
All-China Federation of Trade Unions Hails CPC's Birthday
The All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) held a meeting Friday to
celebrate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of
China (CPC) and to commend model CPC grassroots organizations, Party members
and Party workers in the unions.
ACFTU President Wei Jianxing, who is a member of both the Political Bureau
Standing Committee and the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee,
attended the gathering and handed out the awards and certificates of honor.
Prior to the gathering Wei met with the representatives of model units and
individuals. Afterwards, he joined the audience to watch artistic
performances by federation workers to celebrate the 80th anniversary of the
Zhang Junjiu, the secretary of the federation's CPC group, addressed the
meeting and urged trade unions at all levels to abide by the leadership of
the Party, while seriously playing a role to protect the legitimate rights
of workers. 


Hu Jintao Calls for Improvement in Party Conduct
The work style of the Party is related to the direction in which the people
feel towards the regime and the fate of the cause of the Communist Party of
China ( CPC). 
Party organizations, members and officials working with central departments
should take the lead in implementing recent instructions by CPC General
Secretary Jiang Zemin on strengthening and improving the Party style.
Hu Jintao, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Central Committee
Political Bureau, made these remarks Friday when meeting with participants
of a conference held by Party organizations of the central departments.
At the meeting, 99 model Party grassroots units, 300 model Party members and
102 model Party workers from the central institutions were given awards.


Premier Visits Show on SOE Reform, Development

Premier Zhu Rongji, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau
of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Thursday visited an
exhibition on the reform and development of state-owned enterprises (SOEs)
and the achievements SOEs have made in technological innovation.
Wei Jianxing and Li Lanqing, both Standing Committee members of the CPC
Central Committee Political Bureau, also visited the show the same day.
The exhibition is being held in the newly-decorated Beijing Exhibition Hall,
with a large number of photos, objects and models to illustrate SOEs' reform
and development and their progress in technological innovation.
Other ranking officials who visited the exhibition included Jia Qinglin, Wen
Jiabao, Zou Jiahua, Buhe, Jiang Zhenghua, Wang Zhongyu, Chen Jinhua, Jing
Shuping, and Zhou Tienong.


Editorial: Rallying Scientists and Technicians Closely Round the Party
As people of the whole country are joyously greeting the 80th anniversary of
the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the grand meeting of
scientific and technical workers-the Sixth National Congress of the China
Association for Science and Technology, is held in Beijing
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>  June 22.

Leading magnates of science and young heroes from various trades and
professions gather together to discuss matters of vital importance
concerning the promotion of scientific and technological innovation and
implementation of the strategy for rejuvenating the country through science
and education. We express hearty congratulations on the convening of the
conference and pay high tribute to all delegates and to scientific and
technical workers of the whole country.

Under the new situation, it is very important to strengthen ties between the
Party, government and scientific and technical workers. Scientific and
technical workers are part of China's working class, they carry out
courageous exploration and make constant progress, so they are the main
inheritors and disseminators of scientific and cultural knowledge of
humankind and playing an irreplaceable role in socialist material
construction and ethical and cultural progress.

For decades, they have been working hard at their respective posts, quietly
making dedication and consciously linking their own destiny with that of the
Party and government, making tremendous contributions to the prosperity of
the country and happiness of the people.

At present, China's scientific and technical contingent has experienced
constant quantitative expansion, and many new changes have appeared in the
composition, allocation and requirement of scientific and technical
personnel. Along with the deepening of economic restructuring and reform and
the expansion of opening to the outside world, new changes will appear in
the contingent of scientific and technical workers.

In the face of the changed situation, it is necessary to continually develop
and perfect rich, flexible and effective linking channels and ways between
the Party, government and scientific and technical workers, so as to
comprehensively, accurately and timely implement the various principles and
policies of the Party and give full play to the initiative and creativity of
the vast numbers of scientific and technical workers. This is of important
significance in implementing Comrade Jiang Zemin
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/jiangzemin.shtml> 's "three
represents" important thinking and accelerating the process of China's
socialist modernization drive.

We should, through doing solid work, rally the broad masses of scientific
and technical workers closely round the Party and the government. Scientists
and technicians are the valuable wealth of the Party and the State.

In today's world, the core of competition for comprehensive national
strength is competition of science and technology, and the core of
competition of science and technology is contest for scientific and
technical talents. Implementation of the strategy for reinvigorating the
country through science and education has set up a wide stage for China's
scientific and technical workers to serve the motherland and has created an
unprecedented, favorable environment. But we must also see that there are
many concrete pieces of work that require us to do.

We should train and bring up a world advanced, mighty and highly qualified
scientific and technical contingent; we should establish and perfect a
social environment and a policy-related environment which facilitates the
emergence and growth of talents; we should continue to increase input in the
undertaking of science and technology; strengthen construction of the
science and technology legal system, and protect intellectual property
rights; we should energetically encourage scientific and technical
innovation, speed up the pace of the industrialization of scientific and
technological achievements, etc. All these require that our Party
organizations and governments at various levels should grasp and carry out
these pieces of work with full enthusiasm and in a down-to-earth manner.

Uniting with and mobilizing the broad masses of scientific and technical
workers to form a mighty scientific and technical contingent and to promote
progress and innovation in this field is key to fulfilling the 10th
Five-year Plan and the entire modernization program.

The just over 20th century was a century that witnessed brilliant scientific
and technical achievements and made most distinguishing contribution to the
development of humankind. The position held by science and technology in the
development history of human civilization has never been so important as it
is today, the development prospect of science and technology has never been
so broad and bright as it is today.

Under the leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin
at the core, the magnificent blueprint for the 10th Five-year Plan period
has been mapped out, the development objective has been clearly set.

During the 10th Five-year Plan period, in the face of the international
situation featuring fierce competition, the tasks of China's economic and
social development are very heavy. Fulfillment of the strategic readjustment
of the economic structure, comprehensive building up of a better-off society
and acceleration of the drive for China's socialist modernization-all depend
on a new improvement and great development of science and technology.

Since the Fifth National Congress of the China Association for Science and
Technology, science and technology associations at various levels and their
affiliated organizations, have held high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping
Theory, striven to implement Comrade Jiang Zemin's "three represents"
important thinking and comprehensively implemented the Party's basic line.

Taking economic construction as the central task, and centering around the
general situation of the work of the Party and the State, they have achieved
important progress in performing the duty of serving as a bridge and bond
linking the Party and government with scientific and technical workers and
building "homes of scientific and technical workers", and have made new
contributions in serving economic construction, organizing academic
exchanges, carrying out the popularization of science and developing
international non-governmental exchange and cooperation of science and

The scientific and technological association is a mass organization of
scientific and technical workers and serves as a bridge and bond in linking
the Party, government and scientific and technical workers. It is the basic
duty of the scientific and technological association to unite with the vast
number of scientific and technical workers and to provide them with
wholehearted services.

The scientific and technological association has unique superiority, fine
tradition, rich experiences and a broad development space. Party committees
and governments at all levels should pay high attention and give full play
to the role of scientific and technological associations, strengthen
leadership over their work and provide them with multi-faceted support and

Scientific and technological associations at various levels should seriously
study the change and development trend of the contingent of scientific and
technical workers, give better reflection of their wishes and demands and
provide them with multi-faceted service and help in a better way, and fully
mobilize and protect their enthusiasm.

The present congress will elect a new leading body of the China Association
for Science and Technology. We believe that under the guidance of the Sixth
National Committee, the China Association for Science and Technology will
certainly be able to more closely unite with and mobilize the nation's
scientific and technical workers in creating new achievements in
implementing the strategy for revitalizing the nation through science and
education, and realizing China's third strategic goal!


Japanese History Textbook Contains 56 Errors
A group of eminent Japan <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/japan.html>
ese historians said a recently approved history textbook which drew
criticism from Japan's neighboring countries contains at least 56 mistakes,
a leading Japanese newspaper reported Friday.

The historians, from Japan's 21 academic societies, sent a list of the
errors to municipal boards of education across Japan last week, the Asahi
Shimbun said. 

"We are afraid the quality of history teaching in Japan's schools will be
ruined by using this textbook," the historians said in a statement.

The textbook, compiled with junior high schools in mind by members of the
Japanese Society for History Textbook Reform trying to distort history and
justify Japan's past aggression against its neighboring countries, was
approved by the Ministry of Education
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/organs/statecouncil.shtml#edu> ,
Culture, Sports, Science and Technology this spring despite strong
opposition from Japan's Asian neighbors.

Following the government's approval, the textbook was published by Fuso-sha
in Tokyo, and now appears in book stores.

"We found intentional distortions, as well as simple mistakes, in the
textbook," professor Masaharu Ebara of the University of Tokyo told a press
conference Tuesday.

Ebsara, a senior member of the Historical Science Society of Japan, one of
the 21 societies, said even more mistakes have cropped up since the boards
of education were first informed on June 11.

Meanwhile, another university professor in the group said there were more
than 20 errors in the textbook's ancient history section alone.

"We doubt if this is worthy of being called a textbook. We should think
about the negative effects the adoption of this textbook can be expected to
have on students," the professor said.


Vice Premier Qian Meets Cameroonian Culture Delegation
Vice Premier Qian Qichen
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/people/qianqichen.shtml>  Friday met
with a Cameroonian culture delegation headed by Ferdinand Leopold Oyono,
minister of state for culture.

Qian said Sino-Cameroonian ties have been going well since the two countries
established diplomatic relations 30 years ago. Cultural exchanges and
reciprocal cooperation have yielded positive results, he noted.

The vice premier thanked the Cameroonian government for their adherence to
the "one China" principle and their support for China on human rights and
other issues. 

The Chinese government supports Africa in its economic development and
improvement of the people's living, Qian said. The China-Africa Cooperation
Forum held in Beijing
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>  last October
has set up a new framework for the two sides to expand cooperation in the
new century, he said, stressing that China is presently engaged in the
follow up actions of the forum, in an effort to further enhance cooperation
with all African countries including Cameroon.

Oyono said Cameroon values the friendly cooperation with China, and hopes
the two countries will continue to support each other in the international

The Cameroonian guests are here at the invitation of the Ministry of Culture
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/organs/statecouncil.shtml#cul> .
Their China tour will also bring them to Xi' an and Shanghai
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/Shanghai.html> .


US Blamed for Taiwan's Missile Tests
China has accused the United States of helping Taiwan test-fire Patriot
"The help that the United States rendered to Taiwan in its test-firing of
the US-made Patriot missiles has violated the explicit commitment made by
the US Government in the three joint communiques between China and the US,
especially the August 17 Communique,'' said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman
Zhang Qiyue Thursday.
She called such action an encroachment on Chinese sovereignty and
interference in China's internal affairs.
The spokeswoman conveyed China's strong grievances and firm opposition to
the action which "has increased tension in the Taiwan Straits and impaired
the peace and stability of the Asia-Pacific region.''
Zhang urged the US to stop selling arms to Taiwan and stop enhancing its
military co-operation with the island to avoid further straining Sino-US
Taiwan's early reunification with the mainland is the will of all Chinese
people and an historical trend, she said.
Zhang also urged the Taiwan authorities to get back on track in relation to
the one-China principle and peaceful reunification.
"Any attempt by the Taiwan authorities to resist reunification by the use of
force will be futile,'' she said.
Zhang also reiterate China's opposition to the visit to the Yasukuni Shrine
by Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi.
The shrine, in the suburbs of Tokyo, was built to honour the dead including
Japanese war criminals from the World War II.
"The crux of the issue is whether (Japan) can have the correct understanding
of and the right approach towards the history of invasion and Japanese
militarism,'' Zhang said.
She said Japan's attitude on the issue will have a direct bearing on the
feelings of people in those victim countries in Asia, and warned that it
will affect Japan's image in Asia.
If Japan is bent on having its own way on this issue, strong indignation
will be aroused in the countries concerned, she added.
Turning to the Middle East peace process, the spokeswoman called on the
Israelis and Palestinians to make constructive efforts for an early
resumption of peace negotiations.
Zhang said the Mideast is facing a tough challenge now, adding that the
regional situation is far from being stable although both sides have
declared they will accept a ceasefire agreement set by the international
China hopes to see an early settlement of the issue within the framework of
UN resolutions and under the land for peace principle, she said.
Asked to comment on the meeting of India and Pakistan leaders next month,
the spokeswoman said the improvement of the relationship between the two
countries will serve the fundamental interests of both and benefit the
peace, stability and development of South Asia.

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