Stop the Nazi National Front March!
Bermondsey, South London, Saturday 7 April
Assemble 10.30 a.m. South Bermondsey Station, Ilderton Road SE16

Called by Southwark Trades Council and the Anti Nazi League

Supported by: Trevor Phillips, Chair Greater London Assembly; Valerie
Shawcross, Greater London Assembly Member for Lambeth and Southwark;
Stephanie Elsie, Leader of Southwark Council; PCS Department of 
Health, London A & A Branch; Kingsley Abrams, Labour's Parliamentary 
spokesperson for North Southwark and Bermondsey; John Mulrennan, 
Assistant Branch Secretary, Southwark UNISON; Southwark Socialist 
Alliance; Lambeth Socialist Alliance; Searchlight; Fire Brigades' 
Union, London Region; National Union of Refugee Organisations; Rimin 
Welfare Association, Sierra Sisters

The National Front want to hold a demonstration in Bermondsey. The NF 
are a Nazi party. They are not really concerned with local issues, 
they want to encourage more racial violence. Over the last few years 
they have tried to jump on campaigns across Britain. They have 
failed. People realise that the only interest the Nazis have is to 
whip up violence and divide our community.

Look at the record of the NF: David Copeland, the London nailbomber 
who killed three people took part in NF demonstrations in Dover in 

Terry Blackham, leader of the NF has over twenty criminal convictions 
for violence. He was sentenced to four and a half years in jail for 
gun running.

Stephen Irwin the 'Trick or Treat' killer who shot dead 8 people in a 
pub in Northern Ireland was jailed for life in 1995. He took part in 
NF demonstrations in London in November 2000.

We don't want these thugs on our streets. Southwark Police and 
Community Consultative group have appealed to the Police to stop the 
Nazi march.
Bermondsey is a multicultural and multiracial area. We must not let 
the Nazis divide our community. Let's keep Bermondsey Nazi Free.

Join the Demonstration to stop the NF on Saturday 7 April!

PO Box 2566
London N4 1WJ
Tel:  020 7924 0333
Fax:  020 7924 0313

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