From: Communist Party of Canada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 11:42:14 -0500
Subject: PV Articles - April 1-15, 2001




In this Issue:



By Liz Rowley

THE CANADIAN LABOUR CONGRESS and its affiliates, social justice, church,
anti-poverty and environmental groups, women, seniors, youth, Aboriginal
Peoples, the Council of Canadians and Common Frontiers, the Communist Party
and even the NDP are all making preparations for the Summit of the
Americas, and the People's Summit -- featuring Fidel Castro -- preceding it
on April 17-21.

The Quebec Summit will draw leaders from 34 countries (excluding Cuba), to
lay plans for a hemispheric free trade zone to be set up by 2005. US
President George W. Bush will attend the gathering hosted by Canada and by
some of the most powerful transnational corporations in the world.

The main demonstration of outraged opposition to these plans, and the
secrecy surrounding them, will take place on Saturday, April 21, not far
from the Plains of Abraham where US invaders were once defeated.

Buses, vans, trains and even planes were being marshalled to move thousands
of people from central and eastern Canada. Planeloads were planned from BC
and Alberta, until the Quebec City airport announced that no charters would
be allowed to land during the Summit dates, forcing alternate landing
arrangements to be made. One train will be come out of the Atlantic region,
and another out of Toronto, collecting people as they go.

Efforts to block insurance for Montreal busses taking protesters to Quebec
were finally stalled, but now highway and bridge crossings are threatened
with closure under the pretence of “security.” Organizers are urging
protesters to avoid eastbound Highway 20, the most likely to be closed, and
to leave plenty of time for travel.

“Summit security” has become the excuse for the most extraordinary breaches
of citizen rights, even before the Summit starts. Police and military
presence at the Summit will include the RCMP and its riot squad, the
provincial Surete du Quebec, Quebec city police, the Sainte-Foy police to
guard the airport, and the army: about 400 troops from Valcartier for
“logistical” support.

Altogether close to 6,000 police and military personnel will be present,
armed with pepper spray, dogs, horses, riot gear, guns and an array of
weaponry --some specially bought for the occasion. Security costs are
estimated to be about $35 million, excluding a new $7.5 million Bell
helicopter and other perks for the Surete. All this is paid for by the same
public which is holding legal protests against the Summit.

A virtual police state is being set up in Quebec City. The Quebec Detention
Centre, which holds up to 600 inmates, is being emptied for detained
protesters. The movable wire cages used by police in Windsor to detain
protesters will also no doubt make their appearance during the Summit.
Surveillance cameras will be everywhere, inside and outside the 3.8 meter
high chain link fence which police plan to expand beyond the current 6
kilometer perimeter fence, tagged “the Berlin Wall,” the “Wall of Shame,”
and “the Wall of Provocation” by local residents.

About 7,000 Quebec city residents living inside the perimeter will have to
carry passes to get in and out of their homes, and 10,000 provincial
employees who work inside the perimeter have been told to stay home on
April 20. Movement throughout the city will be restricted by military

RCMP officer Brongel told the Toronto Star that “...we have for months now
been looking into the various protest groups that we feel might be a threat
during the summit, but what official measures we're going to be taking, for
security reasons we're not going to be discussing that publicly.”

The police and military presence and preparations are so extreme that a
recent CSIS report stated that security overkill could make mayhem
inevitable at the Summit.

Certainly the City of Quebec thinks so, and has had its Charter amended to
release it of any civil liability for damages caused during the Summit. The
City of Seattle was stuck with $17 million in damages in 1999 after cops
attacked non-violent demonstrators.

On March 23, Quebec City Mayor Jean-Paul L'Allier asked the federal
government to cancel the Summit, because of widespread fear of “risks”
among residents. The government declined, and instead will distribute
door-to-door 278,000 copies of a glossy 16-page brochure extolling the
virtues (for business) of the FTAA and the Summit.

Duff Conacher, coordinator of Democracy Watch, said “the true undemocratic
nature of the Canadian government is being so starkly revealed by these
extreme measures.... This is a wake-up call to all Canadians to realize we
don't live in a democracy.”

But if these advance volleys by the state were intended to scare off
would-be protesters, the plans have backfired. Outrage at the efforts to
stymie legal protests, and threaten protesters with police violence and
jail, have moved thousands of people into action on both sides of the
Canada-US border. And the Internet is whipping information around the
continent at record speed.

The labour movement, slow to move at first, has pulled unions inside and
outside the CLC into action. Labour will be responsible for transporting
thousands of workers, seniors, youth, and others to the big demonstration
on April 21. Buses from as far away as Windsor, Sudbury, and the Niagara
Peninsula will travel up to 36 hours to demonstrate their anger at the
plans for corporate globalization. Some communities are still in the
process of deciding “how to get there” as police and government officials
pursue their transportation war against the protests.

Part of the lead-up to the Summit are teach-ins being held in many cities.
The Toronto teach-in on March 16-18 was jammed with people who came to
learn about the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas, and about what to
expect during the protests in Quebec City. Participants learned civil
disobedience techniques, and how to protect themselves against pepper
spray, tear gas, beatings, and what to do if arrested. (Wear layered
clothes padded with newspaper, and carry at least a litre of water and
vinegar against the gas.)

For weeks now, protest organizers and lawyers acting on behalf of the
protest committees have been working out of Quebec City, challenging
efforts by police and other authorities to curb civil and legal rights. The
suburban Sainte Foy by-law, making the wearing of any face covering
illegal, was thrown out, scuttling a similar by-law being drafted for
Quebec City Council.

These volunteer lawyers and organizers also successfully challenged
insurance companies which had refused to insure bus companies carrying
protesters. They are currently fighting the insurance “surtax” which
arbitrarily increases the cost of rentals by up to $500 per bus. They are
also battling with authorities who may close bridges into Quebec City as
well as the decree closing the airport to charters during the Summit.

Faced with these challenges, protesters repeat what appears on numerous
Summit web sites: “It didn't start in Seattle, and it isn't going to stop
in Quebec.”

Communist Party leaders said the mass protests were vital to expose the
real nature of this proposed hemispheric corporate constitution, and to
build up a powerful and united cross-Canada opposition.

The Communist Party has organized busses departing from Toronto and
Montreal for the April 21 demonstration. CP members and supporters as well
as readers of People's Voice and Le pointe communiste are invited to book a
seat and/or make a contribution towards the cost of the buses. Donations to
the CPC, CPC (Ontario), and PCQ in Quebec are all tax deductible.




MARCH WAS A MONTH for apologies on Parliament Hill, some more appropriate
than others. Take the Canadian Alliance's Rahim Jaffer, for example. Here's
a young neo-con so puffed up by the flattery of the corporate media that he
believes the fables of his awesome intelligence. How else to explain his
idea that nobody would expose his sophomoric lies? Jaffer and the rest of
his caucus would do better to apologize for their relentless attacks on the
working people of Canada, but we aren't holding our breath.

The right-wing blitzkrieg against cabinet minister Hedy Fry is a more
serious matter. Fry is another too-clever politician with a bent for
exaggeration, but the main point of her Commons speech on the International
Day for the Elimination of Racism was quite correct. The real issue is not
whether KKK crosses are burning in Prince George today, but the extent of
racist and ultra-right activity across British Columbia and Canada.

Any honest person familiar with Prince George knows full well that the city
has a history of racist discrimination, particularly against Aboriginal
peoples and Indo-Canadians. Various neo-fascist groups have set up shop and
circulated racist materials in Prince George in recent years.

Is this situation worse in northern BC than elsewhere? Perhaps not. But it
is true that many racist organizations prefer to operate outside large
urban areas, hoping to use their relative isolation to spread their
poisonous hate propaganda without being exposed. While Fry deserves some
credit for pointing to the danger of racism active across Canada, it is
unfortunate that her mistake has undermined the important work of highly
credible anti-racist and anti-fascist researchers and activists.


TWO YEARS AGO in late March, the US, Britain, Germany, Canada and other
NATO members began their eleven-week terror bombing campaign against
Yugoslavia. Peace movements and anti-imperialist forces warned at the time
that NATO's dirty war would have tragic consequences. The latest eruption
of fighting in Macedonia confirms this prediction once again.

The key NATO powers have all played a part in the break-up of Yugoslavia,
pushing their twin agenda of destroying the remnants of socialism in the
region, and opening up south-eastern Europe to new forms of imperialist
takeover. All the peoples of the former Yugoslavia have paid a terrible
price during this onslaught. The social and economic benefits of socialism
have been destroyed, many thousands of people have died, and the economy
and environment are largely ruined. The health effects of depleted uranium
poisoning on NATO troops have brought this sordid war back home to the
imperialist powers themselves.

Ever since the cessation of the bombing campaign, Serbs living within
Kosovo-Metohija and Serbia itself have faced ongoing attacks by the
terrorist KLA. Having armed this gang as part of their anti-Yugoslav
strategy, the NATO rulers are surely not surprised that these elements are
now engaged in destabilizing Macedonia.

We fear that the worst may yet lie ahead. It seems increasingly likely that
the fragmentation of Yugoslavia may end up in a wider war and a staggering
refugee crisis. Urgent action is needed now to restore peace and stability
to the troubled region. Getting imperialism out of the Balkans would be a
good start!



“Anti-Fascist Resistance” column by David Lethbridge

INCREASING NUMBERS of Canadians have begun to embrace a variety of
alternative medicines and health food supplements, some with little
medicinal or nutritional value.

Certain vendors of these products appear to have tapped into a widespread
anti-science tendency. Propaganda advising parents to refuse vaccinations
for their children appears in many health food stores, along with pamphlets
advising that the fluoridation of water causes insanity, or that the
pharmaceutical industry is deliberately producing drugs that kill patients
in significant numbers.

This propaganda appears to be leading some health food enthusiasts into the
embrace of large-scale purveyors of alternative medicine products which
simultaneously promote extreme-right, even fascist politics.

A case in point is the Consumer Health Organization of Canada's (CHOC)
Total Health convention, held in Toronto on March 17-18. Scheduled
speakers, alongside the usual alternative medicine promoters, were Eustace
Mullins and Bob Baker. Mullins has a fifty year history of advocating the
most vicious neo-Nazi, anti-Semitic, and white racist ideology. Baker is
associated with Lyndon LaRouche's extreme right organizations.

Is CHOC's combination of alternative medicine and right wing politics at
the Total Health convention simply a mistake, or some sort of anomaly? Or
are there deeper connections between the two movements?

Consider the remarks of Libby Gardon, the president of CHOC, when
confronted with the nature of Mullins' work. Gardon said she “was unaware
of Mr. Mullins' early writings in which he challenged the authenticity of
Holocaust reports and made several unfounded anti-Semitic slurs.”

Now this is a very interesting and half-hearted disavowal, to say the
least. Gardon has reportedly known Mullins for fifteen years. Her
organization openly sold Mullins' hate propaganda until this was exposed
last month.

In using the term “early writings” she seems to suggest that Mullins'
anti-Jewish writing is a work of the past, something that he has
transcended. Nothing is further from the truth. The Curse of Canaan and The
World Order, to name but two of his books which are condemned as prohibited
hate propaganda by Customs and Excise, are of quite recent vintage, and
Mullins continues to actively sell them.

Also, to say that Mullins' writings “challenged” the Holocaust is hardly
accurate; in fact, he claims that the Holocaust is a deliberate fiction of
“Satanic Jews.” He has written that Jewish priests drink the blood of
little white boys, that Jews are “furry scavengers who have found their way
through the sewers into ever civilized place,” and that “the Christian
peoples totter on the verge of worldwide annihilation by the Jewish master

Nor is CHOC alone in promoting extreme-right and fascist conspiracies.
Citizens' Voice for Health Rights (CVHR), run by Debbie Anderson, actively
distributes tapes by Edward Griffin of the “Reality Zone.” One such tape
outlines an alleged conspiracy behind the US Federal Reserve System, and
advises listeners to join Griffin's group.

True enough, the Griffin Internet site sells a variety of alternative
health books. But side-by-side with this material are books claiming that
contemporary immigration policies are a product of a socialist conspiracy
to destroy the nation by deliberately pitting one ethnic group against the
other; that the Civil Rights struggle of the 1960s was a Communist plot;
and that the Soviet Union never really collapsed a decade ago, but only
pretended to do so to lull the West in preparation for an invasion!

Furthermore, CVHR's own website, in a section called “Our Alliances,” links
directly to Wes Mann's Preferred Network, in central BC. PN itself carries
numerous alternative medicine books, as well as a full list of Eustace
Mullins material and other extreme-right propaganda. Indeed, Anderson spoke
at a PN conference in August 2000, on the same platform with Mullins.

Anderson's connections to the far right are anything but accidental or
transitory. In late March, she was to speak at the so-called “Freedom Fest
2001,” in Port Coquitlam, BC, along with Wes Mann, and Eldon Warman and
Fred Kyburz, proponents of the right-wing Sovereign Citizen movement.
Warman has had overtly anti-Semitic material on his website, as well as
links to racist Christian Identity sites, and to the extremist Lyndon
LaRouche network.

Further investigation reveals that Anderson is also a member of the
National Executive, as well as BC Chair, of the Progressive Group for
Independent Business (PGIB), whose motto is “Unite the Right to Unite the

Since the mid-1990s, PGIB has held three “Roots of Change” conferences. At
the third (December 1999), Anderson spoke in her capacity as head of CVHR.
Speaking with her were Mark Mix of the union-busting National Right to Work
Committee, based in Springfield, Virginia, and Mark Montini of the
ultra-conservative Leadership Institute, of Arlington, Virginia.

Speakers at the 1998 conference included Ron Leitch, of the right-wing
Association for the Preservation of English in Canada (APEC); Jocelyn
Dumais, of the Quebec-based ADAT, an anti-union “right to work” group;
Robert Metz, of the extreme reactionary Freedom Party of Ontario; John
Thompson, executive director of the MacKenzie Institute, a right-wing think
tank based in Ottawa; Progressive Conservative MP Scott Brison; Michael
Coren of the Financial Post; and Steve Jalsevic of the anti-choice,
anti-abortion, Campaign Life Coalition.

Speakers at the 1997 conference included Link Byfield, editor Alberta
Report, which frequently carries advertisements for Paul Fromm's and Doug
Christie's fascist organizations; and Stockwell Day, now leader of the
Canadian Alliance Party.

Wherever we find tendencies to irrationalism and conspiracy-mongering,
there we find fertile ground in which fascism can grow or a movement which
fascism can exploit. These tendencies are rife within the ever-expanding
and overlapping alternative medicine, New Age, and tax refusal circles.

While the class basis for these tendencies is essentially petit-bourgeois,
sectors of the working class are being strongly influenced by these same
forces. It would be foolish to dismiss fascism's entry into these areas
which are often considered purely marginal or simply bizarre. On the
contrary, much political work needs to be done on this front, as on so many
others where fascism has found a new foothold.


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