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From: The Infamous Vinnie Gangbox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 12:00 AM
Subject: [cpusa] Fwd: [gangbox] Fwd : 15 MEN, 15 MURDERS : A BRIEF PROFILE OF THE

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  From: The Infamous Vinnie Gangbox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2001 15:49:00 -0700 (PDT)
  Subject: [gangbox] Fwd : 15 MEN, 15 MURDERS : A BRIEF PROFILE OF THE


  Sunday, April 15, 2001
  Stories of 15 black men killed by police since 1995


  By Dan Klepal and Cindi Andrews
  The Cincinnati Enquirer
  Harvey Price
  Feb. 1, 1995

  Harvey Price

          Harvey Price killed 15-year-old Tesha Beasley with an axe and kept
  police at bay for four hours before he was shot by a SWAT team officer on
  Feb. 1, 1995.

          Mr. Price, 34, struck Ms. Beasley - his girlfriend's daughter -
  multiple times before dragging her body to the basement of her North
  Avondale apartment.

          A neighbor discovered blood in a hallway and called the landlord.
  Police found Ms. Beasley's body, but no one inside the apartment.

          With police still inside, Mr. Price sneaked back into the
  just after midnight by crawling through a kitchen window. Hamilton County
  Coroner Dr. Carl Parrott, part of a team searching the apartment for
  evidence, opened a bathroom door and found Mr. Price inside with a steak

          Mr. Price was sprayed with a chemical irritant and shocked twice
  with a stun gun, but refused to drop his weapon. Police say he became
  increasingly suicidal as the hours wore on.

          At 4:27 a.m., four SWAT team members entered the bathroom with
  shields raised and sprayed Mr. Price with another round of irritant. Mr.
  Price began advancing on the officers, the knife raised over his head,
  police said.

          Sgt. Randy Rengering shot Mr. Price five times. He was exonerated
  after an internal investigation.

          Dorothy Anderson, Tesha's aunt, said she doesn't think police
  to shoot Mr. Price that morning. He should have lived a long life behind
  bars, she said.

          "This comes after years of reflection, but even he deserved a day
  court," Ms. Anderson, of Madisonville, said. "We may not like what some
  people do, but they're still human beings.

          "It just seems like when white men commit a crime, they still end
  with their day in court. All 15 of those men killed by police were black,
  and that's the problem that has caused all of this."

  Darryll C. Price
  April 4, 1996

  Darryll C. Price

          Darryll C. Price was jumping on the hood of a car stuck in
  shouting that he was going to "shoot someone," just before he died in a
  struggle with police on April 4, 1996.

          Mr. Price struck his head on the ground and suffered other minor
  injuries when police sprayed a chemical irritant in his face, tackled him
  and placed shackles on his wrists and ankles.

          An autopsy revealed that Mr. Price's death was caused by "agitated
  delirium with restraint," a sudden death syndrome usually seen in mentally
  ill people or drug abusers. Mr. Price had been using cocaine prior to the
  incident. The syndrome begins when a disturbed person can't get enough
  oxygen, bringing on an irregular heartbeat or respiratory arrest.

          Once restrained, police called for medical help because they saw
  that Mr. Price - 42 years old and unarmed - was bleeding from the head.

          He kept struggling as officers put him on a stretcher, took off
  handcuffs and refastened them above his head so that rescue workers could
  better administer first aid, police reports say.

          While officers were putting a belt across Mr. Price's chest, he
  stopped moving and rescue workers began CPR. He was pronounced dead less
  than an hour after police took him into custody.

          The coroner said Mr. Price's death was largely caused by the
  syndrome and was unrelated to the cuts and bruises sustained in his
  with police. The police officers were cleared of any wrongdoing.

  Lorenzo Collins
  Feb. 23, 1997

  Lorenzo Collins

          Lorenzo Collins had a brick. Fifteen police officers, surrounding
  Mr. Collins, had guns.

          A 25-year-old Avondale man with a history of mental illness, Mr.
  Collins died five days after two of those officers shot him on Feb. 23,
  1997. He had refused to drop the brick he was using to threaten police.

          The shooting ignited public anger. Protests went on for weeks, all
  peaceful. The city responded by creating a citizens' review panel that
  examine police shootings and make a recommendation to the city manager on
  whether disciplinary action was warranted.

          Attorney Ken Lawson, who recently filed a lawsuit against the city
  alleging that police engage in racial profiling, represented the Collins
  family in a wrongful death lawsuit. The family was awarded $200,000.

          Mr. Lawson said the citizens' panel has no real power because it
  only make recommendations. "After the Lorenzo Collins shooting, getting
  panel was enough to make everyone go home. And now there's been 15 black
  men, so the pattern has continued."

          An FBI and Justice Department investigation found no criminal
  wrongdoing by Officer Douglas Depodesta and a University of Cincinnati
  officer, both of whom fired twice. Mr. Collins was struck three times.
  Officer Depodesta did receive counseling.

  Daniel Williams
  Feb. 2, 1998

  Daniel Williams

          Daniel Williams flagged down Kathleen Conway's police cruiser on
  Feb. 2, 1998. When she stopped, he hit her in the face and fired four
  from a .357 Magnum into her legs and abdomen before seizing the steering
  wheel and shoving her into the passenger seat.

          Officer Conway, 23, survived the attack by shooting Mr. Williams
  the head with two shots from her service revolver. It was a justifiable
  shooting, investigators ruled.

          No one will ever know why Mr. Williams did it. The 41-year-old,
  had been living in a downtown boarding room, had convictions for domestic
  violence and felonious assault. His sister called police two days earlier
  report Mr. Williams had threatened the family.

          His death caused no protests, yet shocked the community's senses.
  came just three months after Officer Daniel Pope and Spc. Ronald Jeter
  gunned down in a Clifton Heights apartment while serving a domestic

          The attacks on police came as the city was considering a citizens'
  review panel, which would critically examine police shootings.

          That sounded like an insult to Fraternal Order of Police President
  Keith Fangman. After all, the force had lost three officers in as many

          "The timing was horrible," Mr. Fangman said. "There was then and
  still is now a feeling among many police officers that we need a separate
  review panel to investigate why so many officers in this city are being
  physically assaulted and killed.

          "You don't hear the mayor or council talking about that. It's

          Teri Hoehn, the first female officer on the force who left in
  said all police shootings are not created equal. Ms. Conway, she said, is
  true hero.

          "That was courage under fire," she said.

          Ms. Conway retired from the force last year after a long medical
  separation from her job.

  Jermaine Lowe
  June 3, 1998

  Jermaine Lowe

          Jermaine Lowe saw the police lights in the rearview mirror and hit
  the gas.

          He sped up Vine Street in a stolen car, through Over-the-Rhine and
  into Corryville - an eight-minute chase on June 3, 1998 that ended when
  Lowe crashed into another car.

          A convicted felon who had broken parole and was sought for an
  robbery, Mr. Lowe leaned out the driver's door and unloaded his handgun in
  the direction of three Cincinnati police officers.

          The officers responded with a hail of gunfire that sent dozens of
  spent casings into the street. Mr. Lowe was pronounced dead at the scene;
  passenger in his car, who was not charged with a crime, was unharmed.

          The shootout happened on the same block where Officers Pope and
  Jeter were gunned down in an apartment building.

          Partners Scott Bode and Scott Krauser, known as "the two Scotts,"
  along with Officer Michael Ammann, were cleared of any wrongdoing.

          John Foster Jr., owner of Highland Deli in Corryville, was robbed
  gunpoint by Mr. Lowe two months before the shootout. Mr. Lowe was wanted
  connection to that robbery.

          Mr. Foster said he doesn't like to see anyone lose his life, but
  police have a right to protect themselves.

  Randy Black
  July 17, 1998
          Randy Black was an education student at the University of
  when he decided to rob the Cinco Credit Union, where he was a member, on
  morning of July 17, 1998.

          A short time later, he was dead.

          Mr. Black, 23, of Evanston, threatened credit union employees and
  demanded money. But that's not what got him killed.

          Cincinnati Police chased Mr. Black down Clifton Avenue, where he
  threw a brick at an officer.

          Officer Joseph Eichhorn tried to arrest Mr. Black, but the young
  picked up a two-by-four dotted with jutting rusted nails. With board in
  hand, he lunged at the officer. Mr. Black was shot twice in the abdomen

          An investigation found that Mr. Black had been armed with a
  during the robbery, but ditched the gun during the police chase.

          Standard investigations found no wrongdoing on the officer's part.

          FOP President Fangman echoed that finding, saying a two-by-four is
  deadly weapon and could have killed Officer Eichhorn.

          "If anyone in this community thinks or expects our officers to
  a two-by-four in the head, they are sadly mistaken," Mr. Fangman said.

  Michael Carpenter
  March 19, 1999

  Michael Carpenter

          Michael Carpenter's death is the only one so far to result in a
  Cincinnati Police officer being reprimanded.

          The 30-year-old Mount Airy man attracted officers' attention about
  1:20 a.m. March 19, 1999, at a Northside convenience store. Officers Brent
  McCurley and Michael Miller ran the plates of the blue Pontiac he was
  driving - which would turn out to be a friend's - and found them expired.

          Within two minutes of the computer check, the officers radioed for
  help. One of the officers had fired his gun and Mr. Carpenter was dead.

          That is pretty much all that police, witnesses and family members
  agree on.

          The police said that Officer Miller approached the Pontiac after
  pulled over on narrow Pitts Avenue. Mr. Carpenter refused to get out and
  instead reached for the glove box. Officer Miller reached through the
  driver's window and tried to pull him out.

          Mr. Carpenter drove about 15 feet, dragging Officer Miller and
  hitting a parked van. Officer McCurley, standing behind Mr. Carpenter's
  said he saw the backup lights come on. He shot nine times.

          Neighbors, however, said the van was not damaged and the Pontiac
  seemed to be neatly parallel-parked.

          "There were a lot of things that didn't go with what I saw,"
  resident Jewell Day now says. "Maybe it wasn't handled right."

          Investigations indicated similarly mixed feelings among officials.
  Officer McCurley was exonerated by the U.S. Department of Justice, the
  county prosecutor and an internal police division investigation.

          The city's Office of Municipal Investigation (OMI) and the
  independent Citizens Police Review Panel called the shooting unjustified.

          Ultimately, Officer McCurley received a written reprimand and was
  ordered to receive 40 hours of retraining because of several tactical
  leading to the shooting.

          Officer Miller resigned from the force.

  James King
  Aug. 20, 1999

  James King

          James King fired a shot in Fifth Third Bank to show that he meant

          The shot didn't hurt anyone, but it came just after Mr. King
  a note threatening to take hostages and kill people if he didn't get a bag
  full of cash on Aug. 20, 1999.

          Mr. King, 44, got his money and took off in a gray Chevrolet
  Celebrity with three Cincinnati police cruisers and a university police
  close behind.

          Five blocks later, Mr. King turned into the open gates of a
  construction site, scattering workers.

          He led police on a winding course around several 15-foot-tall dirt
  mounds inside the site, just off Martin Luther King Drive. The
  area, about the size of a football field, is separated from UC's Morgens,
  Scioto and Sawyer residence halls by a chain-link fence.

          The end came when Mr. King found himself trapped by dirt piles in
  front and police cars behind. He jumped out of the car, gun in hand.
  Officers ordered him to drop his weapon. He refused.

          Kitty Choi, a junior in special education at the University of
  Cincinnati, heard the sirens and watched the scene unfold from her

          She saw Mr. King and his gun.

          "Everyone came to a stop, the police jumped out, the robber jumped
  out, they fired, and that man just fell to the ground instantly," Ms. Choi

          Officers Randy Webb, Rachel Folk, Jason Drach and Adrian Gibson
  cleared in subsequent investigations.

  Carey Tompkins
  Oct. 16, 1999

  Carey Tompkins

          Carey Tompkins lost a life-and-death struggle over his 9mm handgun
  with a Cincinnati Police officer in the narrow hallway of a West End
  apartment building on Oct. 16, 1999.

          Mr. Tompkins' death, the third at the hands of police that year,
  escalated tensions in the West End for days. Graffiti - such as "Police we
  can go to war" - appeared on several storefronts. But violence or protests
  didn't erupt.

          Known as "C-Murda" to friends, Mr. Tompkins was a new father whom
  neighbors remembered as quiet and respectful. However, police responded to
  911 call from his girlfriend's home that night.

          In the recorded call, Mr. Tompkins is heard shouting obscenities
  a woman who is crying. An older man, identified as the girlfriend's
  is attempting to calm Mr. Tompkins, who then shouts: "If she ever got
  something to say about me, say it to my face."

          The older man asks him why he would put a gun to the woman, then
  says: "You brought a gun out here. What'd you do with the gun?"

          As officers opened the door to the York Street apartment stairway
  about 2:30 a.m., Officer Craig Ball came face to face with Mr. Tompkins,

          The officer put his hand out to stop him and felt the handgun in
  waistband. The struggle for the gun began.

          Janet Little, 52, has lived on York Street in the West End for
  45 years. Her kids grew up with Mr. Tompkins. She was upset by the
  although she thinks it was justified.

          "I felt the officers could have handled it better," Ms. Little
  "But he had a gun and I don't know exactly what I would have done if I
  those officers. Police handled it better than with this last shooting (of
  Mr. Thomas)."

          Mr. Tompkins shouldn't have had a gun, she said: "They're not to
  carried around like it's the Wild West."

  Alfred Pope
  March 14, 2000

  Alfred Pope

          Alfred Pope was hit by 10 of 26 bullets fired at him by Cincinnati
  police during the early morning of March 14, 2000.

          At 23 years old, the Bond Hill man already had 18 felony charges
  five convictions, including weapons and assault charges.

          His final run-in with police started when he and another man
  and pistol-whipped three people in the hallway of an Avondale apartment
  building. Shots were heard.

          Police arrived and chased Mr. Pope, who pulled out a 9mm handgun
  after a struggle. He pointed the gun at himself and then at the officers.

          The officers opened fire. Kenneth J. Grubbs shot three times;
  Carder, seven; and Jason K. Lamb, 16. Officers Grubbs and Lamb each had
  more than two years' experience, and Officer Carder had nearly eight.

          Friends and neighbors questioned the number of shots fired, but
  internal investigations exonerated the officers.

  Courtney Mathis
  Sept. 1, 2000

  Courtney Mathis

          Courtney Mathis was a boy trying to be a man.

          On the night of Sept. 1, 2000, the 12-year-old sneaked out of his
  parents' Bahama Terrace apartment and into the driver's seat of a
  car. He drove to a Mount Airy convenience store on Colerain Avenue.

          Cincinnati Police Officer Kevin Crayon saw the boy at the store
  asked to see his driver's license. Courtney put the car in reverse.
  Crayon reached into the car, apparently trying to grab the keys or shift
  car into park.

          Courtney sped off with the officer tangled in the steering wheel.
  Eight hundred feet later, as the car weaved down Colerain and approached a
  busy intersection, Officer Crayon managed to pull out his gun and shoot
  Courtney point-blank in the chest.

          The shot dislodged the 40-year-old officer, who died when his head
  hit the exhaust pipe of a car waiting to turn left at the intersection. He
  was the fourth policeman killed in three years.

          Courtney managed to drive home. He collapsed in the living room
  died four hours later.

          Both the Mathis and Crayon families came together after the
  and urged forgiveness. Willie Watts of the West End said Saturday that
  happened to his grandson wasn't the officer's fault.

          The officer's death ended the investigation.

  Roger Owensby Jr.
  Nov. 7, 2000

  Roger Owensby Jr.

          Roger Owensby Jr. died of suffocation on Nov. 7, 2000, as police
  tried to arrest him for outstanding warrants.

          Police spotted Mr. Owensby at a Roselawn gas station where he'd
  bought an energy drink. He cooperated with the officers until he saw the
  handcuffs. The 29-year-old College Hill man broke free and ran, but was
  tackled almost immediately.

          Police officers sprayed Mr. Owensby with a chemical irritant,
  handcuffed him and placed him in the rear of a cruiser. He was found
  unconscious a short time later.

          Two of the police officers involved in the Owensby arrest were
  indicted. The FOP's Mr. Fangman said that should be proof that there is no
  investigative coverup when it comes to alleged police misconduct.

          Mr. Fangman said he can understand the public anger in the Owensby
  and Thomas cases. They are upset because the grand jury process doesn't
  allow questions to be answered right now.

          "I can understand the frustration," Mr. Fangman said. "But two
  officers have been indicted. That's hardly a coverup."

          Roger Owensby Sr. said Saturday the lack of answers in his son's
  death has been difficult to deal with. The Thomas shooting has made his
  son's death fresh again, he said. He blames police for both deaths.

          "I still to this day don't even know why they stopped him," Mr.
  Owensby said. "It's old wounds. This brought it back.

          "The police are out of hand. They don't give anybody a chance."

          Investigations into the incident continue.

  Jeffrey Irons
  Nov. 8, 2000
          Jeffrey Irons had been staying in an Over-the-Rhine homeless
  when he went into the Pleasant Ridge IGA supermarket on Nov. 8, 2000, and
  allegedly stole deodorant and shaving cream.

          Rather than surrender to officers who caught up with him, the
  30-year-old Mr. Irons struggled, police say.

          Mr. Irons grabbed a sergeant's gun and shot Officer Tim Pappas in
  the hand. Another officer, Frederick Gilmer, shot and killed Mr. Irons.

          Mr. Irons' death received more and less attention than usual
  it happened a day after Roger Owensby died in police custody.

          The shooting led to several African-American leaders calling for
  federal intervention into police department practices.

          The U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Attorney's Office and FBI are
  still investigating the shooting.

  Adam Wheeler
  Jan. 31, 2001

  Adam Wheeler

          Adam Wheeler was wanted on three open felony warrants when he
  slammed his Donahoe Avenue apartment door in the face of a police officer
  investigating a drug complaint on Jan. 31, 2001.

          The incident touched off a shootout with Cincinnati police that
  ended in Mr. Wheeler's death.

          Mr. Wheeler allegedly screamed, "You want a war? You got a war."
  then fired all six shots from his gun.

          Officer Craig Gregoire, the 26-year-old son of a police captain,
  retreated into a bathroom during the shooting and noticed he was bleeding.
  He was treated at University Hospital and released.

          Mr. Wheeler had just been released from prison, after being
  sentenced to seven months in August for possession of drugs. He'd gotten
  same sentence for the same crime in 1999, and served some time then.

          Rev. Steven Keith Wheeler, Adam Wheeler's uncle who lives in the
  West End, said his nephew wasn't trying to start a war. But he was
  one on the inside - a war against drug addiction.

          "Adam was not stupid," Rev. Wheeler said. "He was not trying to
  start a war. If he was trying to do that, he would have had more
  He was intent on ending one, one that raged heavy inside his soul."

  Timothy Thomas
  April 7, 2001

  Timothy Thomas

          Timothy Thomas ran from police twice before. Both times, he got

          Mr. Thomas, 19, knew he had more than a dozen misdemeanor warrants
  out for his arrest and he knew police were looking for him. On April 7, he
  knew he'd been spotted by two off-duty officers working outside The
  Warehouse nightclub on Vine Street.

          Mr. Thomas took off, and the chase was on. The officers called in
  backups. Twelve officers joined in. Police said Mr. Thomas jumped fences
  darted behind buildings, finally turning down an alley off Republic
  one of the city's most dangerous.

          Officer Steve Roach was joining the pursuit from the other
  direction. He saw Mr. Thomas emerge from behind a building at the end of
  alley and told authorities that Mr. Thomas was reaching for something in
  waistband. He thought his life was in danger.

          Officer Roach fired one fatal shot, hitting Mr. Thomas in the
  No weapon was found on Mr. Thomas.

          All evidence in the case is under seal. Hamilton County
  say they will present the case to a grand jury this week.

          The shooting touched off a week of protests and violence unlike
  seen since the 1968 Avondale riots that followed the assassination of the
  Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King. That riot, on April 8, 1968, ended with two
  dead, 220 arrested and $3 million in property damage.


  Apr. 16, 2001
   Copyright 1995-2000. The Cincinnati Enquirer, a Gannett Co. Inc.

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