TODAY'S NEWS (March.22.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. urged to stop escalating international tensions

KCNA on outbursts of U.S. officials

Gift to Kim Jong Il from head of Chinese party delegation

Reception given for Shanghai Symphony Orchestra

Steps taken for effective use of water

U.S. can never bring Korean people to their knees, says political figure of

Octagonal 13-storeyed Pagoda of Pohyon Temple

Korean people's anti-U.S. struggle supported

Greetings to Pakistani President

DPRK-Pakistan cultural exchange plan signed

DPRK delegation leaves for South Africa

Kim Jong Il meets CPC delegation


U.S. urged to stop escalating international tensions
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- The United States is rendering the
situation unstable, containing and destroying the peace process and
escalating tensions in different parts of the world, says Rodong Sinmun
today in a signed article. Citing facts to prove this, the article goes on:
    The U.S. has destabilized or aggravated regional situation through such
armed interference and war against other countries as the brigandish
invasion of Grenada and Panama and the air raid on Libya aiming to
assassinate its head of state.
    After the end of the cold war the U.S. is poking its nose into the
internal affairs of other countries under the signboard of "multi-partism"
and "democracy" to make their situation unstable and complicated.
    It was directly or indirectly involved in armed conflicts and rebellions
in Angola, Democratic Congo and other regions and countries of Africa and is
harassing peace and aggravating the tension in the mideast area.
    It is also rendering the situation in northeast Asia strained.
    The U.S. ruling circles are becoming all the more undisguised in their
moves to pursue a "hard line policy" toward the DPRK, labelling it as a
"dangerous state" and "sponsor of terrorism."
    The Bush administration is working hard to derail the DPRK-U.S.
relations from the track of dialogue and detente provided during its
preceding administration and turn them back to the phase of acute
    After the emergence of the bush administration, the U.S., regarding
China as a "potential rival," not as a "strategic partner", is trying to
revise or abrogate the "ABM" treaty and establish the "NMD" in a bid to
contain and bring Russia and China under control and to dominate the
    The world peaceloving people should clearly understand the aggressive
nature of the U.S. imperialists and shatter every one of their moves for
aggression and interference.


KCNA on outbursts of U.S. officials
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Blare, commander-in-chief of the U.S.
Armed Forces in the Pacific, when interviewed in South Korea, said that the
DPRK is "No. 1 enemy" of the U.S., at a time when the Bush administration is
talking about a hard line policy towards the DPRK. The U.S. charge
d'affaires in Seoul chimed in with Blare's words, asserting that "He clearly
explained the threat from the north" and "looking over the ceasefire line,
one cannot but feel the threat from the north."
    These remarks were little short of war outcries as they openly revealed
the fact that the U.S. has no will to put an end to the hostile relations of
confrontation with the DPRK and it is keen to strain the situation on the
Korean peninsula and stifle Pyongyang by force of arms.
    The U.S. official figures underscored the need to tighten the military
"alliance" with South Korea and raised a hue and cry over "threat" from the
DPRK at a time when the desire of the Korean nation to open up the door of
reunification by its efforts is growing stronger than ever before after the
historic north-south joint declaration was published last year. This only
betrayed their heinous criminal intention.
    Though the U.S. is paying lip-service to the peace and security on the
Korean peninsula, it is, in fact, hamstringing the process for the
improvement of the inter-Korean relations and chilling the Korean people's
efforts for independent and peaceful reunification.
    This goes to prove that the U.S. is still obsessed by the ambition to
keep South Korea under its permanent military occupation and retain firm
hold on the Korean peninsula as a strategic vantage-point to establish
hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region.
    However, the U.S. is well advised to clearly understand that its
aggressive ambition can never come true.
    The U.S. had better bear deep in mind that our repeated warnings are not
empty words. 


Gift to Kim Jong Il from head of Chinese party delegation
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Zeng Qinghong, head of the visiting
delegation of the Communist Party of China, presented a gift to leader Kim
Jong Il. The gift was handed to choe thae bok yesterday.


Reception given for Shanghai Symphony Orchestra
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Culture gave a reception
at the People's Palace of Culture yesterday in honour of the visiting
Shanghai Symphony Orchestra. Present on invitation were the members of the
symphony orchestra led by Ye Zhikang, director general of the Shanghai
municipal culture, radio, film and TV administration.
    Also invited there were cultural counsellor Feng Zhiyuan and members of
the Chinese embassy here.
    Minister of Culture Kang Nung Su, vice-minister of culture Song Sok
Hwan, vice-chairman of the Korean Committee for Cultural Relations with
Foreign Countries Kim Jin Bom and officials concerned were present.
    Speeches were made at the reception.


Steps taken for effective use of water
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Today is the world day of water. On this
occasion the DPRK natural conservation union is working hard to protect and
save water and ensure its sustained use. There are more than 6,600 rivers
and streams in Korea, each extending over 5 kilometres. The annual amount of
water there averages over 132 billion cubic metres.
    The density of rivers is 0.4 to 0.6 km per square km.
    The DPRK has always paid deep attention to the work to make an effective
use of abundant water resources. It adopted the "law on water resources" in
Juche 86 (1997). 
    It has made sustained efforts to make a rational use of water resources
over the past several years despite the difficult economic situation.
    This period witnessed the construction of the Anbyon Youth Power
Station, the Thaechon Power Station and many other large power stations and
minor ones. 
    The completion of the Kaechon-Lake Thaesong Waterway project now under
way would make it possible to store tens of thousands of Jongmi (one Jongmi
equals 10,000 cubic metres of water) and ensure a more satisfactory supply
of irrigation water and industrial water.
    Many lock gates and reservoirs have been built in different parts of the
country to effectively use water for the economic development and the
improvement of the standard of the people's living.


U.S. can never bring Korean people to their knees, says political figure of
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Sandra Smith, national leader of the
Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) who visited the DPRK, said that
the Korean people have their firm will to make the U.S. pay the price of
centuries-old aggression and plunder. The atrocities committed by the GIs
arouse stronger indignation of the Korean people as the days go by, he said,
and pointed out: The U.S. troops are still committing brutal outrages
against the South Korean people.
    The U.S. can never bring the Korean people to their knees because they
are under the wise guidance of Kim Jong Il, an illustrious commander and a
great statesman, he stressed, adding:
    If the U.S., unmindful of this, recklessly pounces upon the Korean
people again, it will go to ruin.


Octagonal 13-storeyed Pagoda of Pohyon Temple
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- In front of the main shrine of Pohyon
Temple in Mt. Myohyang, one of Korea's celebrated scenic spots, is a
13-storeyed octagonal pagoda symbolic of stone architecture in the mediaeval
ages. The polished granites are laid on its base. The Pagoda is 10.03 metres
high and it is claimed to be one of the tallest and most elaborate pagodas
in Korea. Its top is made of bronze and the base three-storeyed.
    The Pagoda gradually becomes narrower ascending upward in height and
width, giving a symmetrical effect.
    Each edge of the main body is carved in relief, with rims on each facet.
the bells, 104 in number, fastened to the eaves of every storey, jingle in a
slight breeze. The bells and top of the pagoda were destroyed by U.S.
bombing during the Korean War and have been restored to original state after
the war. 
    The Pagoda is preserved as a heritage of the Korean ancestors' talent
and wisdom. 


Korean people's anti-U.S. struggle supported
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- The world revolutionary people are
voicing firm solidarity with the Korean people in their just cause, warning
if the u.s. imperialists ignite another war of aggression in Korea,
oblivious of the historical lesson, the heroic people's army and people of
Korea will surely annihilate the aggressors. The master of the cypriot
flagged ship "prudent" said that the people and People's Army of Korea under
the wise leadership of President Kim Il Sung beat back the armed invasion by
the U.S. imperialists, who boasted of being "the strongest" in the world,
for the first time in history, thus demonstrating their dignity and pride as
an independent people.
    Martin Lotscher, chairman of the Swiss Committee for Supporting Korea's
Reunification, said that thanks to Kim Jong Il's army-first revolutionary
leadership the defence capability of the DPRK has increased and the U.S.
imperialists' moves to provoke a war of aggression have gone bust, urging
the yankees illegally stationed in South Korea to withdraw all their troops
and nuclear weapons from there.
    Humberto Vargas Carbonel, secretary general of the people's
unity-people's vanguard of Costa Rica, noted that any attempt of the
imperialists to undermine socialism in Korea is bound to fail thanks to the
wise guidance of Kim Jong Il and the brave struggle of the Korean people.


Greetings to Pakistani President
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, yesterday sent a message of greetings
to Muhammad Rafiq Tarar, President of Pakistan, on the occasion of the Day
of Pakistan. The message extended warm congratulations to the president and
people of Pakistan on this occasion and expressed the belief that the
friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow
    It wished the president and people of Pakistan greater success in their
work to build a prosperous country.
    Meanwhile, premier of the DPRK cabinet Hong Song Nam sent a message of
greetings to Pervez Musharraf, chief executive of Pakistan, on this


DPRK-Pakistan cultural exchange plan signed
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- A plan for cultural exchange between the
DPRK and Pakistani governments for Juche 90-93 (2001-2004) was signed in
Islamabad on March 17. It was signed by the acting chairman of the Korean
Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries who was heading the
DPRK government cultural delegation on a visit to Pakistan and the minister
of minorities, culture, sports, tourist and youth affairs of Pakistan.


DPRK delegation leaves for South Africa
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- A DPRK delegation led by vice-minister of
public health Choe Chang Sik left here today to participate in the
conference of ministers of health of non-aligned countries to be held in
South Africa. 


Kim Jong Il meets CPC delegation
     Pyongyang, March 22 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of
the Workers' Party of Korea and Chairman of the DPRK National Defence
Commission, today met the visiting delegation of the Communist Party of
China led by Zeng Qinghong. Present there were Jo Myong Rok, first
vice-chairman of the NDC of the DPRK and director of the general political
department of the Korean People's Army, Ji Jae Rryong, vice-director of the
international department of the C.C., the WPK, and Wang Guozhang, Chinese
ambassador e.p. to the DPRK.
    At the meeting, Zeng Qinghong courteously conveyed to Kim Jong Il the
warm greetings from Ziang Jemin, General Secretary of the C.C., the CPC and
President of the People's Republic of China.
    Kim Jong Il thanked for this and asked Zeng Qinghong to convey his
regards to Ziang Jemin. Kim Jong Il conversed with Zeng Qinghong in a warm
and friendly atmosphere.
    The NDC of the DPRK hosted a dinner in honor of the guests this evening.
    Kim Jong Il was present at the dinner.
    Also present were director of the general political department of the
KPA Jo Myong Rok, chief of the general staff of the KPA Kim Yong Chun,
minister of the People's Armed Forces Kim Il Chol, member of the NDC of the
DPRK Yon Hyong Muk, director of the information and instruction department
of the C.C., the WPK Jong Ha Chol and KPA generals Ri Myong Su, Hyon Chol
Hae and Pak Jae Gyong.
    The dinner proceeded in an amicable atmosphere overflowing with


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