reunificacion de la patria.
    deben ser duenos de la ejecucion de esta declaracion todos los coreanos:
el norte y el sur, sus autoridades, los hombres civiles y las fuerzas en el
poder y de oposicion.
    se lograra ciertamente la reunificacion independiente y pacifica de la
patria cuya llave la tiene la nacion coreana, encargada y duena de esta

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