Mr Nguyen Van An elected NA chairman

Mr Nguyen Van An, a Politburo member of the Communist Party of Vietnam was
elected National Assembly chairman on Wednesday morning.

Mr Nguyen Van An, currently director of the Partyıs Central Commission for
personnel, is to replace the incumbent, Mr Nong Duc Manh, who was elected
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam at the Ninth Congress of
the Communist Party of Vietnam in April.

Mr Nguyen Van An was born on October 1, 1937 in My Tan, in the suburban of
Nam Dinh town, Nam Dinh province. He was elected to the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of Vietnam at the Sixth Congress and elected to the
Politburo at the Eighth Congress. He was re-elected to the Politburo of the
Party and Secretariat at the Ninth Congress in April.

Also during this session, the National Assembly also approved the
appointment of two ministers. Mr Pham Quang Nghi, member of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, currently secretary of Ha Nam
provincial Party committee, was named minister of culture and information to
replace Mr Nguyen Khoa Diem, a politburo member who is now head of the
Central Party Commission for Culture and Ideology. Mr Tran Danh Thai, rector
of the university for physical education and sports, was named chairman and
minister of the National Committee for Physical Education and Sports.


NA discusses amendments to Constitution
and Son La project 

National Assembly (NA) deputies on Tuesday continued discussing the
amendments of and supplements to some articles of the 1992 Constitution and
the investment of the Son La hydro-electric power project during their
plenary meeting. 

Eight deputies from eight provinces and cities contributed their opinions
concerning the guidelines to the amendment of and supplement to some
articles of the 1992 Constitution.

Before concluding the discussion on the Constitution, NA Chairman Nong Duc
Manh said that most NA deputies agreed with the NA Standing Committee's
statement saying that only some articles of the 1992 Constitution on the
State apparatus needed to be amended and supplemented but there was no need
to change the Constitution.

Deputies contributed their ideas on the renovation of organisation and
operation of the NA; the method of operation and organisational structure of
the government apparatus; the role and organisation of the People's Council
and the People's Committee and the organisation and jurisdiction of the
People's Procuracy and the People's Court.

In the afternoon, six deputies from six provinces and cities contributed
their opinions on the investment in building the Son La hydro-electric power
plant, dealing mainly with the scale of the project; the safety for the
project and for the lowland areas; the socio-economic efficiency of the
project; resettlement; protection of environment and cultural heritage, the
guarantee for security and defence; the water supply in the dry season and
flood prevention in the wet season and the finance for the project.


Practical healing would ease American veterans' conscience:
spokeswomanConcrete and practical actions to heal the wounds of war in
Vietnam would be the best way for American veterans to find peace for their
conscience, said spokeswoman of the Foreign Ministry Phan Thuy Thanh in
Hanoi yesterday. 

"We understand the incomparable losses experienced by our people in Thanh
Phong village and southern Ben Tre province. We understand the significance
of Lawyer John DeCamp's actions, and fully respect the desire for
compensation among the families of those killed in the Thanh Phong village
massacre," Ms Thanh noted.

Asked by a Reuters correspondent to comment on a proposal made by Lawyer
John DeCamp to Senator Bob Kerrey to set up a compensation fund for the
victims' families, Ms Thanh further said:

"The aggressive war against Vietnam by the Americans has left behind heavy
consequences. Bob Kerrey's story was just one case and there might be a
number of similar stories to be uncovered in the future."

In regard to relations with the United States and other former war foes, the
spokeswoman confirmed Vietnam's policy to continue co-operation and promote
mutual understanding in line with the nation's humanitarian and friendly

"To continue developing friendly ties between Vietnam and the US is also a
way to solve the consequences left by the past," Ms Thanh said in
conclusion. (VNA) 


Cuban military officer ends visit

Senior Lieutenant General Alvaro Lopez Miera, Chief of General Staff of the
Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces, left Hanoi on Tuesday, June 26, concluding
week long official visit to Vietnam.

During his visit, he laid wreaths at the Monument to Fallen Combatants and
at the Mausoleum of President Ho Chi Minh.

The General called on Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and Defence Minister
Senior Lieutenant General Pham Van Tra, and held talks with Lieutenant
General Phung Quang Thanh who is Chief of General Staff of the Vietnam
People's Army. 

He also visited the Hanoi Anti-Aircraft Division, the Commands of Military
Zones No 3 and No 7, Ho Chi Minh City, and Ha Long Bay in northern Quang
Ninh province. (VNA)


Vietnam, Laos promote co-operationA delegation of the Ministry of Culture
and Information (MoCI) led by Deputy Minister Phan Khac Hai visited Laos
from June 19-26. 

The delegation held talks with a delegation of the Lao Information and
Culture Ministry led by Deputy Miniser Boban Volakhun. The two sides
informed each other of the socio-economic situation in their respective
countries. They praised the two countries' co-operation in culture and
information over the recent past and agreed to measures to promote
co-operation in the coming period.

A plan for Vietnam-Laos cultural and information co-operation in 2001 and
2002 was signed in Vientiane on June 25 by the two deputy ministers.

Under the plan, the two ministries will promote co-operation by organising
more visits for artists and culturists. Vietnam will receive Lao officials
for short-term refresher courses at MoCI's School for Managers and teachers
of the Lao National Conservatory for working visits.
Meanwhile, a delegation of central Ha Tinh province led by Dinh Le Bau,
secretary of the provincial Party Committee and president of the provincial
People's Council, paid a working visit to Lao central Khammouane province.

The two provinces' officials had a working session, reviewing bilateral
co-operation, particularly co-ordination in maintaining security and social
order along the two countries' borders.

A memorandum of understanding was signed on this occasion, providing for
further co-operation between the two provinces in maintaining security in
border areas in order to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese and Lao
businesses to boost co-operation and investment. (VNA)


Greek Communist Party leader receives Vietnam delegationGeneral secretary of
the Communist Party of Greece Central Committee, Aleka Papariga received a
delegation from the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in Athens on June 23.

General Secretary Aleka congratulated Vietnam for its achievements in the
current process of renovation. He expressed his belief that the Vietnamese
people, under the leadership of the CPV, would successfully implement the
Resolution of the recent Ninth National Congress in order to continue with
national industrialisation and modernisation.

The CPV delegation led by Pham Van Chuong, Deputy Director of the Party
Central Committee's Commission for External Relations, has been in Athens
for an international gathering of communists and workers' parties.

The meeting entitled 'Communists and Trade Union Movement' drew the
participation of 50 parties from Europe, Asia, Africa, Northern America,
Latin America and Australia. (VNA)


Localities respond to anti-drug day

Meeting entitled 'Sports against Drugs' held in Hanoi.

Various activities were initiated in many localities nationwide on Tuesday
to call for efforts from people and agencies to fight drugs.

The People's Committee of Hanoi, together with the National Committee for
AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Control, held a meeting entitled 'Sports against
Drugs' to respond to the national anti-drugs day, June 26.

Participants gathered in groups to march along streets and roads in Hanoi to
publicise the danger of drugs. Hundreds of slogans, posters and banners were
made to help strengthen the anti-drugs campaign.

Ho Chi Minh City young people learn about the danger of drugs.

Young people in Ho Chi Minh participated in many activities to raise
awareness among people about the danger of drugs. Drivers in the city were
also encouraged to join the fight against drugs in their residences and
working places, assist young addicts to give up drugs and create
opportunities for them to find jobs and participate in healthy activities. A
large number of anti-drug documents were provided to drivers to deliver to


Hanoi's first test-tube baby born

Hanoi's first baby conceived by in vitro fertilisation was born on June 26
at the Newborn Baby and Mother Care Hospital.

Mrs Nguyen Thi Thanh Phuong, 35, in Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, has been married for
ten years but is sterile. She and her husband decided to use in vitro
fertilisation at the hospital. After 36 weeks, she gave birth to a healthy
girl, weighing 2.9 kilograms.

The success raises hope for couples who are unable to give birth naturally.

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