Party leader's works published in English, Spanish

A collection of selected speeches and written papers of Party General
Secretary Le Kha Phieu has been published in English and Spanish.

The book, entitled 'Vietnam Enters the 21st Century', covers Mr Phieu's
speeches since he took the post as general secretary of the Communist Party
of Vietnam until the end of last year. It consists of 300 pages, focusing on
four main themes, including the building of the Party - the building of the
political system and the socialist legislation-based State; the
implementation of the national industrialisation and modernisation; culture
- education and science - technology; policy for external relations and

The book is published by The Gioi (The World) Publishers.


Political book centre to be built

The Political Publishing House began building a Communist Party of Vietnam
Theory and Politics Book Centre in Hanoi on April 11.

Mr Tran Dinh Nghiem, director and editor-in-chief of the Political
Publishing House said that the centre was a work to welcome the Ninth
National Party Congress after highlighting the assistance of agencies and
individuals. The four-storey centre on an area of 436 square metres will
introduce and circulate the Party's documents, political and law books. The
centre will include a reading room for different kinds of readers. The
centre will also be a venue for seminars and exchanges of scientists,
especially the publishing councils of Ho Chi Minh Selected and Complete
Works, Marx-Engels Selected and Complete Works and Party's Documents
Complete Works. 

The ground breaking ceremony were attended by Mr Do Muoi, advisor to the
Communist Party Central Committee; Mr Huu Tho, director of the Party's
Commission for Ideology and Culture; Mr Dang Huu Hai, acting director of the
Party's Commission for Finance and Administration and others.


Exhibition on Party held in HCM City

The Vietnam Revolutionary Museum, in co-ordination with Ho Chi Minh City's
Culture college, held an exhibition entitled 'The Communist Party of Vietnam
- Congresses and Achievements' in Ho Chi Minh City.

This is to welcome the Ninth National Party Congress and the 26th
anniversary of the south's liberation. The exhibition consists of three

Part I: the Communist Party of Vietnam: Congresses

Part II: Main achievements of Vietnam under the leadership of the Communist
Party of Vietnam over the past 71 years.

Part III: The entire Party and people towards the Ninth National Party
Congress, firmly advancing to the 21st century.

The exhibition displays nearly 200 documents, photos and artefacts which
reflect congresses and achievements of Vietnam in the 20th century under the
leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam.


Winners of contest on Motherland, Party, Uncle Ho awarded

Winners of the contest entitled ŒThe Glorious Party, Great Uncle Ho and
Prosperous Country Advancing to the 21st Century¹ received their prizes at
an award presentation ceremony held yesterday in Hanoi.

The first team prize went to the youth and people of Thai Nguyen province.
The three second team prizes belonged to the youth and people of the
provinces of Bac Giang, Nghe An and Hai Duong. There were also eight third
team prizes and 71 consolation team prizes.

Ms Nguyen Thi Khanh Hiep from the Thai Nguyen Iron and Steel Company won the
first individual prize while Dao Viet Ha (Rural Work Construction College),
Nguyen Thi Hoan (Law College) and Tran Van Thuan (the National Assembly
Office) were the owners of the second individual prizes. There were six
third individual prizes and 80 consolation individual prizes.

Awards were presented by Politburo member Pham The Duyet, who is also
president of the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central
Committee; Politburo member Nguyen Phu Trong, who is also secretary of the
Hanoi Party Committee; Hong Vinh, Party Central Committee member, Nhan Dan
newspaper editor-in-chief, president of the Vietnam Journalists¹ Association
and other members of the organising board.

Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu also sent gifts to 16 units and

Twelve units and ten individuals received Certificates of Commendation of
the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee.

The organising board also presented gifts to 15 individuals whose papers
were carefully written but did not receive any high prizes.

Addressing the ceremony, Mr Pham The Duyet praised the winners and affirmed
that this was a greatly meaningful activity to welcome the Ninth National
Party Congress. 

The contest, which was launched on January 1, 2000, attracted the
participation of over four million people. Nhan Dan and Tien Phong
newspapers are the two organisers.


'Renovation' contest awards presented

Fifteen collectives and 90 individuals have been awarded prizes for their
excellent written papers to a contest to write about the renovation line
achievements, which was launched among workers and State employees

Of the prizes given to individuals, there are two first prizes, five second
prizes, 20 third prizes and 63 consolation prizes. The first prizes went to
Do Thu Hong from Department of Propaganda and Training of Hoai Duc district
Party Committee of Ha Tay northern province and Tran Phan Trong Anh from An
Dong Trade and Service Centre in Ho Chi Minh City.

The prize presentation ceremony was held in Hanoi yesterday by the Vietnam's
Labour Confederation and the Party's Commission for Ideology and Culture.


Defence attache office in Australia opens

Vietnam's Defence Attache Office in Australia officially opened in Canberra
on April 10 in the presence of military and diplomatic corps from Australia,
China, Japan and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Chief of the Australian Defence Force
Admiral Chris Barrie described the event as a milestone in the development
of Australia-Vietnam relations, particularly co-operation in national

Referring to his recent visit to Vietnam, he recalled fine impressions and
expressed hope that the Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam People's Army
would pay a visit to Australia.

Australia opened its defence attache section in Hanoi in February 1999.


Vietnam supports complete elimination of nuclear arms

Vietnam has always supported regional and international efforts to achieve
the complete elimination of nuclear weapons, Counsellor of the Vietnamese
Permanent Mission to the United Nations, UN, Hoang Chi Trung said.

He was speaking at the 2001 Substantive Session of the UN Disarmament
Commission in New York on April 10.

The Vietnamese representative noted "First and foremost, on ways and means
to promote nuclear disarmament, my delegation wishes to underline its strong
support for the call made by the heads of States and governments in the
United Nations Millennium Declaration for the convening of an international
conference to identify measures to eliminate weapons of mass destruction."

He said: "Vietnam firmly believes that an international conference on
weapons of mass destruction is timely and can be a good vehicle towards
agreed measures to free our world from all nuclear weapons as well as other
weapons of mass destruction."

"Vietnam has always supported regional and international efforts to achieve
the complete elimination of nuclear weapons. We fully share the view stated
in the final document of the First Special Session on Disarmament that in
the field of disarmament and arms control, priority must be given to nuclear
disarmament," Mr Trung told the session.

After welcoming the commitment made by States party to the NPT at the last
NPT Review Conference to the strengthening and preserving the integrity of
the ABM Treaty, the Vietnamese diplomat urged the States party to the Treaty
to strictly abide by its provisions.

He told the session that apart from being a member of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Vietnam is currently holding the
chairmanship of the ASEAN Standing Committee and the ASEAN Regional Forum
(ARF). The country, therefore, supports the initiation of practical
confidence-building measures as a way to facilitate the reduction of
conventional arms and the prevention of conventional arms build-ups, thus
making tangible contributions to the strengthening of peace and stability in
the world and various regions. (VNA)


Severe hail damages crops in Lao Cai

The famous tourist resort of Sa Pa town in the northern mountainous border
province of Lao Cai was hit by a severe hail on April 11 for 20 minutes.

The hail stones' diametre was measured at about 2.5-3 centimetres. They
covered the ground at 2-3 centimetres thick.

The hail caused great damage to fruit trees, vegetable and other crops in
the town. 

The district¹s Committee on Flood and Storm Control paid an inspection tour
and urged the locals to take necessary measures in case other natural
calamities may come.

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