
Year 2001 No. 56, March 26, 2001

6th National Consultative Conference of RCPB(ML):
The Work to Intervene in the Political Life of the Country

On the March/April 2001 National Consultative Conference of RCPB(ML)

Motion on the Elections and Foot-and-Mouth Disease

IMF Dictate Opposed in Argentina: Whose "Political Will" will Prevail?


6th National Consultative Conference of RCPB(ML):

The Work to Intervene in the Political Life of the Country
The Central Committee of RCPB(ML) is organising the important 6th National
Consultative Conference of the Party this coming weekend, March 31-April 1.
It is to take place in Birmingham.

The theme of the Conference, as resolved at the Party's National
Consultative Conference 2000, is "The Work to Intervene in the Political
Life of the Country". The Conference will set the line and policy of the
Party in this important sphere of the work of RCPB(ML). The Central
Committee will present to the NCC the outcome of its investigations into
this sphere of work, and the delegates to the Conference, representing the
whole Party and its circles, will consider and further discuss this work.
Other presentations will also be given to facilitate this discussion.

This work of the Party in intervening in the political life of the country
is pro-active work along the line of march that the Party set at its 3rd
Congress two years ago. Along with the pro-active work of building the Mass
Party Press, it constitutes the Party's overall task for this period up to
the 4th Congress of consolidating the Party on the new historical basis. It
is consistent with the Party's analysis that this period is one of
preparation, that is, it is work to prepare the subjective conditions, for
putting the Party and its cadres in place, for the coming revolutionary
storms and taking up the work to build the new arrangements of the Party
within the communist and workers' movement, and within the movement of the
working class and people against the anti-social offensive and for a
pro-social programme, which is also work of preparing these subjective

This work also assumes great importance at this time as, within the context
of the above, taking up reactive work to the all-round reactionary programme
of the "Third Way", particularly in waging the class struggle on the
ideological front against this programme. The bourgeoisie is set to take
this reactionary "Third Way" programme to a new level through a forthcoming
general election, re-electing New Labour by means of a further confidence
trick against the working class and people, and through these means to claim
a mandate for the "Third Way" programme for which it has been laying the
foundations in its first term of office, and lay the responsibility on the
electorate to continue to make the "tough choices" to which it claims there
is no alternative, and merge its "political will" with that of the Labour
government. This puts a great responsibility on RCPB(ML) and the progressive
forces to call upon the working class to take up its own independent
programme and organise the workers on this basis. The same is true with the
youth, women and other sections of society. It puts a great responsibility
on the Party and the progressive forces to take concrete steps towards
ending the conciliation with New Labour and the "Third Way" programme in the
communist and workers' movement.

The issue facing the 6th National Consultative Conference on the question of
intervening in the political life of the country is how this work of
intervention, particularly in an imminent general election campaign, is to
be carried out, what is its theoretical and ideological basis, and on what
political considerations is it to be based. As such, the central issue is
not one of deciding on some practical details of intervention, nor of
presenting the theory of political institutions and political processes,
divorced from the work necessary to provide the guide to action, the action
of intervening in the country's political life in its all-round national and
international context. The work which will be at the centre of the
deliberations and discussion of the National Consultative Conference is
extremely important and exciting work. In taking up this issue for
discussion, the delegates will bear in mind that the "how" of intervening
will be to serve and advance the work that the Party has already been and is
taking up of rousing the workers and other sections of the people to be
political, take centre stage and further the struggle in defence of their
rights and interests. At the same time, the delegates will also bear in mind
that resolving this question of "how" will also be an advance, it will be
opening up a new front in the direction of the overall line of march of the
Party and the class towards a new society and a socialist Britain. As such,
it presents a fresh challenge to the Party, its cadres and all its circles,
to rise to the occasion. It is not that "intervening in the political life
of the country" is new to the Party, which has been from its inception a
Party of action, a Party of revolution, the vanguard of the working class
with no other interest but to advance the proletarian movement for
emancipation. But within the context of this period of retreat of
revolution, it is work which is being taken up afresh and is being taken up
consciously on the new historical basis. Its political objectives and its
tactical slogans must be re-crystallised in this present period, in which
the struggle presents itself as being between the New and the Old.

For further details about the 6th National Consultative Conference of
RCPB(ML) and to apply for credentials to attend, please e-mail
[EMAIL PROTECTED], or contact the National Office at 170 Wandsworth Road,
London SW8 2LA, Tel: 020 7627 0599. All those who are involved in or wish to
make their contribution to this important sphere of work are encouraged to

Article Index

On the March/April 2001 National Consultative Conference of RCPB(ML)
by the West Midlands Region Forum

In our view, the bourgeoisie have created a vacuum on the left with the
concept of New Labour. They are looking for ways to fill this vacuum of the
left prop of the system and maintain the status quo vis-a-vis the outdated
bourgeois political system. We must find ways of opposing this move to put a
further bloc on the movement and open up the way for modernisation and
renewal of the political process with the working class and its programme at
the head.

The Party's position is that in order to prepare for the coming
revolutionary storms and build the Mass Communist Party, the work to build
and strengthen the Mass Party Press must be taken up, but so must the issue
of intervening in the political life of the country.

As our Party has said:

"Candidates should be chosen, for example, in the workplaces, colleges and
universities, The choosing of candidates should not be the prerogative of
the political parties. Those that elect them should mandate the candidates,
and such a system would enable the people to initiate legislation and
dictate the business of the parliament and recall candidates that did not
carry out their mandate. A modern definition of a political party includes
the conceptions that it should politicise the members of the polity, assist
citizens to participate in governing society and encourage citizens to
become the decision makers and exercise control over their own affairs and
the affairs of the polity."

One way of promoting the idea that workers should stand as candidates is to
take this view to the movement itself. In our estimation the line we are
putting forward is a very powerful one. Already workers are considering what
we are saying.

We want to present an opportunity for the workers to break with the
conception that a party should be elected to run the country on their
behalf. Workers should participate in the election campaign to advance the
workers' movement. Steps should be taken to renew the political process and
involve all the people in politics and take the decisions in the society.
Only the working class holds the solution to the problem of empowering the
people so that they can take part in political decisions of the country. A
new political system needs to be brought into being where there is no
election without selection of candidates.

In the West Midlands, the issues at Longbridge have not gone away and the
bourgeois media are reporting on one year on after the sell-off to the
Phoenix consortium. One year on, there are still workers being made
redundant at Longbridge and the supply sector. Our view and that of the
workforce is that nothing has fundamentally changed and the struggle goes
on. In these circumstances, the workers need to assert themselves in the
movement much more and establish the leading role of the working class and
come out of the margins to lead not only the politics of the region but also
of the nation. To build our links and ties with those in struggle is one
important task in this regard during the general election.

Article Index

Motion on the Elections and Foot-and-Mouth Disease
An Early Day Motion was tabled on March 19 by MPs Dafydd Wigley and Kevin
McNamara. The Motion, on "Foot and Mouth and Elections", draws attention to
the concern of the electorate that to call for a general election while the
foot-and-mouth disease crisis rages would be a dereliction of duty by the
government. The credibility of the government over its handling of the
crisis has already been seriously undermined.

An "amendment" (in the parliamentary sense of the term) to this motion was
tabled by seven Labour MPs. The "amendment" negatives the original sense of
the motion, implying that it is "party political opportunism", and asserts
that despite the "difficulties" brought about by the disease, Britain should
"demonstrate to the world" that it is "able to uphold the democratic
processes inherent in British society". It could be said that the sense of
the "amendment" precisely demonstrates that these "democratic processes"
prevent the people being able to have any say or make decisions on matters
which are of vital concern to them, and that this is what is "inherent in
British society".

We reproduce the original Motion in full below.


That this House recognises the grave situation caused by the foot and mouth
epidemic; expresses immense concern at the devastating effects this crisis
is having on tourism-related and agriculture-related businesses; believes
that the whole undivided attention of government should be given to dealing
with this crisis; asserts that it would be seen as an incomprehensible
dereliction of duty for a General Election to be called in the middle of
such a crisis; and calls on the Prime Minister to announce that no election
will be called earlier than May 2002 unless and until at least four weeks
after the last confirmed case of foot and mouth disease in the United
Kingdom, and that the county elections in England shall be rescheduled to
May 2002.

Article Index

IMF Dictate Opposed in Argentina: Whose "Political Will" will Prevail?
Argentinean workers, students and youth are waging a struggle to defeat the
efforts of their government to impose an IMF-engineered plan aimed at
ensuring that Argentina, now in its 32nd month of recession, pays its debt.
The nation of 36 million people is weighed down by a $150 billion foreign
debt, which represents about 20 per cent of the debt of Asia, Africa and
Latin America.

The government is formed by the FREPASO coalition, described by media
reports as a "centre-left" alliance, under the leadership of the Radical
Civil Union of President Fernando de la Rua. The coalition, formed on the
basis of Rua's promises that he would restore funding to social programmes
and job creation, is now crumbling under the combined weight of the people's
resistance, opposition within the cabinet, and the dictate of the IMF that
the debt must be paid no matter what the cost.

The protests escalated on March 16, when the Minister of the Economy,
Ricardo Lopez Murphy, in the first week of his posting, announced $4.5
billion in cutbacks to government spending over the next two years. The cuts
particularly target the education sector. On March 19, workers from the
major sectors of the economy were joined by teachers, youth, students,
pensioners and unemployed workers. They blocked roads and bridges in Buenos
Aires province and occupied college and high school buildings. On March 20,
thousands of Argentinean workers led by the country's largest trade unions
marched on the capital city of Buenos Aires. Several columns of workers
converged at the Plaza de Mayo, in front of the presidential palace, where
they were joined by students, teachers and others. A 24-hour nation-wide
strike was announced for March 24. On March 19, Murphy was forced to resign
and on March 20 Domingo Cavallo, the architect of Argentina's neo-liberal
market reforms of the early 1990s, was sworn in as Minister of the Economy -
the third in two weeks.

The crisis escalated when it was reported that Argentina is expected to miss
first-quarter deficit targets set by the IMF as part of a $40 billion
"bailout" package last December. The Ministers of the Interior, Education,
Infrastructure and Health all resigned in protest.

The 32-month recession has set unemployment at 15 per cent, according to
official figures. The $150 billion in foreign debt is largely held by US
financiers. Payment on this debt comes close to 50 per cent of Argentina's
gross domestic product. IMF economists claim that Argentina has enough "cash
and credit" to cover the $20 billion in short-term debt that they say it
must repay in the coming months. They are concerned it may not be able to
repay its medium and long-term debts.

According to the representatives of international finance capital, it is not
the entire economic system which has put Argentina in this position which is
to blame, but the lack of "political will". Jorge Marischal, from the Wall
Street investment firm Goldman Sachs, said, "The government simply appears
incapable of finding the political will to slash its budget deficit and
restore growth." News sources report that the new Finance Minister Domingo
Cavallo has been granted "special powers" to make swift reforms. He has
promised to "revise the austerity package". "Getting this nation out of the
recession...while meeting our international obligations is our number one
mission," Cavallo said.

The political will of the government to pay the rich is now once again
pitted against the political will of the entire people of Argentina to have
an economy which provides for them in the first place.


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