
Workshop Speaks Highly of Jiang Zemin's "Three Represents" Theory
Participants gathering in Beijing to discuss theories on building the
Communist Party of China (CPC) have spoken highly of the "Three Represents"
theory created by CPC Central Committee General Secretary Jiang Zemin.
Jiang's theory, which calls the CPC a representative of the development
requirements of China's advanced social productive forces, the progressive
course of China's advanced culture and the fundamental interests of the
Chinese people, is in concert with Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and
Deng Xiaoping Theory, said a group of scholars attending a symposium
The theory is the cornerstone for protecting the progressiveness of the CPC,
the treasure for ceaselessly increasing the combating capacity and the
creativity of the Party, the latest scientific summary of the basic
experience of the Party building, and the ideological weapon and guiding
principle for carrying out overall Party building, according to the meeting.
The speakers urged Chinese researchers and workers in the field of Party
building to take Marxism as the guide, in an effort to meet the requirements
of the new situation, the new tasks and the innovation in the work of Party
The participants held that the three generation collective leadership, with
Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin at the core, respectively, have
adhered to integrating the basic principles of Marxism with the realities of
China's revolution, development and reform.
History has proved that the CPC is creditably a great, glorious and correct
Marxist party, they said.
The workshop was sponsored by the National Society on Party Building to mark
the 80th anniversary of the founding of the CPC which falls on July 1.


People's Daily Marks CPC 80th Anniversary
The People's Daily <http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/GB/paper464/>  held a
grand gathering in commendation of CPC grassroots advanced units, model
Party members and Party affair workers on Tuesday afternoon to solemnly mark
the 80th anniversary of the CPC. Sonorous songs such as "Dear Party Mama",
"Unity is Strength" and "March into the New Age", etc echoed in the
Conference Hall, pushing the commemoration to a new high.

Bai Keming, president of People's Daily, turned up and addressed the
gathering. In his speech, he said that in the past 80 years the CPC, at the
head of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, has achieved one and
another great successes in leading China's revolution, construction and
reform. It has arduous and indefatigable struggles carried out which
composed a glorious canto of Chinese history and won the devout love and
esteem of the Chinese people, he said. The CPC's 80-year glorious history
strikes home to people that from a combination of basic Marxist theories
with the practice of Chinese revolution and construction, a firm reliance on
the vast majority of people's masses and a tightening of Party ranks there
has been the rise of today's China.

People's Daily released the "Decision on Commending Advanced Party
Organizations at the Grassroots Levels, Excellent Party Members and Workers
for Party Affairs" by People's Daily Organ Committee. Twenty-one CPC
organizations at grassroots level, 90 excellent Party members and 37
excellent Party workers for Party affairs were honored. Twenty-six new CPC
members made their pledges under the bright-colored Party flag.

More than one thousand staff members from various subsidiaries of the press
formed into 17 choruses in singing praises of China's achievements, their
aspirations and heartfelt wishes to the CPC. At the end, the whole gathering
joined in a standing chorus of "The New China would be nonexistent without
the Communist Party!".

Leaders of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and other
departments participated in the gathering.

CPC Delegation Arrives in Malaysia
A delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC), headed by Wang Taihua,
member of the CPC Central Committee, arrived in Kuala Lumpur Wednesday night
for a four-day visit to Malaysia.
During the visit, Wang, also secretary of the CPC Anhui Provincial
Committee,will attend the 55th Assembly of the ruling United Malays National
Organization (UMNO) scheduled for Thursday.
UMNO President Mahathir Mohammad will meet with Wang and his party on the
same day. 
The CPC delegation is expected to tour Melaka in the south part and Penang
in the north part of Malaysia.

China-Russia Strategic Cooperative Partnership Going In-Depth: FM
The strategic partnership of cooperation between China and Russia is going
in-depth and leaders of the two countries have maintained close contact,
said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue at a regular press conference
After his meeting with U.S. President George W. Bush on June 16 in Slovenia,
Russian President Vladimir Putin briefed Chinese President Jiang Zemin on
the event over the telephone, Zhang said.
"Jiang thanked Putin for the briefing, and Putin voiced thanks for the
hospitality during the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Summit. The two
expressed a common aspiration to meet again in Moscow during Jiang's state
visit to Russia, which is scheduled for July this year," said the
The telephone conversation demonstrates the close and friendly relationship
between the two countries, she added.
During Jiang's forthcoming visit to Russia, the two presidents will sign a
treaty promoting good-neighbourly friendship and cooperation, Zhang said.
"This treaty represents the common aspiration of the two peoples in
maintaining everlasting friendship, and shows the fact that the all-round
development of Sino-Russian relationship serves the fundamental interest of
the two peoples and helps safeguard peace, stability and development of the
region and the world at large," she said.


Sino-ROK Cooperation Stressed in Beijing

China has a very high opinion of the efforts made by the Republic of Korea
(ROK) for developing bilateral relations, and hopes the two sides would
continue their efforts to push forward the overall development of
cooperative partnership in the new century, Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji said
Zhu made the remark in talks with visiting ROK Prime Minister Lee Han-Dong,
who arrived here earlier Tuesday on a working visit as Zhu's guest.
During the talks, they exchanged views on furthering the Sino-ROK friendly
relations of cooperation and other issues of common concern.
Zhu recalled that in 1998, the two countries' heads of state announced the
establishment of a bilateral cooperative partnership oriented towards the
21st century, which he said made clear the direction for the development of
bilateral ties. 
Zhu said that during his visit to the ROK last year, the two sides agreed to
push the cooperative partnership to a new phase of all-round cooperation and
they also reached agreements on cooperation in many fields.
With concerted efforts from both sides, some of these agreements have been
carried out, and some others are being implemented, Zhu said, expressing
pleasure with the progress.
He said that the two countries have maintained high-level political
contacts, which have promoted the overall development of bilateral ties.
He said that the two sides have conducted fruitful cooperation in
safeguarding peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and promoting
regional peace and development, and they have enhanced mutual understanding
and trust. 
China and the ROK have also expanded cooperation in economy and trade, Zhu
said. The two countries have made marked progress in cooperation in
information technology and set up an investment cooperation committee, he
All this shows the further progress in the two countries' economic and trade
Zhu also mentioned the Sino-ROK fishery agreement which will take effect on
June 30, saying that it is of significance for maintaining a normal fishing
order, protecting fishery resources and conducting cooperation in fishery.
Noting that 2002 will be the 10th anniversary of the establishment of
bilateral diplomatic ties, Zhu said that both side should take the
opportunity to push bilateral relations to a new high.
Lee conveyed ROK President Kim Dae-Jung's greetings to Zhu, and expressed
admiration for the Chinese people's achievements in national construction
and economic development under the leadership of the Chinese leaders and
He said that the ROK hopes that China can play an even more important role
in economic stability of the region and the world at large.
Lee said that the ROK and China have conducted fruitful cooperation in many
fields since they forged diplomatic ties.
Last year, the leaders of the two countries agreed to push forward overall
cooperation last year, which played an important role in promoting bilateral
In the past year, bilateral overall cooperation has been furthered
gradually, and the establishment of the bilateral investment cooperation
committee and the institute of bilateral
economic cooperation in the 21st century should be hailed, he said.
He said that the ROK hopes that the two sides can further their cooperation
of mutual benefit in such fields as information industry, finance, energy
and iron and steel so as to add more concrete content to overall bilateral
They also exchanged views on issues of common concern like the situation on
the Korean Peninsula.
Lee expressed appreciation for the Chinese government's consistent policy to
support econciliation between the two sides on the Peninsula.


Island Province Missile Tests Increase Across-Straits Tensions
Taiwan's testing of US-made Patriot missiles Wednesday morning will only
sharpen tense relations across Taiwan Straits, Chinese experts and military
analysts have warned.
Taiwan test-fired three US-made Patriot missiles, which the island bought
from the United States, for the first time Wednesday at a military base of
the island's Pingdong region.
Purchases and deployments of advanced weapons by the authorities in Taiwan
threatens to jeopardize reunification of China, experts said.
According to Xinhua, this is the first time the Patriot missiles have been
test-fired outside the United States and the first time the Taiwanese
military has fired missiles of this kind.
The three missiles intercepted a target plane and a target missile.
The test-firing will continue Thursday and Friday, and on June 26.
The Taiwan authorities' recent purchase of advanced weapons for potential
use against the Chinese mainland have revealed that they oppose the
reunification of China, said Yu Keli, deputy director of the Institute of
Taiwan Studies under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Yu warned that Taiwan should realize test-firing of missiles will only put
the island in a more precarious position.
It is absurd for the Taiwanese authorities to provoke the Chinese mainland
with its small arsenal of advanced weapons, said Luo Yuan, research fellow
with the Department of Strategy Studies under the Academy of Military
Sciences of the People's Liberation Army (PLA).
Asked to comment on Taiwan's Patriot test-firing on Tuesday, Chinese Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue said China opposes sales of advanced
weapons to Taiwan. 


Israeli Talks on Ceasefire "Nothing but Fresh Lie": Palestinian Official
A senior Palestinian official on Wednesday dismissed as "nothing but fresh
lie" Israel <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/israel.html> i claims
that it has implemented a US-brokered ceasefire plan with the Palestinians.

"Israel's talk of a ceasefire is nothing but another lie to deceive the
world, because the Israelis does not stop its aggression on the
Palestinians," said Marwan Barghouti, leader of the Palestinian mainstream
movement Fatah, in a telephone interview with the Cairo-based Voice of Arabs
radio from Ramallah.

The Palestinians will continue their intifada, or uprising, against Israeli
occupation, until they regain all their legitimate rights and establish an
independence Palestinian state, Barghouti said.

"The Palestinian National Authority (PNA) will disregard Israel's request to
arrest the intifada activists," he said, " instead, the activists should be
honored for struggling against the Israeli occupation."

He called for greater Arab political and moral support for the Palestinians.

The U.S.-brokered Palestinian-Israeli ceasefire went into effect last
Wednesday, but sporadic firings and confrontations between the two sides
have continued. 

During his visit in the Spanish capital of Madrid on Tuesday, Palestinian
leader Yasser Arafat called for immediate deployment of international
observers in the occupied Palestinian territories to monitor the fragile
Palestinian-Israeli truce.

He reaffirmed the PNA's committment to peace, saying that the PNA will not
tolerate any act against the ceasefire and the Mitchell report.

An international panel led by former U.S. senator George Mitchell, entrusted
to investigate the causes of the Palestinian- Israeli violence, calls for an
immediate ceasefire, a freeze on Jewish settlement activities and
Palestinian curb on attacks against Israeli targets.

The nearly nine months of Israeli-Palestinian bloodshed, triggered by
Israeli violation of an Islamic holy shrine in East Jerusalem last
September, have left over 600 people dead, most of them Palestinians.

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