Statue of President Ho Chi Minh erected in Madagascar

A statue of President Ho Chi Minh erected in Antananarivo capital of
Madagascar will be inaugurated on the occasion of Vietnam's National Day
(September 2). 

The 1.4 metre bronze statue will be placed in the Ho Chi Minh square
together with a bronze plate inscribed with his well-known saying "Nothing
is more precious than independence and freedom." A memorial stela built by
the Madagascar government in dedication to the Vietnamese great leader is
also located in the square.

Vietnamese Minister Counsellor to France Van Nghia Dung recently headed a
delegation of the Ministry of Culture and Information to Madagascar to
discuss a plan to inaugurate the statue as well as measures to promote
bilateral co-operation in culture. Officials of the two countries' culture
sectors agreed to organise exhibitions, film shows and art performances in
Antananarivo. (VNA)


Activities mark Youth Union's 70th anniversary

Many activities have been carried out nationwide recently on the occasion of
the 70th founding anniversary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union.

A seminar on 'Young volunteers' movement - theoretical and practical issues'
was held in Hanoi by the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central

Speeches at the seminar agree that, in 2000, the year of Vietnamese youth,
many young volunteers' activities were organised nationwide. Young people
throughout the country participated in an active, animated and enthusiastic
manner in the volunteer programmes to help boost the country's
socio-economic development such as: eliminating bamboo bridges in the Mekong
delta; going to work in remote communes in special difficulties.

Many speeches drew lessons and proposed measures to strengthen the youth
volunteer movement.

In Ho Chi Minh City, the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee
organised a meeting between generations of Youth Union Central Committee
cadres and exchange with the union's young members.

The People's Army Political General Department held a get-together of
outstanding young officials, young Party members and soldiers in Hanoi.


Japan to help re-structure economy

The Japanese government will provide Vietnam with about US $12 million in
non-refundable aid in its 2000 fiscal year to help re-structure the economy.

A diplomatic note for the money was signed in Hanoi on March 23 by Vietnam's
Planning and Investment Minister Tran Xuan Gia and Japan's Ambassador
Ryuichiro Yamazaki.

It is the sixth time the Japanese government has granted non-project
assistance to Vietnam for economic re-structuring.

Japan granted Vietnam JPY 13.5 billion in such commodities as cotton
material, urea fertiliser, petrol, automobile tyres and chemicals in 1993,
1995, 1996, 1997 and 1998.

Proceeds have been used to upgrade infrastructure, develop production, and
improve people's living conditions. (VNA)


Volunteers supplement meteorological network

Expansion of the voluntary weather observation network is important, says
the Director General of the General Department of Meteorology and Hydrology
(GDMH) Nguyen Cong Thanh. It provides information for aviation, maritime
services and aqua-culture in places inaccessible to meteorological stations,
he continued. 

Thanh was speaking at a meeting held in Hanoi to mark International
Meteorology Day on March 23 and in support of this year's theme 'Volunteers
for Weather, Climate and Water.'

The meeting was also a response to International Water Day (March 22) and Mr
Thanh said his department had made basic surveys of water resources.

It had opened 500 meteorological and 800 rainfall-measuring stations, but
this was still insufficient and many localities remained dependent on
volunteers to supply data for weather forecasting.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) representative told the
meeting that international volunteers had helped Vietnam with natural
disaster control, especially in establishing emergency-alarm systems, loss
coverage and managing natural calamities and rescue.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) representative, praised Vietnam's
practical rural water sanitation and hygiene strategy, which is aimed
ensuring about 85% of the rural population with access to safe water and 70%
to latrines by 2010.

The WHO representative also praised Vietnam's effort in controlling floods
and flood-borne diseases and meeting the aim of this year's International
Water Day theme, Water and Human Health. (VNA)


Denmark, Norway, Austria, Germany provide non-refundable aid

The Danish, Norwegian, Austrian and German governments will provide Vietnam
US $40.5 million, including US $8.5 million as non-refundable aid, says the
Planning and Investment Ministry.

The money will be made available through five agreements for official
development assistance (ODA) signed between Vietnam and these governments
early this year.

Austria will provide US $32 million for cleaning water of Hanoi's West Lake
while Denmark will grant US $4.4 million to support Vietnam's economic
renovation and US $1.8 million to build the Hon Mun sea reserve.

Germany will provide US $2 million for a regional planning and development
project in central Ha Tinh province and Norway, US $300,000 to train
teachers and provide equipment for the Navigation College. (VNA)


Marie Curie School receives more materials

The Maria Sklodowska-Curie Museum in Varsovie, Poland, has presented gifts
and materials on Savant Maria Sklodowska-Curie to the Marie Curie secondary
school in Ho Chi Minh City.

Polish consul general to Ho Chi Minh City Izabela Zdziech handed over these
documents to the school on March 23.

These include portraits, pictures, written papers, films and books on the
life and scientific work of Savant Maria Sklodowska-Curie.

Mrs Maria Sklodowska-Curie was the first woman to be awarded with Nobel
Prize. She was awarded Nobel Prize in physics in 1903 and another Nobel
Prize in chemistry in 1911.

The Marie Curie secondary school was established in 1918 and has been
operating since then.


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