People's Procuracy head questioned

The head of the Supreme People's Procuracy, Ha Manh Tri, took his turn at
the National Assembly (NA)'s hearing session yesterday, the 23rd working day
of the on-going session.

Mr Tri was questioned on the confiscation of assets; the investigation of
arrest, temporary impounding and jail of criminals; suspension from
investigation; penalty concerning civilian and economic relations; arrest,
temporary impounding and jail of innocent people; settlement of complaints
and denunciation of the People's Procuracy.

Mr Tri also answered NA deputies' queries on solutions to strengthen
efficiency of the law enforcement, measures to protect legal rights and
interest of citizens and punishment of the cadres in the sector who violated
the law. 

The same day, NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Yeu read a report on amendments of
and supplements to some articles of the Constitution in 1992 on the
organisation of the State apparatus.

NA deputies also heard a report delivered by Industry Minister Dang Vu Chu
on the Son La hydro-electric power plant project.

The deputy director of the NA's Commission for Science, Technology and
Environment, Vu Minh Mao, read a report on verification of the Son La
hydro-electric power plant project.

NA delegates today hold group discussions on the investment on the Son La
hydro-electric power plant project and the amendment of and supplements to
some articles of Constitution in 1992.


PM praises Protestants' contribution

PM Phan Van Khai (right) receives Mr Pham Xuan Thieu.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai praised Vietnamese Protestants' contributions
to the national construction and defence.

The government leader expressed his satisfaction while receiving a
delegation of the (Southern) Vietnam Protestant Church led by its Head
Father Pham Xuan Thieu, in Hanoi on June 19.

The prime minister also reaffirmed the Party and State's unchangeable policy
to respect and ensure freedom of religion and non-religion, and encourage
progressive religious practice in the interest of the nation and the people.

He also spoke of the socio-economic development in the last ten years of
renovation, emphasising challenges emerging during the national construction
and development. 

He said he hoped the entire people, religious or non-religious, would join
efforts in implementing the Party and State's policy of great national unity
in building Vietnam into an industrialised country by 2020 as set by the
Ninth National Party Congress.

Father Pham Xuan Thieu expressed thanks to the prime minister and the
government for their help to bring the (Southern) Protestant Church's first
Congress to success.

He also promised to mobilise around half a million Protestants, mostly
residing in the southern part, to live the gospel amidst the nation and
contribute to the national development. (VNA)


Vietnam's flag hung in NZ Parliament

Vietnam's national flag was hung in the Peace and Friendship Chamber of New
Zealand's Parliament headquarters at a ceremony held on June 15.

Addressing the ceremony, G O'Brien, vice president of the Association of
Members of Parliaments of the Commonwealth member countries, stressed that
the hanging of the Vietnamese national flag - symbol of the Vietnamese
people's struggle for independence and freedom - reflects the position of
Vietnam in the world community.

Dr Truong Cong Hung, an official from Vietnam's National Assembly Office,
attended the event. He said that the raising of the Vietnamese national flag
in New Zealand's Parliament headquarters is a vivid manifestation of the new
development in the two countries' relations. (VNA)


Vietnam, Cuba Communist Parties boost ties

An agreement of co-operation for four years up to 2004 between the Communist
Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the Communist Party of Cuba (CPC) was signed in
Hanoi during a visit to Vietnam from June 12-20 by a delegation of the CPC
Central Committee's Department for External Relations.

The accord was the outcome of a working session between the Cuban delegation
and a host delegation. Signatories were deputy director of the CPV CC
Department for External Affairs, Hoang Thuy Giang, and his Cuban counterpart
and head delegate, Oscar Martinez Cordovez.

The Cuban delegation met with CPV CC Secretary Vu Khoan on June 19 to
discuss measures to further strengthen and develop the time-honoured
friendship between the two Parties and the two countries.

The Cuban guests also paid floral tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his
Mausoleum, visited his home and office, and called at some economic and
cultural establishments in Hanoi, Quang Ninh province and Ho Chi Minh City.


Vietnam donors' consultative group meets

An agreement on promoting partnership relations in natural calamity control
in Vietnam's central region was signed at a two-day meeting of the
consultative group of donors to Vietnam held in Hoi An, central coastal
Quang Nam province, on June 18 and 19.

Signatories were representatives of the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP), the Dutch Embassy, the Ministries of Finance, Planning, and
Investment as well as the provincial authorities.

Under the agreement, 113 projects in infrastructure, irrigation,
communications, and forestry in the central region will receive US $78.2
million in the immediate phase, of which US $40.7 million will come from

Forty-one members of Vietnam's relevant ministries and agencies and 99
representatives from 39 countries attended the two-day meeting.

Minister of Planning and Investment Tran Xuan Gia informed the participants
of the national socio-economic development in the first six months and spoke
of measures to fulfil the tasks of the next six months. These measures aim
to accelerate production and product consumption and exports by turning to
good account internal resources and re-arranging State-owned enterprises.

The participants focused their discussions on the country's present economic
situation, growth programmes, and credit programmes on poverty reduction.
They also held informal discussions on issues relating to hunger eradication
and poverty reduction, partnership relations, and the building of a strategy
for hunger eradication and poverty reduction in Vietnam with the aim of
finding suitable measures to help Vietnam's economic development and poverty
reduction. (VNA) 


Activities mark Journalistsı Day

Party secretary of Ho Chi Minh City speaks at the meeting.

Ho Chi Minh City held a meeting on June 19 to mark the Vietnam Revolutionary
Journalistsı Day. 

Addressing the meeting, Mr Nguyen Minh Triet, Politburo member and secretary
of the cityıs Party Committee praised the efforts of press agencies in the
city in the recent past. He said he believed that journalists will, together
with the Municipal Party Committee and administration, continue fighting
against all manifestations of negative behaviour and build new outstanding

An exchange between veteran journalists of Nhan Dan newspaper and other
newspapers of Hanoi was held at Nhan Dan Editorial Office.

Leaders of Nhan Dan newspaper and Hanoi Department of Propaganda and
Training presented flowers to veteran journalists and reaffirmed the great
contributions of the older generations of journalists.

The senior journalists also shared working experiences with the young

The UNESCO Centre for Preservation and Development of the Red River Delta
Folk Songs also participated in the exchange.

Nhan Dan newspaper organised a professional seminar on June 19 on how to
have journalist works of high quality. About 20 journalists and editors
delivered speeches at the seminar.

On the occasion, five journalists were presented with ŒFor the Cause of
Vietnam Journalismı medals. Two units and 13 journalists of Nhan Dan
newspaper were also presented with the Vietnam Journalistsı Associationıs
certificates of commendation.


Vietnam and Iraq sign visa exemption agreement

Vietnam and Iraq signed an agreement on visa exemption for diplomatic and
passport holders of either country in Hanoi on June 13.

Signatories were Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Van Nganh and his
Iraqi counterpart Dr Nabil Najim.

Under the agreement, holders of diplomatic and official passports of both
countries will enjoy exemption of entry, exit, and transit visas for stays
of up to 90 days. Those citizens of both countries, who are members of
diplomatic representations, consulates or representatives of their countries
at international organisations will be exempted from visa requirement during
their term of office. Their family members who hold diplomatic or official
passports will also enjoy the same preferential treatment.

The agreement will take effect after the two sides exchange their diplomatic
notes affirming the completion of legal procedures. (VNA)


Vatican delegation visits Vietnam

A Vatican delegation led by Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, Archbishop
Celestino Migliore, paid a working visit to Vietnam from June 11-16.

The Vatican delegation held a working session with a host delegation led by
director of the government Committee for Religious Affairs, Le Quang Vinh.
They discussed issues related to the Vietnam Catholic Church and other
issues of mutual concern. Their talks, which were also attended by officials
from the Foreign Ministry, took place in an atmosphere of openness,
frankness, and mutual respect and understanding. Both sides judged the
outcome of the talks as "positive."

The guests also paid separate courtesy visits to Nguyen Van Son, member of
the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee and head of the CPV CC
Commission for External Relations, and Deputy Foreign Minister Chu Tuan Cap.
They were warmly received by the two senior Vietnamese officials.

While in Vietnam, the Vatican delegation met with representatives from the
Executive Board of the Episcopal Council of the Vietnam Catholic Church.
They visited northern Lang Son and Thai Binh provinces, where they met with
both the local People's Committee officials as well as bishops, priests, and
Catholics of the local dioceses. (VNA)

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