From: Michel Collon
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2001 1:08 AM
Subject: Tr : They will probably try to kill Milosevic!

Personal standpoint of Michel Collon    Saturday 30, 7 am
They will probably try to kill Milosevic!

The news we hear from Belgrade show a typical desinformation process.
Announcing in the evening that Milosevic had been arrested - while he had
not been - was a very usual technique of manipulation.
All those provocations probably try to prepare some blodshed and achieve
their goal: kill Milosevic! Let us remember that before October, many DOS
leaders were speaking about Bucarest syndrome, although many differences
were obvious between Milosevic and Ceaucescu.

Nobody can believe one second that would be a decision of the Belgrade
Justice. It has been decided in Washington and realized through pressure and
blackmailing. The US International Tribunal of The Hague is by the way a
mockery of justice. All experts agree that it does not respect one rule of
real procedure of justice.

But they know that Milosevic, if in trial, might have many things to
explain: how the German BND manipulated Tudjman since 79 and gave him
weapons before the war in order to provoke the split of Yugoslavia. The same
about KLA sinc 98 or earlier. And the same from the CIA. The hidden role of
US and Germany, behind all those wars So their best "solution" would be to
kill him.

The events in Macedonia unmask all pretexts that were used for Nato
aggression. They reveal the real goals of the US and their allies: control
the Balkans, control the strategic corridors and pipelines and fot that they
excite train, arm and manipulate the worst terrorists.

But this brings resistance in Macedonia, Greece and other Balkan countries.
Also in the West I experienced that many honest people, including
journalists, are now understanding that the Nato lied from the beginning.

You cannot believe that the USA who protected Pinochet, Mobutu, the fascists
generals from Turkey and all dictatorships in the world since 50 years, are
now trying to produce some justice. They just want to eliminate an obstacle
for their empire on the Balkans.

The Nato is not the solution, it is the problem. The only solution is the
union of all progressive people in the Balkans and in the world to stop the
Nato and their agents.

-- Michel Collon

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