From: "Walter Lippmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2001 02:45:03 -0700
To: "CubaNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CubaNews] Washington Angry Over Losing Rights Seat

These people can't seem to grasp that many people would
resent the heavy-handed tactics Washington used to gain
their pyrrhic victory in the vote on Cuba, by 22-20 with 10
abstentions while censuring Israel passed by 49-1.

May 4, 2001
Washington Angry Over Losing Rights Seat

WASHINGTON, May 3 ‹ American officials, lawmakers and
independent human rights groups voiced dismay and indignation
today that the United States had lost its seat on the United
Nations Human Rights Commission.

The critics of the decision offered several factors that
contributed to the American defeat, including a campaign by
rights- abusing nations to avoid scrutiny, resentment toward
the Bush administration for unilateral stances on issues like
global warming and missile defense, the growing independence
of the European Union and a failure by United States diplomats
to do the proper legwork before the vote.

The State Department issued a statement saying it was "greatly
disappointed in the outcome of the vote." The Human Rights
Commission remains an important forum but would be diminished
by the absence of the United States, the statement said. "Our
commitment and resolve to address human rights problems
around the world is a matter of U.S. policy; it will not be affected
by this vote."

In Congress, leaders from both parties expressed outrage that
nations whose records have long been criticized by the United
States apparently banded together with European nations to
quell Washington's voice.

A spokesman for the House speaker, J. Dennis Hastert, said
today's action might force lawmakers to reconsider a carefully
wrought agreement worked out between the Senate and the
Clinton administration to pay outstanding American dues to the
United Nations. The House is expected to take up the issue for
the first time next week as part of the State Department
authorization bill.

"This really hurts the credibility of the U.N. in the
Congress," said Mr. Hastert's spokesman, John P. Feehery.

Although the vote of the Economic and Social Council, which
has authority over the human rights commission, was carried
out by secret ballot, lawmakers speculated that nations like
Cuba and China ‹ both annual targets of American criticism ‹
had conducted behind-the-scenes lobbying against Washington.
Others pointed to the unraveling of an understanding with
Europe that the United States would retain one of the three
seats reserved for Western nations.

"This is a deliberate attempt to punish the United States for
its insistence that the commission tell the truth about human
rights abuses wherever they occur," said Representative Henry
J. Hyde, Republican of Illinois and the chairman of the House
International Relations Committee. "This commission includes
some of the world's premier human rights violators."

Representative Tom Lantos, a California Democrat who is the
co- chairman of the Congressional Human Rights Caucus, said,
"It is absurd that rogue states and chronic human rights
abusers such as Libya, Sudan and Cuba remain on the commission
and sit in judgment on the human rights practices of others
while the United States now stands on the sidelines."

Senator Jesse Helms, the North Carolina Republican who, as
chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee was a major
architect of the agreement to end the United States' arrears,
said it came as "no surprise that a few European countries
maneuvered ‹ in a secret vote ‹ to eliminate the United States
from the United Nations Human Rights Commission."

But the defeat did catch some administration officials by
surprise. American diplomats had received more than 40 written
assurances from nations that they would support a seat for the
United States, a Republican Congressional official said.

Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, a former American ambassador to the
United Nations, said the administration's failure so far to
place a diplomat in her old post, had left the United States
vulnerable to diplomatic ambushes. "Somebody wasn't watching
the store," Dr. Kirkpatrick said. Without the leadership of an
ambassador, she said, there is an atmosphere in which "no one
is responsible."

Some analysts viewed the vote as a response to the
administration's positions on a number of issues ‹ from a
treaty on land mines to the International Criminal Court ‹
that have drawn criticism, especially in Europe. The fact that
three European nations ‹ France, Sweden and Austria ‹
secured the Western seats signaled a snub of Washington
by the European Union, officials said.

But others said the Economic and Social Council was heavily
weighted toward developing nations that resent the United
States' annual criticism against other nations or fear such
scrutiny themselves.

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