----- Original Message -----
From: John Jay <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 11:47 AM
Subject: FW: A lone voice in Cambridge - Spoiling George Robertson's [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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A magnificent example of what should be done every time we
get an opportunity to confront NATO's ringleaders, political
apologists or members of their media-manipulation machine.

Sara is an inspiration to us all...! (And brave too - I know
it's like to stand-up and shout against 'the stream'...
by a pack of British sheep - who almost always "agree with
quietly, afterwards, having frozen you to death with their
and never offering a squeak of support when it really
counted !)

I too, am deeply, ashamed to have been born in this wretched

John Jay

From: Branka Josilo-Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: FW: Spoiling George Robertson's "party"!
Date: Sat, Mar 24, 2001, 12:23 am

Bravo Sara, great stuff!!

From: "Sara Payne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 23 Mar 2001 23:04:41 -0000
To: "Janet Ganguli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Branka Josilo-Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
"Richard Keeble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Spoiling George Robertson's "party"!

Dear Friendsl,

When George Robertson, Secretary-General of NATO delivered
the Cambridge European Trust Lecture entitled "NATO:
Promoting Peace through Partnership" at the Goldsmiths Hall,
London today, I think he was banking on a sycophantic,
subdued, composed audience of dignified, mostly middle aged
Cambridge graduates to hear his platitudes and
propaganda.about "bringing security and prosperity to SE
Europe and to keep open the prospect of NATO membership to
whoever wants to join".

He started off by acknowledging the sumptuous surroundings
of the Goldsmiths Hall.  Yes, plenty of gold.  "You could
buy a cruise missile and a half with these" he said
tastlessly waving his arm at mountains of gold plates and
treasure stashed on the wall.  Then he alluded to
"demonstrations in Cambridge today".  Did he mean our
CamPeace meeting tomorrow, I wondered.

Anyway then he was off, reminding us that today was the
second anniversary of NATO's assault on Milosevic's military
targets in Kosovo.
No mention of the bombing of Serbia.  And then followed the
boring set speech about the glories of the Transatlantic
Alliance, and how NATO now had established "a spider's web
of profound security relations throughout the continent".
And stuff about how one day he was sitting with President
Putin in the Kremlin, and the next having talks in
Washington with President Bush. "Can this really be
happening to me, he said that  he said to himself, in a
parody of a Mark Steele spoof!  "Mummy look at me, I am in a

Then question time, two or three polite, anodyne questions
on policy, then I managed to catch the eye of the chairman,
John Eatwell, President of Queens' College, Cambridge
(formerly economic adviser to Neil Kinnock) and it was my
turn to have my say, a moment I have waited for these past
two years.  It was better than winning the Lottery, but a
bit nerve wracking.

"Secretary General", I said, "You started your speech by
referring to the second anniversary of NATO's attack on
military targets in Kosovo.  Can I point that in fact you
only hit 13 tanks, and when the Yugoslav Army withdrew from
Kosovo they only left 4 damaged tanks behind." "No", I
continued, "What you did was bomb and kill and injure
hundreds, thousand of innocent civilians in Yugoslavia.  You
bombed hospitals, schools, historic buildings, you destroyed
factories, the country's infrastructure and you used
depleted uranium weapons which have destroyed the
environment for ever.  What's more you have overseen the
ethnic cleansing of the Kosovan Serbs and other groups from
Kosovo.  And what about the destruction of the Orthodox
churches?  We talk about the destruction of monuments by the
Taliban in Afghanistan, but what about the destruction of
100 Orthodox churches in Kosovo.?"

I asked him whether he felt any sorrow for what he had done
to the people of Yugoslavia, and I told him that I felt
ashamed to be British because of NATO's attack, and that I
would feel like that until I died.

Well, then he got going, called me "Madam", and said that
NATO had never targeted hospitals and schools, that where
civilian targets had been hit, it was an accident.  (Cluster
bombs in Nis, I should have said).  He spoke of some 500
deaths from NATO bombs, which he said was nothing compared
to "the thousands killed  by Milosevic forces, who had
killed, raped and pillaged, etc."  In fact he just went into
Robertson rant mode as he had during the bombing saying that
NATO had saved hundreds of thousands from death and ethnic
cleansing.  He told me I should go to Pristina and see the
precision bombing of the Army Barracks, so I told him he
should go to Pancevo where the daughter of a friend of mine
was traumatised by the bombing of petrochemical plants, a
fertiliser factory, the oil refinery, how she had fled the
black rain pouring down.  "This is what you did" I said and
then went on to tell him that you can't say one party is all
bad and we are all good.

Well anyway as you can tell, I had my say,lthough I wish I
had questioned the legality of it all.  But I think I
rattled him and perhaps the CIA stooges in the audience.

One more benign question and then that was it, and do you
know what, some of the people who had sat silent and
embarrassed and so British throughout my interventions, came
up to me and said "Well done, I agree with you, that was
brave" and shook my hand.  Why didn't they have the guts to
support me publicly or challenge him themselves?

I could not let him have it all his own way, painting his
picture of how it was with all those self-serving NATO lies.

Anyway  I did stay for their vol au vents and mineral water,
but didn't have another go at George!

Incidentally a lady sitting in front of me, told me sotto
voce at the beginning that her brother, who was a Major
General in MI4 who had planned the Falklands invasion, had
said two years ago that the NATO bombing escapade was wrong,
and he had told Sir Charles Guthrie so.  Well fat lot of
good that did

Postscript - as you know the Albanian extremists are now the
baddies, no longer NATO's brave freedom fighters of two
years ago! Ah well, as James Laughland says in today's
Spectator it doesn't pay to have the British as your friend,
because they will always sell you.  If you are their enemy
they will try to buy you.

See you all tomorrow Saturday at the vigil from 12- 1.30 and
the anniversary meeting at 2.30, McCrum Lecture Theatre,
Benet St, by the Eagle PH.

By the way, I gatecrashed that Goldsmiths Hall "do".  I am
not a member of Cambridge University! It gave me great
pleasure to spoil their party!


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