
Syria Pulls out Troops from Most Positions in Beirut
Syrian troops have withdrawn from most of their positions in Beirut, the
Oriental radio quoted security sources as saying on Sunday.
The radio said Syrian troops on Sunday moved out from positions in mainly
Muslim-populated southern neighborhoods of Beirut. Only a few Syrian
positions remain along the seaside areas of the capital, the radio added.
Lebanon on Thursday abruptly announced the redeployment of Syrian troops,
which was said to be a result of coordination between Lebanese leadership
and Syrian authority.
Syrian troops entered Lebanon in 1976 as an Arab peacekeeping force, one
year after the outbreak of Lebanon's civil war. Although the war ended in
1990, Syria maintains some 35,000 troops in Lebanon.
According to the 1989 Taif Accord, which ended Lebanon's 1975- 1990 civil
war, Syrian troops should have withdrawn from Beirut to the mountain areas
in central Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley as early as 1992.
Lebanon's Christians have been accusing Syria of interfering Lebanon's
internal affairs and some blame 350,000 Syrian workers in Lebanon of
"grabbing their jobs and wealth."
However, the Lebanese leadership insists on the necessity of Syrian troops
presence in the country in view of the potential danger of Israeli invasion.
Israel withdrew from south Lebanon in May last year, but it has never
stopped shelling and violations of Lebanese airspace in the face of military
operations carried out by the resistance guerrilla group Hezbollah, or Party
of God. 


Palestinians Propose Setting Up International Panel to Follow up Mitchell
Ahmed Qurei, speaker of the Palestine Legislative Council, proposed on June
16 that an international committee be set up to follow up the implementation
of the Mitchell report.
The committee could comprise representatives from the parties of last
October's Sharm el Sheikh summit and members of the Mitchell commission, he
Qurei, also known as Abu Ala, make the statement to reports after his
meeting with United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan Saturday afternoon
in the West Bank city of Ramallah.
Qurei clarified that the proposed committee could comprise 12 ministers or
political officials, adding that this proposal will be discussed with George
Tenet, director of the US Central Intelligence Agency.
The issue is basically political and has security dimension, Qurei said,
adding therefore all the recommendations of the Mitchell report should be
implemented simultaneously.
The Sharm el Sheikh summit was attended by Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat,
Annan, then Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, then US President Bill
Clinton, Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, Jordanian King Abdullah II, and
European Union foreign policy chief Javier Solana to discuss ways of
containing violence between Israel and the Palestinians.
The Mitchell report, released last month by an international panel led by
former US senator George Mitchell, urges Israel and the Palestinians to end
violence immediately, adopt confidence- building measures and resume peace
Qurei called on Israel to carry out its commitments to the Mitchell report
and Tenet's truce plan, and to put an end to the sufferings of the
Palestinian people due to Israeli closure, so as to push the peace process
He also emphasized the Palestinian leadership and the Palestinian mainstream
Fatah movement's acceptance of the US-brokered ceasefire plan and the
Palestinians' commitment to carrying out the Mitchell report.
Both the Palestinians and Israel announced on June 12 their acceptance of
the US ceasefire plan for ceasefire and began to implement it officially on
June 13. 
But sporadic firing and confrontations between the two sides have never
stopped, leading to the killing of three Palestinians and one Israeli and
injuring of scores of others during the past three days.


China's Scientists Win World Meteorology Award
Two Chinese scientists won a World Meteorological Organization (WMO) award
for their joint paper entitled "Multiple Linear Interdependent Models (MLIM)
applied to typhoon data in China," WMO announced in Geneva Friday.
The Nobert Gerbier-Mumm international award 2001, named after the late
Norbert Gerbier, former president of WMO's Commission for Agricultural
Meteorology, was given to Lu Chunlian and Chen Shunhua, two scientists from
the Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in East China.
The study of Chinese scientists demonstrates that MLIM provide better
results in diagnosing the losses in typhoon disaster and forecasting the
main parameters of typhoons, namely their tracks, intensities and wind
This is a significant development in disaster mitigation for the
typhoon-prone region of southeast China, according to a WMO press release.
WMO official said that the purpose of the Nobert Gerbier-Mumm international
award is to encourage and reward an original scientific paper on the
influence of meteorology in particular field of the physical, natural or
human sciences or on the influence of one these sciences on meteorology.
Five French scientists won this award last year.


EU Stresses Need to Maintain Multilateral Deal on Missile Defense
The 15-nation European Union (EU) said June 16 that it is necessary to
maintain strict enforcement of the bloc's national export controls and
reinforce the multilateral non-proliferation and export control regimes.
This was seen as the EU's clear response to missile defense, including US
plans for a global missile defense shield.
At a summit meeting in Goteborg, Sweden's major port city, the EU leaders
said strengthening international norms and political instruments to prevent
the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery
is of prime importance to the EU.
"We are committed to contributing to the achievement of this goal," they
said in the Declaration on Prevention of Proliferation of Ballistic
As for the particular challenge posed by the proliferation of ballistic
missiles, the leaders said the commitment should be complemented by a global
and multilateral approach.
Analysts here hold that the EU stance explicitly rejects the US missile
defense plans proposed by the new administration of President George W.
"We are of the view that the European Union, which is committed to the
reinforcement of disarmament and non-proliferation multilateral instruments,
should play a leading role in contributing to these efforts," the EU
declaration said. 


Vice Premier Inspects Droughts in Northeast China
Vice-Premier Wen Jiabao went on a study tour of northeast China's Jilin and
Liaoning provinces, from June 15-17, to inspect the severe drought situation
that has been attacking most parts of northern China.
Wen, who is a member of both the Political Bureau and the Secretariat of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, visited local villages and
talked with local officials on dealing with the situation.
In his talks, the vice premier urged local CPC committees and governments at
different levels to earnestly implement the essence of the recently-held
State Council conference on the issues and make greater efforts to fight
against the droughts and reduce losses to a minimum through every means.
He called for tax holidays for local farmers who have suffered big losses
due to the droughts and a stop to all government charges.
Jilin and Liaoning have experienced lingering droughts over the past few
years, resulting in enormous difficulties for local production and life.
Some urban and rural residents are suffering from a shortage of drinking
water and large areas of farmland have witnessed bad harvests due to the
shortage of irrigation water.

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