
Sharon Rejects Palestinian Peace Proposal: PM Office
Officials in the Israeli Prime Minister's office said that Prime Minister
Ariel Sharon has rejected the peace proposal put forth by Palestinian
Legislative Council Speaker Ahmed Qurei (Abu Ala), Israeli Radio reported
Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres, however, is said to be studying the
proposal with great interest.
Under the peace proposal, both Israelis and the Palestinians would take
steps to stem the violence and fully implement signed agreements.
In addition, the proposal also demands, as part of efforts to renew peace
negotiations, that Israel lift its blockades on the West Bank and Gaza
Strip, stop its policy of assassinating Palestinian militants, freeze
settlement expansion in the occupied Palestinian territories and free up tax
revenues it owes to the Palestinian National Authority.
While some Israeli officials received the proposal positively as it did not
include a former demand to resume peace talks from where they were left off
in negotiation with Israeli previous government led by Ehud Barak,
right-wing Likud lawmaker Moshe Arens rejected the proposal Thursday, saying
that the Palestinians first "had to reach the conclusion that violence does
not pay." 
Arens, a former defense minister, added that once Peres completed reading
the document, he would no doubt reach the conclusion "that it is not so
interesting," quoted by the radio.
Zehava Gal-On, Knesset (parliament) member from the left-wing Meretz Party
rebuffed Arens' argument, saying that the government should take Abu Ala's
initiative seriously and military might would not solve the conflict.
"It's possible to conquer more homes, leave more people without a roof over
their heads and continue with the assassinations and then the Palestinian
(National) Authority will collapse," she said.
She said that the Israeli government should discard its vow not to talk
under fire. "You have to talk in order to end the fire. And it is not
possible to talk only about renewing security cooperation," she added.


Hu Jintao to Attend Vietnam's CPV National Congress
Chinese vice-president Hu Jintao will go to Vietnam to attend the 9th
National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) as guest of the
CPV Central Committee, scheduled to open April 19.
Hu, also a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, will head a delegation of
the CPC for the Congress.
A spokesman for the International Department of the CPC Central Committee
made the announcement Thursday morning.


China, US to Continue Negotiations on Plane Collision Incident
China and the US will continue negotiations on the April 1 plane collision
incident and other related issues starting from April 18, Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said Thursday at a press conference.
Zhang said negotiations will include such topics as the cause for the
collision, the stop of US reconnaissance activities near the Chinese coastal
areas, and the prevention of recurrence of such incidents, and other related
Zhang stressed that the US spy plane had intruded into China's airspace and
caused the crash of a Chinese fighter jet and the loss of the Chinese pilot.
"This case has not concluded," Zhang said, demanding the US to provide
convincing explanations to the Chinese people, to stop sending aircraft to
the vicinity of China's coast for reconnaissance activities and take
effective measures to prevent the recurrence of such incidents.


China Makes Achievements in Human Rights Studies
President of the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) Zhou Jue
said here Thursday that China has made outstanding achievements in human
rights studies and boasts a contingent of experts on human rights.
Sichuan People's Publishing House donated 21,800 volumes of 10 books on
human rights to nationwide research and education bodies. Together with the
CSHRS, the publishing house organized a seminar Thursday afternoon.
The academic achievements made by the Chinese experts include introduction
to basic theories of human rights, China's practice of human rights, and
translation of foreign human rights writings, Zhou said at the seminar.
As the nation is faced with new domestic and international situations, the
Chinese human rights experts must stick to the basic principle of Marxism
when studying human rights in modern times, Zhou said.
He urged the researchers to make further contributions to the academic
As China's first publisher for human rights books, Sichuan People's
Publishing House has produced about 20 varieties of related books since
1990, including the well-known World Documents of Human Rights and the
Encyclopedia of Human Rights.


Hu Jintao to Attend Vietnam's CPV National Congress
Chinese vice-president Hu Jintao
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/vpresident.html>  will go to
Vietnam <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/vietnam.html>  to attend
the 9th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) as guest
of the CPV Central Committee, scheduled to open April 19.

Hu, also a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, will head a delegation of
the CPC for the Congress.

A spokesman for the International Department of the CPC Central Committee
made the announcement Thursday morning.


Jiang Proposes Ways to Boost Sino-Brazil Ties
Visiting Chinese President Jiang Zemin
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/jzm/jzmhome.htm>  put forward
proposals Brasilia on Wednesday to boost cooperation with Brazil
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/brazil.html>  in economy, science
and technology and international affairs.

Jiang made the proposals during his talks with Brazilian President Fernando

China and Brazil, the two largest developing countries in the Eastern
Hemisphere and the Western Hemisphere respectively, have the obligations to
play a positive role in pushing forward the healthy development of world
politics and economy, Jiang said.

Enhanced coordination and increased cooperation and the deepening of
strategic partnership between the two nations are of major significance to
augmenting the overall strength of the developing countries and to
establishing a fair and rational new international political and economic

In this regard, the Chinese president proposed to maintain top-level
contacts and personnel exchanges between the two countries so as to help
coordinate their stances to safeguard the two countries' interests and those
of the whole developing world, he said.

He also suggested that mutually beneficial cooperation in trade and economy
and science and technology be strengthened so as to add more substance to
the strategic partnership. "There are still potentials to tap in this
regard," he added. 

Bilateral trade and investment could be expanded, Jiang said. " The
governments of the two countries should strengthen marco- economic
adjustment in a bid to support, direct and regulate the trade and economic
cooperation among the enterprises," he told Cardoso.

Assistance and convenience should be given to those projects that are
competitive and beneficial to the market prosperity and economic development
of the two nations, he said.

"We are confident of achieving yet another breakthrough in bilateral trade
and economic cooperation," he said.

Scientific and technological cooperation, in particular the high-tech
cooperation, can also be expanded, he said.

Saying that China and Brazil have already carried out fruitful cooperation
in the aerospace area, Jiang called for efforts to explore more areas for
bilateral cooperation, including information technology, bio-engineering,
pharmaceutics and new materials. He also called for efforts to speed up the
application of the scientific achievements to serve their countries'
economic development.

Jiang said China and Brazil should support each other in regional and
international affairs.

He said both sides should consolidate existing consultative mechanisms and
open up new dialogue and coordination channels.

Expressing China's willingness to work with Brazil to continue promoting
their strategic partnership, Jiang said: "We can strengthen cooperation
within the framework of the World Trade Organization."

Cardoso agreed with Jiang's comments and proposals. He told Jiang that
Brazil would play its due part in the endeavors.

Jiang, now on his second visit to Brazil, arrived in Brasilia earlier
Wednesday for a working visit.


Sinn Fein Delivers Warning on N.Ireland Peace
The IRA's political ally Sinn Fein expressed concern Thursday that a widely
tipped British general election on June 7 could put hard-line Protestants in
a position to wreck the Northern Ireland
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/ireland.html>  peace process.

Hard-line Protestants, who oppose the British province's 1998 Good Friday
peace accord, could gain the upper hand over moderates in the election, Sinn
Fein chairman Mitchel McLaughlin told the Guardian newspaper in an

He said the accord must be "reconfigured" to ensure its survival.

David Trimble's Ulster Unionists are the main Protestant party in the
province and hold the most number of Northern Ireland seats in the British
parliament, but he faces a tough challenge from hard-liners in the election.
Even now he has only a narrow majority in his own party backing the peace

The peace process has been bogged down for months by disputes between
Protestant and Catholic politicians over guerrilla disarmament, policing and
Britain's military presence in the province.


Turn Patriotic Enthusiasm into Strength to Build a Powerful Nation:
The People's Daily <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/GB/paper464/>  publishes a
commentary Thursday on the US government's letter expressing that the US
side is "very sorry" about that the Chinese pilot is missing and "very
sorry" about that the US surveillance plane entered China's territory
without approval on April 1.

The firm struggle by the Chinese government and people against US hegemony
has forced the US government to change from its initial rude and
unreasonable attitude to saying "very sorry" to the Chinese people, says the
commentary titled "To Turn Patriotic Enthusiasm into Strength to Build a
Powerful Nation". 

In handling the issue, the Chinese government has adhered to the principled
stance of safeguarding state sovereignty and national dignity and opposing
hegemonism and power politics, it says.

Despite China's opposition, the United States
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/usa.html>  has, for years,
frequently sent aircraft to conduct surveillance activities along China's
coast, which was the root of the incident, the commentary says, stressing
that the United States should take full responsibility for the "aircraft
collision incident".

What the United States has done is against international laws and commonly
recognized principles on international relations, and has infringed China's
laws and regulations, invaded China's territorial space and violated China's
sovereignty, and damaged China's national security interests, the commentary

The Chinese government has voiced solemn and just requests and protests to
the US side and carried out a justified, advantageous and restrained
struggle against US hegemonism, which has once again displayed the ability
to cope with complicated situations and to handle complicated issues of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee with Jiang Zemin
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/jzm/jzmhome.htm>  at the
core, commentary says.

"Human life is the most valuable thing on earth," the commentary emphasizes.
The safety of the missing pilot is what the CPC and the Chinese government
care most about and what millions of Chinese people have been worrying

By April 10, the Chinese Navy had dispatched 107 aircraft and 95 vessels to
undertake the largest-ever rescue effort in the history of the Chinese armed
forces, it says. 

The commentary points out that all Chinese people from every ethnic group
firmly support the solemn and just stance of the Chinese government and have
shown strong patriotic enthusiasm and high spirits.

The Chinese nation is a great nation which advocates justice and fears no
powers, it stresses.

The anti-hegemonism struggle by the Chinese people has won strong support
from the international community, the commentary says.

It goes on to say that China has won initial success in its struggle, which
still continues, noting that the struggle between the pursuers and opponents
of hegemony and the uni-polar world and the multi-polar world is a long-term
and complicated one and it will not be completed through one event or one
round of encounters.

China believes in the irresistible historic trend that justice and truth
will win, it says. 

The direction for the development of China-US relations is extremely
important to the whole world, the commentary stresses. The majority of
American people are friendly to China, though in the Untied States there are
anti-China forces who are hostile to China and interfere in China's internal
affairs, it says. 

Improving and developing China-US relations are not only compatible with the
fundamental interests of the two nations but favorable to world peace and
stability, the commentary says.

Through the struggle, all Chinese people from all ethnic groups have further
reached a common understanding that China needs development, the nation
needs reinvigoration, and society needs stability, the commentary says.

A strong will has formed to strenuously prosper the nation, strengthen the
Chinese nation, and strengthen national power, it says. This is a very
precious spiritual wealth, it stresses.


Iraq Urges UNIKOM to Report US, British Airspace Violations
Iraq on Thursday urged the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission
(UNIKOM) to perform its duties and report the almost daily violations of its
airspace by US and British warplanes, the official Iraqi News Agency (INA)
Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammad Said al-Sahaf made the appeal in a letter to
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the INA said.
Sahaf also demanded Annan's intervention to stop the armed patrols over
southern and northern Iraq by US and British jets since the 1991 Gulf War,
the INA said. 
"The UN should take legal procedures to stop these aggressions," Sahaf said
in the letter. 
US and British planes have been patrolling the two no-fly zones in northern
and southern Iraq with the claimed aim of protecting the Kurds in the north
and Shiite Muslims in the south from possible attacks by Baghdad.
Iraq has never recognized the air exclusion zones for lack of clear UN
authorization and has criticized the UNIKOM for remaining silent over
Western planes' patrols over the no-fly zones.
The UNIKOM has been patrolling the demilitarized zone between Iraq and
Kuwait since a US-led multinational coalition force ousted Iraqi troops from
Kuwait in 1991 after a seven-month occupation. It is charged with reporting
any violations of either nation's territory to the UN Security Council.

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