From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

And again expose Kofi Annan for the handpicked puppet
of Anglo-American imperialism he is.

June 24, 2001
Plan to End Sahara Clashes Rejected
Associated Press Writer
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) -- Guerrillas fighting for
Western Sahara independence have rejected a U.N.
proposal to end the decades-long conflict over who
should control the tiny but phosphate-rich stretch of
desert in North Africa.
The Polisario Front said a proposal presented Friday
by U.N. chief Kofi Annan ignores the rights of the
Saharan people to decide their destiny freely,
according to Algeria's El Watan newspaper on Sunday.
In a report to the U.N. Security Council on Friday,
Annan advised Morocco and the Polisario Front to
negotiate the terms of an autonomy plan or risk an end
to U.N. involvement in the largely forgotten conflict.
Annan called on the parties to agree to wide-ranging
autonomy and a referendum on its future in five years.
But the Front said it would not accept a compromise
that offered anything other than an immediate
referendum and accused Morocco of pressuring the
United Nations into pursuing a course that would
''legitimize its occupation'' of the territory.
War broke out in Western Sahara in 1976 after Morocco
annexed the 110,000-square-mile territory along the
Atlantic coast at the end of Spanish colonial rule.
Fighting between Polisario guerrillas and Morocco's
U.S.-equipped army ended in 1991 with a
U.N.-negotiated cease-fire. Morocco still insists it
is the rightful ruler of the territory, which is rich
in phosphates.

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