PM welcomes Cuban armed forces' Chief of General Staff

PM Phan Van Khai with Cuban military delegation.

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai welcomes Senior Lieutenant General Alvaro Lopez
Miera, Chief of the General Staff of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces,
and his entourage in Hanoi on June 21.

He said the delegation, brought with them the traditional friendship toward
the Vietnamese people and army. He noted that many Cuban fighters had
volunteered to come to Vietnam, where a number of them died during the
anti-US war, during which President Fidel Castro himself visited Vietnam and
went to the battle fields.

Mr Khai stressed that the visit would contribute to promoting traditional
friendship between the two countries and co-operation between the two

The PM asked Senior Lieutenant General Miera Alvaro to convey his best
regards to President Fidel Castro and Cuban Defence Minister General Raul

Senior Lieutenant General Miera Alvaro stressed that the armies of Cuba and
Vietnam had been in the same trench with regard to their fights against
imperialists, and that they would exchange experiences in building their
armed forces and defending their countries. (VNA)


NA passes part of Customs Bill

The National Assembly (NA), after having discussed, approved the preamble,
Chapters I, II and articles 15 to 27 of the Chapter III of the draft Customs
Law during its plenary meeting yesterday.

During discussion, head of the General Department of Customs, Nguyen Duc
Kien, answered and gave explanations on issues raised by deputies.

Forty nine delegates from 29 provinces contributed their ideas.

At the beginning of the session, NA Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Yeu
congratulated journalists on the occasion of the Vietnam Revolutionary Press
Day, June 21, further wishing that all journalists would raise high their
responsibility and duties and successfully fulfil tasks assigned by the
Party and people of Vietnam.


Vietnam preparing for ratification of BTA

Vietnam has been making necessary preparations for ratification and
enforcement of the Vietnam-US Bilateral Trade Agreement, said Foreign
Ministry spokeswoman Phan Thuy Thanh.

Answering foreign correspondents' questions about Vietnam's preparations for
ratification of the BTA, Ms Thanh stressed:

"The BTA was the result of joint efforts by both Vietnam and the US, and was
signed on the basis of respect for the two countries' independence,
sovereignty, and equality. Early ratification and enforcement of the BTA
will benefit both Vietnam and the US."

She said that the most pressing concern for Vietnam with regard to the BTA
is how to implement the agreement in the most effective way possible.

"Necessary preparations to ratify and implement the BTA continue to be made.
In accordance with Vietnam's laws, the Prime Minister has submitted the BTA
to the Vietnamese President and asked him to consider it for ratification,"
the spokeswoman concluded. (VNA)


Vietnam attends Congress of UMNO

A delegation of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) is attending the
Congress of the United Malays National Organisation (UMNO), which opened in
Kuala Lumpur on June 21.

The delegation is being led by Nguyen Thi Doan, member of both the CPV
Central Committee and the CPV CC's Commission for Inspection.

The congress, lasting for three days, is being attended by 2,027 UMNO
members representing more than 8,000 cells, and 40 foreign delegations.


Temperature down in Red River delta

A hot spell hit northern and central provinces on June 18-20 due to a hot
air depression from the west.

Average temperatures were measured at 35-360C. It was even hotter in some
provinces such as Ninh Binh, 36.70C; Nam Dinh, 36.60C; Hanoi, 36.40C;
central provinces, 36-370C; Vinh city, 38.60C and Dong Hoi township, 38.30C.

Yesterday, cold air compressed the hot air, resulted in heavy rain and
storms in almost all northern and central provinces. The rainfall measured
in some provinces was quite high: Vinh Phuc, 180 millimetres; Ha Giang, 143
millimetres; Soc Son district, Hanoi, 97 millimetres.

Heavy downpours on a large-scale ended a hot period in the last several
days. Water levels in rivers in the regions are on a slow rise.


Landslide in Ca Mau

There was a landslide by the Cua Lon river¹s bank in Hang Vinh village, Ngoc
Hien district, the southernmost province of Ca Mau.

The eroded area was 50 metres long, 12 metres wide and 3-5 metres deep.

Eight houses of local people were damaged, of which four were completely
destroyed. Locals had been warned about the landslide in advance, so
property had been moved to a safe place.

The people in the district are still moving their property as the threat of
further landslides continues

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