State of Palestine
Ministry of health

Date: June 24, 2001

Dr. Riyad A-Zanoun, Palestinian Minister of Health, Praises the Support of
the United Arab Emirates to the Ministry of Health and the Injured of
Al-Aqsa Intifada 

Dr. Riyad A-Zanoun, Palestinian Minister of Health, praised the support and
help which the government and the people of the United Arab Emirates offered
to the Palestinian Ministry of Health to meet its needs and to help it
relieve and save the injured and the casualties of Al-Aqsa Intifada.
Dr. Riyad expressed in a press release which the Ministry distributed his
deep gratefulness to president of United Arab Emirates, Asheikh Hamden Ben
Zaied, who sent his special plane to Al-Areesh airport to transfer by air
the injured of Al-Aqsa Intifada to the hospitals of Emirates to receive
medical treatment. 
Dr. Riyad considered sending such a plane as one of the series of the planes
which were sent to rehabilitate Al-Aqsa Intifada injured who lost their eyes
and are still in need of going under complex surgeries. Dr. Riyad indicated
that 6 tons of medicines were sent on board to support the Palestinian
Ministry of Health.
Concerning the casualties who have been transferred, Mr.Waleed Shaqoora, the
director of International Cooperation Directorate, said that 15 casualties
and 4 fellows have been transferred; 8 of them are from the governorates of
Gaza and 7 from the West Bank. Eman Heggo's parents were among the
casualties. Most of those casualties were injured in their eyes and are in
need of cosmetic surgeries and the rest are in need of nerve and orthopedic
Dr. Riyad talked about the suffering which the Palestinian Ministry of
Health faces due to the Israeli continuous siege in bringing the West Bank
injured who were supposed to stay in "Gaza European Hospital" for few days
until they are transferred. Meanwhile, the Israeli Occupation Forces
prevented the landing of the Emirate plane at "Gaza International Airport".
Accordingly, the plane was forced to land at "Al-Areesh Airport."This
Israeli policy of hindrance negatively affects the health of the injured,
Dr. Riyad added. 

Date: June 23, 2001

UNRWA Appeals for Aid of the Palestinian Refugee at Gaza and the West Bank
The United Nation for Relief and Work Agency called upon the International
Community to finance a third urgent support costing 77 millions US dollars
to buy nutrition and medicine and save urgent work programs for the
Palestinian refugee at Gaza and the West Bank.
Karin Abu Zeed, deputy of general commissioner, said at a press conference
that was held at the premises of UNRWA at Sheik Jarah that this needed money
would be used to finance urgent operations until the end of the current
year. Karin added that this urgent appeal comes as a result of the sharp
deterioration of the Palestinian economy and the effects of the Israeli
aggression on health and living conditions.
She asserted that during the last eight months, UNRWA organized two
emergency campaigns in order to present urgent services to the Palestinian
refugees. She said that they asked for 80 US million dollars and they
received 70 millions which reflects the concern of the International
Community about the UNRWA relief operations.
Karin added that the UNRWA distributed food packages to more than 200
thousand families and saved job opportunities to 230 thousand family
providers in order to help their dependents. Abu Zaid believed that the
international community can help in stabilizing the situation at the area
throughout its soon respond to those appeals and showing that the world does
not neglect the Palestinian refugee.
She clarified that the UNRWA plans to offer nutrition support to about 217
thousand families which include most of the Palestinian refugees and to save
out 700 thousand working days to help the Palestinian unemployed and
activate the Palestinian economy.
In addition, the UNRWA aims at offering money support to 5 thousand poor
families and reconstructing 200 houses that were destroyed by the Israeli
attacks. On the other hand, it plans, as well; to buy two ambulances and to
supply 51 health centers with medicine and needed medical equipment. She
concluded with confirming that UNRWA faces many obstacles in delivering the
goods to Palestinian areas due to the Israeli aggressive procedures.

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