[Every now and then, biting satire out-strips
    even the most telling critique - but shall we
    laugh or shall we cry?...                 Bill]

[Via Communist Internet... http://www.egroups.com/group/Communist-Internet ]
----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 4:35 AM
Subject: Bush in Warsaw [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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(This version of Bush's speech in Warsaw must have been re-translated.   It 
seems at variance with the original.) 

Mr. Prime Minister, members of the government, distinguished members of  the 
clergy and vanquishers of women's rights, distinguished kiss-asses, snakes, 
and vipers from this important neo-colonial friend of  America, thank you 
very much for your forced smiles and smattering of stilted applause.   

It's a great honor for me to visit this great city, a city that breathes its 
bituminous air with hollow confidence.  Like all  nations, Poland still faces 
challenges, but I am confident you' will meet them with the same zest I felt, 
when I learned that my recent election would be decided in Florida.

Today's Polish orchestra  is telling the world, "On that wheat field, I'm 
going to build my San Francisco.  Over that molehill, I'm going to build my 
bank.  In  that former day care center, I'm going to build a Nike factory." 

Americans recognize that kind of optimism and ambition because we work 
overtime to market it to the unwary.   We are linked to Poland by culture, 
heritage, kinship, common values, and, above all, by the CIA.  Polish 
glassmakers built and operated the new world's first factory in Jamestown, 
Virginia in 1608.  How do you say "surplus value" in Polish?

Seeking the right to vote, those same Poles also staged the new world's first 
labor strike.  If you know anything of my background, you will know how I 
feel about labor strikes, and the right to vote.

Here in Poland, communism was humbled by the iron purpose and moral vision of 
a single man, Pope John Paul  II.   Communism, day care centers, a woman's 
right to choose, subsidized rent, full employment.  All were humbled.

Here Polish workers led and then betrayed by an electrician (and, again  if 
you know anything about me, you know how my tender regard for militant 
electricians), made the sparks that would electrify half a continent.  Poland 
revealed to the world that its Soviet rulers were ultimately defenseless 
against determined men and women armed only with their conscience and their 
faith.  America, as you know and should bear carefully in mind, has never 
been defenseless against determined men and women  wanting change.

In all these events, we have seen the character of the Polish people and  the 
hand of God in your history.  You all know who I mean. The Invisible Man in 
the sky.   The One who decides what Polish and American kids will get for 
Christmas, and sends the bad among us to burn in eternal hell.   

Modern Poland is just beginning to  contribute to the wealth of Europe, and, 
more importantly, to the wealth of America, yet for decades your papal elites 
and chauvinists have contributed  to Europe's soul and spiritual strength. 

Today, I have come to the center of Europe to speak of the future of  Europe. 
Some still call this the East, but Warsaw is closer to Ireland  than it is to 
the Urals, and  my country would like to do for the Warsawese and the 
Uralpeans what Britain has done, over the years, for the  Irish.   It is time 
to put talk of East and West behind us. 

In the same speech that described an iron curtain, Winston Churchill  called 
for a new unity in Europe from which no nation should permanently avoid his 
grasp.  Thus began 45 years of Cold War, the deposit of trillions of dollars 
into the water closets of the arms dealers, and the shortening of tens of 
millions of lives.

Consider how far we have come since Churchill's speech. Through the trenches 
and shell fire of the murdered partisans in Greece and Cyprus, through  
Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Chile, Baghdad, Beirut, Belgrade, the pulverized 
bridges over the Danube, Grenada, El Salvador, Guatemala, the invasion and 
boycott of Cuba, the CIA betrayal of Nelson Mandela to South Africa's secret 
police, the murder of Lumumba, the putting out to pasture of those who sought 
peace and justice in America, through Central and South American death squads 
and the world's bombed-out cities, through capital punishment and food lines 
on Thanksgiving, and so much more. Through all of that men and women have 
dreamed of what my father called a Europe that jumps when we say jump.

This is no longer a dream; it is the Europe that is rising around us.  It is 
the work that you and I are called on to complete.  We can build an open 
Europe, a Europe without Hitler and Stalin, without Brezhnev and Honecker and 
Ceausescu and, yes, without Milosevic, but not without me and Tony and David 
R. and Bechtel, and Chase.

Our goal is to erase the false lines. Our goal is to replace the false lines 
that have divided Europe for too long. The future of every  European nation 
must be determined by the progress of internal reform, not the interests of 
outside powers.    


Every European nation that struggles toward democracy and free markets  and a 
strong civic culture, as defined by Kissinger and Negroponte, will be 
welcomed by us into Europe's home, and rarely bombed.

I believe in NATO membership for all of Europe's democracies that seek it and 
are ready to share the responsibility that NATO brings.  Only in that way can 
we maintain NATO's purpose to oppose Sov-- to maintain NATO.

As we plan to enlarge NATO, no  nation should be used as a pawn in the 
agendas of others. 


We will not  trade away the faith of free European peoples -- no more 
Munichs, no  more Yaltas.  From now on, only Rambouillets. 

Let us tell all those who have struggled to build democracy and free  markets 
what we have told the Poles: From now on, what you grab, you  keep. No one 
can take away your individual freedom to acquire and monopolize the tools of 


Next year, NATO's leaders will meet in Prague, because Prague, under Havel, 
has proven its ability to deal with unwanted protest.  As we like to say 
around the oval office, "n Havel's Prague, clubs is trumps."   The United 
States will come to Prague with briefcases full of military contracts.   As 
we plan the  Prague summit, we should not calculate how little we can get 
away with, but how much.


All nations should understand there is no conflict between membership in  
NATO and membership in the European Union, because NATO is a defensive 
alliance.   My nation welcomes the  consolidation of European unity in the 
same way a leopard welcomes a herd of zebras.   NATO is a defensive alliance.

We welcome a Europe that is truly united, truly democratic, truly diverse, 
subservient, and obsequious.

The most basic commitments of NATO (a defensive alliance) and a European 
Union are similar:  democracy, free markets, common security, and the 11-hour 

All in Europe and America understand the central lesson of the century past: 
that we are prepared to kill anyone who doesn't fork it over with a smile, or 
is an obstacle in our path.  When obstacles appear in our path, history tends 
to tragedy. 

Our vision of Europe must also include the Balkans. Unlike the people of  
Poland, many people and leaders in Southeast Europe made the wrong choices in 
the last decade.   The  right of self-determination is indelible, but does 
not apply when people make the wrong choices.

In the Balkans, communism fell, and the dictators we empowered exploited a 
murderous nationalism to cling to power and to conquer new land. Twice NATO 
had to intervene militarily on their behalf, "pour encourager les autres."   
Today, instability remains, and so we must continue to perpetrate 

Our common duties and rights are ultimately traced to a source of law and 
justice above our wills and beyond our politics.  An author of dignity who 
calls us to act worthy of our dignity.   Yes, I'm talking about the Invisible 
Man in the Sky again.  He is the main reason Europe and America will never be 

Lift up your hearts is the story of Poland.  Lift up your hearts is the  
story of a new Europe.  Lift your hearts, while we lift your wallets.

God bless us everyone, and may Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost and Il Papa 
bless the separation of church and state.

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