TODAY'S NEWS (April.28.2001 Juche 90)



Protest campaign against police crackdown declared in South Korea

Anti-U.S. protest in S. Korea

DPRK paddlers prove successful

National meeting of party propaganda officials

S. Korean workers to call strike

U.S. ambition for world domination under fire

Probe into truth behind GIs' mass killings in S. Korea demanded

Withdrawal of U.S. forces from S. Korea urged

Revocation of approval of distorted history textbook demanded

Japan's moves for revival of militarism under fire

Protocol signed between governments of DPRK and Russia

Talks held between vice-chairman of DPRK NDC and Russian deputy prime

Talks between DPRK minister of People's Armed Forces and Russian minister of
National Defence

For Spanish-speaking people


comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 395 de epc

llega a pyongyang delegacion de surcorea a primera reunion de cpcens

base de creacion de pelicula infantil


Protest campaign against police crackdown declared in South Korea
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade
Unions (KCTU) on April 23 held a press conference in protest against police
crackdown upon the unionists of the Daewoo Motor Company and threatened to
launch a 10 million-people campaign for watching video tapes on the
crackdown, according to Seoul-based CBS. The confederation called on its 14
regional headquarters, 17 branch federations and over 1,500 units of trade
unions under it to show the video tapes at all railway stations and village
halls from the end of April to the end of may across South Korea to let
people know about the police crackdown.
    Meanwhile, the confederation sent the same video tape to the united
nations and decided to send another copy and materials on the suppression to
the conference of the international labour organization and the world labour
organization for human rights.


Anti-U.S. protest in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Members of the Environment Movement
Association of South Korea staged a surprise demonstration in front of the
U.S. embassy in Seoul on Wednesday, according to a MBC report from Seoul.
The demonstration was launched in protest against the Bush administration's
abrogation of the convention on preventing global warming and its
establishment of "NMD."
    The demonstrators were carrying placards and chanting slogans protesting
the U.S. administration's wrong behavior, asserting that Bush seeks to leave
environment and peace of the world to the mercy of the U.S. munition


DPRK paddlers prove successful
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Paddlers of the DPRK gave a good account
of themselves at the 10th East Asian Junior Table-Tennis Championships held
in Kobe of Japan over April 21-22. Ri Hyok Won the men's singles title while
Kim Ok Hyang placed third in the women's singles. The DPRK snatched bronze
medals in the men's and women's team events.
    Participating in the championships were boy and girl paddlers from eight
countries and regions including the DPRK, Mongolia, China and Japan.


National meeting of party propaganda officials
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- A national meeting of propaganda
officials of primary party organizations was held here over April 26-27. The
meeting reviewed the achievements and experience gained in the party
ideological work over the past years, and discussed measures to enhance the
responsibility and role of officials who are in charge of propaganda work of
primary party organizations, in improving the ideological education in
conformity with the demand of the new century.
    "Let us further enhance the role of propaganda officials of primary
party organizations in keeping with the requirements of the revolutionary
advance in the new century", a letter sent by leader Kim Jong Il to the
participants, was read out at the meeting.
    Clarified in the letter are the basic duty of the officials in charge of
party ideological work in the new century, the fundamental demand for
improving and intensifying the propaganda and political work, and highly
important tasks to be carried out by propaganda officials of primary party
organizations and ways for their implementation.
    A reporter said at the meeting that it is the consistent policy
maintained by the Workers' Party of Korea in guiding the revolution and
construction to open up the road of victory by giving priority to ideology
and setting the masses on the move.
    He called upon the propaganda officials to conduct party propaganda and
political work in a unique and dynamic way in keeping with the demands of
the new century and thus make a great contribution to the building of a
powerful nation. 
    Speeches were made at the meeting.


S. Korean workers to call strike
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Over 3,000 unionists of a bus company in
Seoul held a ceremony to call a strike on April 26 in demand of wage hike
and withdrawal of a decision to drastically decrease the number of buses,
Seoul-based Radio No. 1 reported. The unionists declared that they would
call a strike on Friday unless the company meets their demand.


U.S. ambition for world domination under fire
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- The U.S. is reportedly stepping up in
real earnest the modernization of military hardware including the
development of new type nuclear weapons after working out a "proposal for
military reform" to "increase combat capacity." In this regard Minju Joson
today in a signed commentary observes:
    This clearly shows the U.S. intention not to hesitate to use nuclear
weapons in a bid to realise its ambition for domination.
    What merits attention is the fact that the U.S. development of nuclear
weapons and the modernization of military hardware are aimed at provoking a
new war on the Korean peninsula as part of its strategy to realize its
ambition for world domination.
    Even the U.S. does not hide the fact that its escalating military
actions are to stifle the DPRK by force of arms and use it as a springboard
from which to put the world under its military domination.
    The prevailing situation compels the DPRK to make full preparations to
resolutely counter the U.S. moves for a nuclear war.
    If the U.S. provokes a nuclear war on the Korean peninsula at any cost
the people's army and the people of the DPRK will strongly retaliate against
it. They have capacity and will to do so. Their strong counteraction will be
limitless and it will bring disastrous consequences to the U.S.


Probe into truth behind GIs' mass killings in S. Korea demanded
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries a signed
commentary as regards the recent confirmation of the truth that the U.S.
imperialists massacred innocent civilians in Pusan, too, during the last
Korean war. It is quite natural that the people from all walks of life in
South Korea are strongly calling for the formation of a fact-finding group
and carrying out a thorough survey and excavation.
    A thorough excavation and probe into the truth alone can wreak the
bitter grudge of those killed by GIs, the commentary notes, and continues:
    A thorough probe into the truth behind the mass killings is urgently
required to prevent the repetition of such tragedy.
    The Bush administration tries to ignite a new war in Korea, openly
pursuing a hostile policy towards the DPRK. Therefore, no one can vouch that
the U.S. imperialists will not commit more mass killings of peaceable
civilians when a new war breaks out in Korea. To prevent the U.S.
imperialists from indiscriminately killing peaceable civilians after
igniting a new war, it is necessary to probe the truth behind those mass
killings to the last.
    The basic way of barring them from committing mass killings is to force
the U.S. forces to quit South Korea.


Withdrawal of U.S. forces from S. Korea urged
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- The Indian Committee for Supporting
Korea's Reunification on April 18 released a statement in support of Rodong
Sinmun commentator's article dated April 16 "The issue of U.S. troop pullout
should be discussed before anything else." The statement said: The Bush
administration is now pursuing a hardline policy in a bid to stifle the DPRK
by force. It is urging the DPRK to cut down its military forces on the front
while seeking the permanent presence of the U.S. troops in South Korea.
    Such behavior proves that the bush administration does not have any
intention to ease the military confrontation on the Korean peninsula but
works hard to escalate it against the DPRK.
    The U.S. should take a practical step to pull its troops out of South
Korea before talking about "cutdown of conventional forces" of the DPRK, if
it truly wants disarmament and peace on the Korean peninsula.


Revocation of approval of distorted history textbook demanded
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- The council for the promotion of national
spirit in South Korea in a press interview on April 23 urged the Japanese
government to immediately repeal its approval of the retrogressive revision
of the history textbook and enforce proper education in history, according
to Seoul-based Yonhap News. The council demanded Japan abandon its arrogant
intention to distort history in a bid to implant the Japanese consciousness
of being superior to others into the pupils.
    The council also urged the Japanese government to admit the state crimes
the Japanese imperialists committed in the past war of aggression and in the
period of their military occupation, stop the education in the history of
the "empire" and make an official apology and reparation for the crimes
related to the "comfort women for the army".


Japan's moves for revival of militarism under fire
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- 86 Japanese dietmen and 97 assistants to
dietmen of Japan visited the Yasukuni Shrine on April 20 to call back the
departed soul of those killed in the war of aggression. In this regard
Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary says:
    Now the Japanese reactionaries hold that the politicians in power are
duty-bound to visit the shrine in order to inherit Japan's "spirit" and
    They advertise the Yasukuni Shrine as an ideological centre to infuse
militarist idea of aggression and zeal for reinvasion into Japanese
citizens. Through visits to the shrine they seek to imbue the younger
generation with militarism so that they may turn out in a war to realize
their dream of "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" which they failed to
achieve in the past. Their other aim is to create a social atmosphere
favourable for arms buildup needed for overseas invasion and completion of
the wartime law. 
    Recently they disclosed that Japan would dispatch its "Self-Defence
Forces" to the Korean peninsula if a war breaks out there. This is little
short of a declaration of a war of aggression to seize the DPRK any moment.
    The Japanese reactionaries' ambition for aggression remains unchanged
though one generation is replaced by another.
    If they dare undertake any military action against the DPRK they will
not escape a merciless retaliation.


Protocol signed between governments of DPRK and Russia
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- A protocol on the 4th meeting of the
forestry sub-committee of the inter-governmental committee for cooperation
in trade, economy and science and technology between the DPRK and the
Russian Federation was signed here on April 27. The protocol was signed by
vice-minister of forestry of the DPRK Jon Myong Guk and vice-minister of
industry, science and technology of the Russian Federation Vitaly Usov.


Talks held between vice-chairman of DPRK NDC and Russian deputy prime
     Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between vice-marshal of
the Korean People's Army Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the National Defence
Commission of the DPRK and minister of the People's Armed Forces, who is
leading the DPRK high-ranking military delegation and I.I. Mlevanov, deputy
prime minister of the government of the Russian Federation, in Moscow on
April 27. At the talks both sides informed each other of successes made in
their countries and discussed the issue of further developing cooperation in
various fields between the two countries.
    The head of the DPRK delegation and the deputy prime minister of the
government of the Russian Federation signed an agreement on cooperation in
the field of military technology between the two countries.
    Present at the talks from the DPRK side were the members of the
delegation and DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak Ui Chun and from the Russian
side Mikhail Dmitriyev, vice-minister of national defence of the Russian
Federation, and officials concerned.


Talks between DPRK minister of People's Armed Forces and Russian minister of
National Defence
    Pyongyang, April 28 (KCNA) -- Talks were held between Kim Il Chol,
minister of the People's Armed Forces of the DPRK, and Sergei Ivanov,
minister of National Defence of the Russian Federation, in Moscow on April
27. At the talks the DPRK side praised the recent achievements made in
    The Russian side noted that the relations between Russia and the DPRK
have entered a phase of fresh development in the wake of the Pyongyang
meeting of the heads of the two countries.
    Saying that the U.S. policy including the Bush administration's
establishment of the "National Missile Defense" system throws a stumbling
block in the way of ensuring global peace and security, it noted that Russia
shares the same stand with the DPRK in opposing the U.S. efforts to build a
unipolar world. 
    Kim Il Chol and Sergei Ivanov signed an agreement on cooperation between
the armed forces organs of the two countries.
    Present at the talks from the DPRK side were the members of the
high-ranking military delegation of the DPRK, DPRK ambassador to Russia Pak
Ui Chun and military attache of the embassy and from the Russian side col.
general Yuri Zalogin, vice chief of the general staff of the armed forces of
the Russian Federation and general director for communications, and
officials concerned.


For Spanish-speaking people

comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no. 395 de epc
     pyongyang, 28 de diciembre (atcc) -- el estimado comandante supremo kim
jong il inspecciono el dia 27 la unidad no. 395 del ejercito popular de
corea. el comandante supremo kim jong il subio al puesto de mando avanzado
de la cota para enterarse del estado de topografia y objetos terrestres y la
ubicacion de fuerzas.
    dijo que los militares de la unidad ostentan hoy tambien su aspecto
majestuoso en el cumplimiento de su sagrado deber de defensa de la patria al
heredar las gloriosas tradiciones de la unidad y senalo que en el estandarte
de la unidad esta imbuido el noble espiritu de los martires revolucionarios
quienes lucharon dedicando su juventud y vida en aras del partido y el
lider, la patria y el pueblo.
    en el puesto de comando de la unidad al recorrer salas de leccion y
educacion y el dormitorio se entero del cumplimiento del deber de la unidad
y la vida de los militares.
    dejo como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico para la unidad y se
fotografio junto a los militares.
    el comandante supremo salio a la compania de policia civil de la unidad
en cumplimiento del servicio de guardia en el puesto del frente avanzado
para estimular a los soldados.
    al enterarse del estado de vestido de los soldados dijo que se debe
suministrar mayor cantidad de vestidos de buena calidad a nuestros soldados
que hacen mayores esfuerzos en el frente avanzado.
    hizo conocimientos de las condiciones de vida de los militares y el
deposito de productos para autoconsumo y se mostro satisfecho de su vida
dietetica asegurada por la hacendosa organizacion de produccion de alimentos
para autoabastecimiento.
    dejo binoculos, ametralladora y fusil automatico para la compania y se
hizo fotografiar junto a los militares.
    el mismo dia recorrio la central electrica construida por los militares
de la unidad no. 415 del epc.
    al recorrer varios lugares de la central evaluo altamente el ardiente
patriotismo de los militares de la unidad quienes hacen aporte a la
construccion de la patria rica y poderosa.
    le acompanaron jo myong rok, jefe de la direccion politica general, kim
yong chun, jefe del estado mayor general, del epc, kim il chol, ministro de
las fuerzas armadas populares y los generales de ejercito ri myong su, hyon
chol hae y pak jae gyong.


llega a pyongyang delegacion de surcorea a primera reunion de cpcens
     pyongyang, 28 de diciembre (atcc) -- llego ayer a esta capital la
delegacion del sur a la primera reunion del comite por la promocion de
cooperacion economica norte-sur(cpcens) para la ejecucion de la declaracion
conjunta norte-sur de corea. la delegacion es presidida por ri jong jae,
presidente de la parte sur de dicho comite y viceministro de finanzas y
economia. en el aeropuerto la delegacion fue acogida por los miembros de la
parte norte del cpcens.
    el mismo dia, jon kum jin, consejero responsable del consejo de
ministros de la rpdc y jefe de la delegacion de la parte norte a las
conversaciones a nivel de ministro del norte y el sur ofrecio banquete en el
palacio cultural del pueblo en honor de la delegacion del sur.


base de creacion de pelicula infantil
     pyongyang, 28 de diciembre (atcc) -- este ano fueron creadas muchas
peliculas en los estudios cinematograficos infantiles "26 de abril" de corea
(sek). entre ellas figuran las peliculas de gran valor cognoscitivo y
educativo para los ninos y trabajadores como "conejos hermanos y lobo",
"hermanos y lenador" y "papalote hecho por cerdo" y otras peliculas de
munecas de papel y titeres.
    hay decenas de peliculas de dibujos animados pedidas por varios paises
como "sandocan" (26 partes),"child of toromiro" (26 partes),"narigota" (26
partes) y "billy the cat"(14 partes), etc.
    el sek fundado en el 46 (1957) de la era juche esta situado a orillas
del rio taedong en el centro de pyongyang. a partir del 74 (1985) de la era
juche realiza el pedido y la asociacion para con francia, polonia y otros
    las obras de alto nivel descriptivo ganan popularidad de los
    son conocidas ampliamente en el mundo las peliculas de dibujos animados
como "gandahar" (largometraje), "adventures of pif q hercule" (130 partes),
"bloods ucker ernest"(104 partes).
    el sek tiene capacidad de producir al ano las peliculas para mas de 2000
minutos y ejecuta activamente la asociacion, pedido y otro intercambio
tecnico multifacetico en las ferias de peliculas de dibujos animados y
festivales internacionales.

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