From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 02:09:58 +0200

Subject: SPS statement on Yugoslavia

Belgrade, April 11, 2001

The Socialist Party of Serbia has always been and today is firmly committed
for preservation and development of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as
common federal state of the equal republics Serbia and Montenegro, their
peoples and all citizens.

Preservation of Yugoslavia is a key for peace, stability and development in
the Balkans. Her survival and development are in harmony with European
integrational processes and are the best barrier for all separatisms
threathening to the peace and stability of South East Europe and of whole

Foundation of Yugoslavia eighty three years ago was not a mistake of Europe,
as some DOS member parties and leaders claim in order to express loyalty to
those who ordered destruction of Yugoslavia - but greatest achievement of
Europe. Being for more than eight decades factor of stability and balance in
a strategically extremely important part of Europe, today and in the future
she must play even more important role of linking and of preventing any
separatism and terrorism.

Spreading of inconfidence and new divisions have a goal to weaken Serbia and
Montenegro, slow down their development and strengthen the appetites of
their enemies. Yugoslavia is a symbol of peace, dignity and equal
cooperation. She never threatened to anyone, accepting always as partner
everyone ready to cooperate on peace, security, development. That's why
preservation and development of Yugoslavia represent common interest of her
people and citizens, interest of the peoples of Balkans, of Europe and of
whole world.

Socialist Party of Serbia supports all political, patriotic forces in
Montenegro standing for preservation of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and
wishes them success in the forthcoming parliamentary elections with
conviction that Yugoslavia will win.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the only free daily newspaper in Yugoslavia)

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