From: "Walter Lippmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 09:38:40 -0700
To: "CubaNews" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [CubaNews] Yasser Arafat thanks Fidel Castro

Yasser Arafat Sends Letter
To Cuban President Fidel Castro

Our people, resistant as the mountains of Palestine, takes
from your position and example, more determination and
enthusiasm to continue the struggle.

Your Excellency, Mister President,

World leader and friend Fidel Castro Ruz:

A salute of friendship and solidarity:

With deep feelings we could see yesterday on the
internatrional news agencies the immage of Your Excellency
with the Palestinian "hatta" on your shoulders, at the front
of a peoples demonstration of solidarity with the struggle of
our heroic people.

I consider, Your Excellency President Fidel Castro, this
demonstration of firmness and unbreakable friendship that has
taken place in Havana, as a strong and effective message from
a world beloved leader with a great international prestige, to
mobilize them quickly in order to put an end to the suffering
of the Palestinian people, as a consequence of the Israeli
invasion of their country and the reinforcement of their
attacks on our cities, hamlets, peoples, farms and water wells
and the closing of the international border passes by earth,
air and water.

Dear Mister President:

>From the deep of my heart and that of the Palestinians I
express gratitude for this courageous position against the
Israeli aggression to our people, his country and Christian
and Islamic sacred places, which each Palestrinian holds deep
in his heart and conscience along with the immage of Your
Excellency with the Palestinian "hatta" on your shoulders, as
a sign of the extreme justice of our cause and the magnitude
of the injustice committed by the Israely aggressors against
our people. Be confident, Your Excellency Fidel Castro, so
much loved by our people and by all péoples, that ours,
resistant as the Palestinian mountains, takes from your
example and position more enthusiasm and decision to continue
the struggle, the resistance and the Intifada to get the
Israeli invaders out of our country, Palestine.

I deeply greet you and salute the Cuban Revolution under your
strong and holy direction .

I salute the friendly and heroic people of Cuba

Long live the Palestinian-Cuban Solidarity

With my best wishes to Your Excellency

Yasser Arafat

President of the State of Palestine

President of the Executive Committee of the Organization for
the Liberation of Palestine

President of the Palestine National Authority

Ramallah, June 16th, 2001

Your Excellency Sir

Fidel Castro Ruz

President of the Councils of State and Ministers of the
Republic of Cuba


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