TODAY'S NEWS (June.26.2001 Juche 90)



U.S. urged to properly approach DPRK-U.S. negotiations

Kim Jong Il inspects guard infantry division No. 1 of KPA

Over 8,000 S. Korean unionists fight for vital right

KCTU vows to struggle again

Request to U.S. to help Japan recolonize Korea disclosed

Japan urged to drop its moves for nuclear weaponization

Popular herbal medicines

DPRK foreign minister leaves for Australia

Agreement signed between DPRK and Nigeria

Gift to Kim Jong Il

For Spanish-speaking people


comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no.826 de epc

comandante supremo kim jong il ve funcion de grupos artisticos de esposas de

"rodong sinmun" comenta intencion de ee.uu. de formar brigadas de combate


U.S. urged to properly approach DPRK-U.S. negotiations
    Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed commentary
lashes out at the U.S. authorities for letting loose a spate of jargons
about "threat" from the DPRK, while talking about their intention to "resume
their dialogue" with it. The commentary says:
    The remarks of U.S. President Bush compel the DPRK to question
Washington once again about its true intention of "proposing the resumption
of the dialogue". 
    The keynote of the U.S. proposal is to adopt nuclear, missile and
conventional armed forces-related issues of the DPRK as topics of
    But, it is the normal diplomatic practice for the two negotiating
parties to sit together and discuss and agree upon agenda items prior to the
start of negotiations and hold them.
    Nevertheless, the united states unilaterally adopted the agenda items
without any prior discussion with the DPRK side and opened them to the
public as agreed items. This is a rude behaviour in diametrical
contravention of the norms of international relations and diplomatic
practice calling for impartiality and equality and a sort of pressure and
affront to the dialogue partner.
    Topic of discussion are very serious and delicate issues.
    None of the socalled nuclear, missile and conventional armed
forces-related issues of the DPRK set out by the United States is acceptable
to the DPRK. 
    As far as the U.S. touted issue of "missile verification" is concerned,
it is aimed at sifting through the DPRK's national defence industry and
military bases. The DPRK has no intention to beg for a dialogue with its
bullet-proof jacket stripped off.
    The "reduction of conventional armed forces" can never become an object
of discussion. This "proposal" is nothing but a crafty intention to disarm
the DPRK and put both its areas along the front and rear in a defenseless
state in a bid to swallow it up with ease.
    Unpractical and unreasonable issues raised by the U.S. can never be
agenda items of the DPRK-U.S. negotiations.
    The most urgent and realistic issue to be taken up at the negotiations
is the issue of the U.S. compensation for the DPRK's loss of electricity
caused by its delay in the LWR provision.
    The United States should drop its impudent and rude attitude to snub the
DPRK and lead the negotiations and rectify its conditional and unjust
    The prospect of the negotiations depends on attitude of the present U.S.


Kim Jong Il inspects guard infantry division No. 1 of KPA
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il on Monday inspected
guard infantry division No. 1 of the KPA honoured with the title of "O Jung
Hup's 7th regiment." He was accompanied by KPA generals Hyong Chol Hae and
Pak Jae Gyong. 
    After receiving a salute, he recalled with deep emotion the glorious
course covered by the division, seeing the records of its exploits displayed
in the servicemen's hall.
    Noting that the division performed many exploits that demonstrated the
heroic spirit of the KPA by achieving shining victories in many battles
during the Fatherland Liberation War fought against the U.S. imperialist
aggressors-led allied forces, he said that all the servicemen of the
division should preserve its proud tradition and emerge victorious in the
future, too. 
    Hearing a report on the situation in the operation command room, he
learnt in detail about the performance of the unit's duty.
    Greatly satisfied to learn that the officers and men of the division
have achieved many successes through their strenous efforts to implement our
party's military line of self-defence to the letter, he proposed important
tasks to be carried out to increase combat capability of the unit in every
    He acquainted himself with the training of soldiers and met with them in
the training and lecture room of a unit under the direct control of the
    He was very pleased to see all of them trained into stalwart women
soldiers and praised them for performing their duty in a responsible manner.
    Looking round a bedroom, mess, kitchen, bathroom and other places, he
took warm care of their living as their real father would do.
    He also enjoyed an art performance given by soldiers of the company.
    After seeing the militant performance replete with the spirit of
revolutionary soldiers, he expressed his great satisfaction with the fact
that all the soldiers have been trained into fighters, each being a match
for a hundred foes, who are fully prepared politically and ideologically and
in military technique.
    He gave soldiers an automatic rifle as a gift and had a picture taken
with them. 


Over 8,000 S. Korean unionists fight for vital right
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- At least 8,000 unionists under the
Federation of South Korean Trade unions held a "national rally of workers"
at the plaza of Seoul railway station on Sunday to denounce the suppression
of workers and defend the right to existence, according to a CBS report from
Seoul. After the rally they staged a demonstration up to the Myongdong
Cathedral, scattering leaflets among citizens.


KCTU vows to struggle again
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of Trade
Unions held a rally in Seoul on June 23 and vowed to wage a powerful
anti-"government" struggle against the authorities' suppression of workers,
according to Radio No. 1 and MBC from Seoul.
    The organization said that it would take the lead in the
anti-"government" struggle, demanding the removal of the informal sector and
the passage of bills on people's life through the "national assembly."
    It announced that unless its demands are met it would go on a general
strike of all workshops under it on July 5 and enter the second solidarity
strike centring on the Hyundai Motor Company and the Hyundai heavy
industries co., ltd. which vowed a dispute at a meeting of deputies and the
Kia Motor Company and Daewoo Ship-Building ltd. which applied for mediation
of dispute. 
    If the authorities' suppression continues in defiance of the second
solidarity strike, the organization would hold an extra meeting of deputies
on July 13 and wage a 100,000 Seoul struggle, it noted.
    Over 700 unionists under the "national railway workers union" held an
inaugural ceremony of the first term democratic executive at the plaza of
Seoul railway station on Saturday and vowed to struggle against the
unreasonable act of the authorities.


Request to U.S. to help Japan recolonize Korea disclosed
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- The recently declassified confidential
document of the U.S. forces disclosed the fact that the Japanese right-wing
forces repeatedly asked the united states to help Japan recolonize the
Korean peninsula during the war that broke out on June 25, 1950, according
to a Seoul-based MBC report. Despite the fact that Japan was banned from
undertaking any military activities owing to its defeat in World War II
Japan secretly dispatched over 50 minesweepers of its former navy and a
1,200-strong armed force to the Korean War at that time at the request of
the U.S. 
    Survivors confirmed that those minesweepers conducted an operation to
clear mines in the waters off Wonsan in October 1950.
    Meanwhile, the Japanese right-wing forces repeatedly sent "petitions" to
the Macarthur command strongly urging the U.S. to help Japan recolonize the
Korean peninsula in return for dispatching young Japanese to the Korean War.
    In this connection, the radio said that Japan's right-wing forces'
shameless attempt to realize their black-hearted intention, taking advantage
of the tragedy in its neighbour, remains recorded in history.


Japan urged to drop its moves for nuclear weaponization
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- The world should guard against Japan's
moves for nuclear weaponization, says Minju Joson today in a signed
commentary. Recalling that former U.S. Defense Secretary Mcnamara and
chairman of the U.S. senate foreign relations committee Biden recently
referred to the issue of Japan's nuclear weaponization, the commentary says:
This shows that such moves of Japan have gone beyond the danger line and the
U.S. itself began to feel threatened by them.
    In fact, such moves of Japan are much graver than what the U.S. thinks.
It is the unanimous view of experts that Japan can emerge as a nuclear power
anytime it wishes. 
    As U.S. politicians admited, if Japan is allowed to go nuclear, this
will adversely affect the security not only in the Asia-Pacific but in the
U.S. itself. 
    It is Japan which poses the most dangerous potential nuclear threat to
the world. 
    The world will never allow Japan to do so as the world people are aware
of its past history.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to stop talking about the
non-existent "nuclear threat" from someone but abandon their reckless
nuclear program and discontinue their moves for nuclear weaponization.


Popular herbal medicines
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- Lots of efficacious herbal medicines are
manufactured by the Jangsaeng joint venture company in the DPRK. There are
about 30 varieties of medicines made of various ingredients extracted from
natural resources. Among them are gingko nut syrup, kumintungunal, kiinoitan
(kintozant), minerals water containing over 60 microelements, kinopol
injection (tetrodotoxin), liquor of snake, Uhwangchongsimhwan,
Ankunguhwanghwan, Jangsujong, Koryo Insam syrup, etc.
    Those medicines are made of rare drugstaffs according to prescriptions
made in "Three Old Medical Books of Koryo" ("Hyangyakjipsongbang",
"Uipangryuchwi", "Tonguibogam") which had strong impact on the development
of the country's medical science in the 15th-17th century.
    They are good for treating and preventing diseases including hepatitis,
indigestion, children's dystrophy, thrombosis, hypertrophy, insomnia,
gastric and duodenal ulcer.
    They are now exported to various countries in Europe and southeast Asia.


DPRK foreign minister leaves for Australia
     Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- DPRK foreign minister Paek Nam Sun and his
party left here today to visit Australia. They were seen off at the airport
by vice-minister of foreign affairs Choe Su Hon.


Agreement signed between DPRK and Nigeria
    Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- An agreement on bilateral cooperation in
the fields of economy and technology was signed here yesterday between the
DPRK Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Gombe state government of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria.


Gift to Kim Jong Il
    Pyongyang, June 26 (KCNA) -- A gift was sent to leader Kim Jong Il by
the governor of Gombe state, Nigeria. It was conveyed to an official
concerned by Alhaji Abubakar Habu Hashidu, governor of Gombe state, on a
visit to the DPRK. 


For Spanish-speaking people

comandante supremo kim jong il inspecciona unidad no.826 de epc
     pyongyang, 26 de mayo (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo
del ejercito popular de corea inspecciono ayer la unidad no.826 del epc. le
acompanaron los generales de ejercito del epc ri myong su, hyon chol hae y
pak jae gyong, el secretario del cc del ptc kim kuk thae y otros.
    el dirigente kim jong il inspecciono la compania dos veces bandera roja
de las tres revoluciones de la unidad.
    al recorrer la sala de educacion, dormitorio, comedor, cocina, deposito
diario, lugar de descanso al aire libre, corral y otras instalaciones de
cultura, educacion e intendencia de la compania atendio cordialmente la vida
de los militares. 
    diciendo que los miembros directivos y soldados de la compania
acondicionaron magnificamente la compania y su contorno y organizan con
esmero la administracion de la unidad, evaluo altamente sus hazanas
laborales y subrayo que todo el ejercito debe desplegar con energia la labor
para aprender el ejemplo de esta compania.
    vio el entrenamiento de los militares de la compania y se mostro muy
satisfecho de que todos los militares de la compania han crecido como
indoblegables combatientes listos a defender firmemente la seguridad de la
patria y el pueblo.
    dejo como recuerdo binoculos y fusil automatico para los militares y se
fotografio junto a estos.
    acto seguido, en la sala de mando operacional y sala de investigacion
militar de la unidad se entero de los detalles del estado de cumplimiento
del deber de esta y dio tareas programaticas que se presentan para
fortalecer la combatividad de la unidad.
    seguidamente el comandante supremo kim jong il recorrio las
instalaciones de cultura, educacion e intendencia de una compania adscrita a
la unidad, dejo como recuerdo un fusil automatico para los militares y se
fotografio junto a estos.


comandante supremo kim jong il ve funcion de grupos artisticos de esposas de
     pyongyang, 26 de mayo (atcc) -- el dirigente kim jong il, secretario
general del partido del trabajo de corea, presidente del comite de defensa
nacional de la republica popular democratica de corea y comandante supremo
del ejercito popular de corea presencio ayer, junto con oficiales y soldados
del epc, la funcion de los grupos artisticos de esposas de oficiales de las
unidades no. 243 y no.233, participantes en el 4 concurso de los grupos
artisticos de esposas de oficiales del epc. le acompanaron en verla los
generales de ejercito del epc ri myong su, hyon chol hae y pak jae gyong y
otros generales, el secretario del cc del ptc, kim kuk thae, etc.
    las ejecutantes, a traves de su funcion revolucionaria y combativa,
cantaron con alto orgullo la vida de las esposas de oficiales quienes
avanzan a paso firme por el unico camino de la revolucion bajo la gran
atencion del gran general y mostraron veridicamente la inconmovible
conviccion y voluntad de ellas mismas de defender a ultranza la direccion de
la revolucion y completar hasta el fin la causa revolucionaria del juche
unidas en cuerpo y alma con sus esposos, enfrascados en la sagrada lucha por
la defensa de la patria.
    terminada la funcion el dirigente kim jong il respondio cordialmente a
las ejecutantes y espectadores y felicito el exito de la funcion.
    estimo altamente las hazanas de las esposas de oficiales diciendo que
estas son las magnificas revolucionarias que organizan con esmero la vida
economica y ayudan con sinceridad la labor revolucionaria de sus esposos
superando las dificultades y obstaculos y subrayo que toda la sociedad debe
aprender el noble mundo espiritual, el estilo de lucha y de vida de ellas.
    presento las tareas programaticas que sirven de guia para desplegar las
actividades artisticas populares y masivas.


"rodong sinmun" comenta intencion de ee.uu. de formar brigadas de combate
     pyongyang, 26 de mayo (atcc) -- el periodico "rodong sinmun", en el
numero de hoy, inserto un comentario denunciando las maquinaciones de las
fuerzas belicosas estadounidenses encaminadas a formar brigadas de combate
movil. el comentario senala:
    se dice que ee.uu. formara hasta el ano proximo dos brigadas de combate
movil que han de ser enviadas con urgencia al frente de corea en el "caso de
emergencia" en la peninsula coreana. estas brigadas dotaran de modernos
carros blindados de alta movilidad y equipos de mando y control de punta
para jugar el papel de la unidad de golpe movil en la guerra coreana. estas
brigadas se trasladaran dentro de 4 dias al frente coreano cuando estalle la
guerra en esta peninsula.
    esto demuestra que ee.uu. hizo un hecho consumado la provocacion de
guerra coreana y se esfuerza por hacer mas perfectas sus fuerzas armadas
    lo principal en la preparacion de ee.uu. para la agresion a corea es
elevar la movilidad y la densidad de la fuerza de fuego para lograr la
maxima eficiencia en la guerra. de ahi que este pais dedique fuerza
particular a reforzar sus fuerzas armadas en el contorno de la peninsula
coreana, en particular las fuerzas de gople aereo y maritimo.
    ee.uu. pretende formar brigadas de combate de alta movilidad y gran
capacidad de golpe al considerar que la incorporacion inmediata de las
fuerzas de refuerzo ejercera gran influencia sobre la conclusion de la
    la rpdc se ve obligada a tomar la postura perfecta de disposicion
militar ante los esfuerzos desesperados de ee.uu. por desencadenar la nueva
guerra en corea. 
    la provocacion de la guerra coreana por ee.uu. es el camino de la
    el debe reflexionar de las consecuencias que emanen de su guerra de
agresion a corea y actuar con prudencia.

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