22:43 Tuesday 1 May 2001

May Day has brought thousands of demonstrators to the streets across the

In Berlin, police used water cannon to break up burning street blockades,
arresting several dozen left wingers.

In Sydney, two police were taken to hospital and 28 others injured as police
fought with hundreds of anti-globalisation protesters.

In Brisbane, about 35 activists were arrested and several people injured as
protesters tried to storm the stock exchange.

In Istanbul, 20,000 people marched in parades, with thousands calling on the
government to compromise with leftist inmates who are staging a month-long
hunger strike over prison conditions that has already led to 20 deaths.

In Russia, hundreds of thousands of people joined marches and rallies.

In China, May Day marks the start of one of the year's biggest travel
seasons. The government requires employers to give employees the rest of the
week off, in part to try to stimulate the economy by encouraging travel.

Some 1,000 workers from North and South Korea sang and danced together at
Diamond Mountain, a scenic North Korean resort area.

The festivities were the first joint May Day celebration since the division
of the Korean Peninsula in 1945.

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, more than 1,000 armed policemen shut many roads to
traffic and lined the streets as political parties and trade unions began
rallies and meetings.

In Phnom Penh, over 2,000 people, mostly young women workers, defied a city
order and marched for improved conditions for Cambodia's estimated 150,000
garment factory workers.

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