From: NY Transfer News <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 23:37:50 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [CubaNews] Highlights of Fidel's Resumed Speech

Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

June 23--During Fidel's lengthy resumed speech on the Mesa Redonda
program, he mentioned the following points:

1 - He was the 546th person to faint in the sun this morning,
and said that many dozens followed him. He said he hoped that the
companeros would not cramp his style too much, because he has a lot
of work to do, but nevertheless he apologized for worrying everyone
and said he would be more cautious in the future.

2 - He reviewed the case of the Miami 5, and the terrorist attempts
against Cuba, which he said were all reported to the authorities in
the US when Cuba had information about them.

3 - He reported assassination plots against Foreign Minister Perez Roque.

4 - Also, he described the new cold-war tone of the US government under
George Bush as "extremely harsh and very undiplomatic," and warned that
the thuggish atmosphere of the Reagan administration, with its murderous
campaign against Sandinista Nicaragua, might well return especially if
Otto Reich is confirmed.

5 - Fidel expressed great confidence in the country and its people, and
said that patriotism has never been stronger and education has never been
better in Cuba, of which he said the US is also very well aware.

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