[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]
----- Original Message -----
From: RedFront <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, June 16, 2001 10:50 PM
Subject: [downwithcapitalism] FW: in case somebody is interested - Anti-Bu$h report
from Poland!

Anti-Bu$h Protests in Warsaw

15.06.2001 - George W. Bu$h visits Poland, Warsaw to be more specific. He
arrives in the morning and his plan is to hold his most important speech at
5 p.m. in the main hall of Warsaw University Library in the center of

At 3 p.m. there was already 200 people waiting in front of the library at
the main entrance. Mostly students from many different leftist
organizations. Youth of the Polish Socialist Party, Worker's Democracy
(Polish section of the British SWP), Left Alternative, Revolutionary Left
Movement (Polish section of the 4th International) and many anarchists plus
some people from foreign countries and some workers (mostly young) unionized
and not unionized.

We were of course surrounded by police. Those idiots were absolutely ready
for this day. They have sent only the most "steroided" and the tallest. I
have never seen so many oversized people on place. About 1530  some guy with
a flashing vest asked us to move and we of course refused. We were pushed on
the other side of the street. They put fences (but short ones) and stood in
front of us forming a line.

We had few huge banners with ant-capitalist and anti-American slogans. Many
drawings and posters were held by the protesters. We were shouting the very
- English repertoire
"Hey, hey fuck the USA!"
"Bush go home!"
"We will, we will fuck you!"
"Hey, hey USA, how many kids you killed today!?!"
"We don't like CO2 mister Bush we fuck you!"
- Polish repertoire
"Wypierdalaj" (fuck off)
"Ameryka do mietnika" (America into the waste basket)
"Bush w kosmos, rakiety do mietnika" (Bush to cosmos, rockets into the
"Bush matole co robies w szkole?" (Bush you fool what did you do at

Half an hour later it was about 300 people already.

Generally it was just okay. About 4 p.m we noticed a group of about 30
people holding huge banners saying "Bush non stop" and "We want Poland in
NAFTA". They were youth organization of the ultra-liberal party called Union
of Real Policy (they want to abolish taxes). They were shouting something
against trade unions and such. We welcomed them with huge shouts "no
pasaran!". Everything was okay until they started shouting "Augusto
Pinochet!". Then we didn't manage to control us any more and the crowd
attacked those few people and took over most of their banners and chased
them away. Few people hurt nothing serious, the police wasn't fast enough to
do anything for dividing the groups. This pissed the police off. They didn't
manage to do anything, but they have to show they at least tried so they
needed someone they can afterwards blame for the entire event. They picked
on a guy that was staying just beside them and started to pull him out of
the crowd, the crowd immediately reacted - we tried to pull him back, but
they surrounded him and they managed. The entire crowd shouted "peaceful
demonstration!". They tore up his cloths and pulled him to the car. The
police started to get more and more active and just the faces of these
idiots. they were just waiting for the order to beat. Afterwards we noticed
that the liberals are coming from the other side so the entire dome
immediately started to move. The police this time reacted and of course
started a fight with us instead with the other group. Our demonstration was
legal - their wasn't!!!! they stated pulling out people again. One guy we
managed to save we even overtook a beating stick (strange thing is that the
police had pistols, what if someone would pull out his pistol??)). One guy
was pulled by both of the sides for some time. But the police started to
kick and used sticks. The crowd was extremely angry shouting "Police -
fascist shit!", "Gestapo!" and "Where are the tanks?". The fight took about
15 minutes afterwards things got a little calmer and we concentrated on what
we came for.

About 5 p.m local elite started to gather. Each person was welcomed with
appropriate slogans for example "Viva Zapata!" when the Mexican ambassador
arrived or "Down with the red bourgeoisie!" when social democrat's leader
passed by and so on.

Unfortunately we didn't manage to see when Bu$h arrived and we shouted a
little more afterwards we moved (well, 2/3 of the demonstration) to the
president's palace where Bu$h and Kwaniewski (Polish president) were
supposed to have diner. We organized there a kind of festival. A lot of
music and some speeches, a lot of shouting and impatient waiting. Finally
they cleared the streets. We knew their arriving.

In this exact moment the police decide on a provocation. Two policemen
dressed ordinary threw some kind of rubber ball full paint at a wall of
ministry of culture (we were protesting just beside it) and a column of
those "steroided" fools intervened beating up few people. I find this .
embarrassing. This just shows how polish "security service" "works".

Everything finished about 8 p.m.

The entire event was organized by Anti-Bu$h Committee. Representatives of
all political and ecological organizations plus some other not organized

For more info - e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

p.s. Soon we will publish the pictures of the provocateurs and from the
protest itself - be sure to visit www.antybush.w.pl


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