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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 10:38 PM
Subject: CP of Finland, International resolution of the Congress of the CP of Finland

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  CP of Finland, International resolution of the Congress of the CP of
                    From: Communist Party of Finland
                  http://www.skp.fi , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]



Inequality is on the increase both within nations and internationally.
The combined yearly income of the poorest three billion people in the
world equal the assets of the richest 360 people. Statistics of the
United Nations reveal that the latter group has doubled its assets
during the later half of the 90´s.

Capitalist circles that monopolize natural resources, technology and
markets strive to continue exploitation by the means of politics of
power and the power of money. The interests of multinational companies
and finance capital are presented as economic necessities by the World
Trade Organization, World Bank and the IMF. To these economic
necessities, people and entire nations are expected to yield.

The inequality and undemocratic character of globalization have given
rise to widely spread mass movements. This opposition is one common
ground for environmentalists, trade union movement, Indians in Chiapas,
EU-critical movements, ATTAC-movement, landless farmers in Brazil and
the traditional peace movement alike.


After  the collapse of the Soviet Union, NATO and the USA have adopted a
new strategy for maintaining imperialist world order. They have assumed
for themselves the right to use military force at any part of the world
where capitalist interests are at stake.

The joint attack of the USA and NATO on Yugoslavia was an outrageous
violation of the Charter of the United Nations. As proven by the
situation in Macedonia, the NATO intervention on Balkan has not secured
human rights nor peace in the area. The use of depleted uranium serves
as a prime example that NATO cares little about the environmental
effects of its actions.

The central reason behind the crisis in Middle East is the struggle of
the regions valuable oil and gas resources. The right-wing government of
Israel has continued to occupy Palestinian territory with support from
the USA. This illegal and violent state of affairs has triggered the
most dangerous situation in the area for years. US-led bombings and
embargo of Iraq, both of which affect primarily Iraqi citizens, have
aggravated the Middle Eastern situation even further. The conflict in
Chechnya can be traced back to Russia´s endeavours to restore its status
as a superpower and its attempt to gain control of the oil and gas
resources in the Caspian region.

The perils of the US-led world order are implied by President Bushes
intentions to stimulate weapons race and oppress Russia and China by
scrapping the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (from 1972). Another threats
are implicated by the US decision to withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol,
which aims to prevent climate change. By continuing the illegal embargo
on Cuba, the US administration seeks to display to other third world
countries the consequences that may result from not conforming to the
capitalist world order.


The development of a global imperialistic military policy is connected
to the militarization of the EU, as well as the expansion of NATO. This
development leads to greater investments in rearmament and preparations
to send troops for interventions outside the European Union.

Chaired by Prime Minister Paavo Lipponen, the 1999 EU summit in Helsinki
attached also the previously unaligned EU-countries into the European
army and into a military alliance with NATO. The Turkish army´s entry
into the European army indicates how untruthful are any arguments about
the EU being militarized for the defence of democratic values and human
rights. Human rights are of little value while the Turkish
army is waging cruel war against the Kurdish people.

The Finnish army´s revision into Nato-standards, Hornet fighters´
participation in military exercises together with NATO-troops and the
plan to purchase combat helicopters indicate that the Finnish government
prepares to send forces to peace enforcement missions and hostile
military operations. EU operations do not require even the mandate of
the UN security Council. The nomination of General H&dgr;gglund as the
president of EU´s military committee further reinforces Finland's
engagement in military plans by EU and NATO.

In addition to the Right, all the decisions made regarding the
militarization of the EU have been approved by the Left Alliance, Social
Democratic Party and the Green Party. Together with Finland's neutrality
policy, these parties have casted aside their own traditions and
policies of peace.


The Finnish government is currently preparing a report on security
policy for the parliament. New weapons investments, participation in the
militarization of the EU, and preparation for the possible NATO
membership have become the prime issues in this report – despite talks
about civilian crisis management and a wider comprehension of security.

· The CPF demands that the Finnish government takes the good old
traditions as the starting point to the entire report on security
policy. This means the recognition of good relations to neighbouring
countries and the policies of neutrality and military non-alignment. The
principles of CSCE and the United Nations must be put into practice.

· The CPF opposes Finland's participation in the militarization of the
European Union and rejects the possible NATO membership. Finnish troops
may not be sent abroad to missions other than those based on UN or CSCE
mandate or civil crisis management. The expansion of NATO threatens to
bring nuclear weapons into Finland's vicinity. Therefore the initiative
to create Scandinavia and Europe nuclear-free zones is still very

· Finland must oppose the expansion of NATO on the basis of our common
security and Finland's own security interests. Finland must have a
policy for relations to Russia. This policy must be independent from the
interests of the EU.

· The CPF demands that the Finnish parliament rejects plans to purchase
combat helicopters, which are not necessary for Finland's security, but
rather for participation in the European army and NATO operations.
Finland must bind itself to the international landmine ban without
compensating for it by other weapons investments.

· Instead of rearmament, funds must be invested to improve basic
security, employment, environmental protection and aid to developing
countries. Refugees and immigrants must be guaranteed basic rights.
Funds of the development co-operation must be raised to comply with the
UN recommendation of 0,7 per cent of the GNP.

· The government must not approve the extensive negotiations round of
the WTO, which is driven by the EU. Instead, the Finnish government must
require the solving of problems caused by previous WTO agreements. The
government must support the so-called Tobin Tax initiative designed to
cut speculative cross-border currency transactions. The Tobin Tax is a
tool to assist in stabilizing world economy and gather funds for solving
problems related to development. Finland must act initiatively to
enforce the status and resources of the UN and CSCE.


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