From: Sandeep Vaidya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Emergency campaign to grant visa to Ramsey Clark to vist Yugoslavia

Bay Area: 2489 Mission St., Rm. 28, San Francisco, CA 94110 m (415)
821-6545 m Fax: (415) 821-5782
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Ramsey Clark, Chairperson

June 27, 2001

Yugoslav Ambassador to U.S. Denies Visa to Ramsey Clark,
International Human Rights Attorney Seeking to Visit Belgrade, as
U.S. Pressure to Deport Milosevic Intensifies
International Action Center Calls for Emergency Campaign to Grant

In a blow to human rights and due process, the Yugoslav Ambassador to
the United States, Milan Propic, today refused to issue a visa to
former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark to enter Yugoslavia.
Mr. Clark, who is a renowned international human rights attorney and
is a co-chair of the International Committee to Defend Slobodan
Milosevic, says he will continue to attempt to enter Belgrade to
confer with others working on that committee. "We are at a critical
moment, with the United States government attempting to push through
the illegal deportation of Mr. Milosevic by this Friday," said Mr.

Clark called the visa denial "another consequence of the intense U.S.-
led campaign to force the Yugoslav government to deport Mr.
Milosevic. The real aim of this campaign, along with ten years of
war, blockade and demonization directed against Yugoslavia, is to
reduce all of the former Yugoslavia to the status of a U.S./NATO

According to Vladimir Krsljanin, international secretary of the
Socialist Party of Serbia, of which Mr. Milosevic is chairman, Propic
was not acting with the full the authority of the Yugoslav
government. Krsljanin said that the chief of the cabinet of the
Yugoslav government sent a cable at 7:34 p.m. Belgrade time1:34 p.m.
in Washington ordering that Mr. Clark receive his visa.

The embassy also refused a visa to the Gloria La Riva, a videographer
and the West Coast coordinator of the International Action Center,
who is accompanying Mr. Clark. La Riva, who was in Belgrade with Mr.
Clark twice during the bombing as a member of Mr. Clark's
delegation,  produced the world-renowned film, "NATO Targets," about
NATO's war against Yugoslavia. Clark is the founder of the IAC.
Mr. Clark condemned the U.S.-led campaign to label Mr. Milosevic a
war criminal "when the murder perpetrated by NATO political and
military leaders during 78 days of bombing of civilian targets in
Yugoslavia is still fresh in the memory of the world."
"The undemocratic steps taken to refuse the defendant and his
supporters the right to a consultation on legal and political
questions is evidence that those in charge in Yugoslavia are capable
of denying the most basic legal rights. We have to be alert to the
possibility that they will deny Mr. Milosevic the due process of his
appeal of the extradition order and simply kidnap him to the
International tribunal in The Hague," said Clark.
Clark pledged that "we will attempt to find a way into

IAC Calls for Emergency Campaign -- Calls and Emails Needed

IAC co-coordinator Sara Flounders, who applied for the visas from the
Yugoslav Embassy in Washington, said that she was forced to wait over
four hours before being refused for something the clerk said usually
takes five minutes to approve. "The ambassador and the embassy
staff  refused to discuss the question with me. It is absolutely clear that
the ambassador takes his orders from Washington rather than his own
foreign ministry."

"The IAC," Flounders added, "is asking all its friends
and friends of  justice and peace worldwide, to protest this decision to
bar Mr.
Clark and Ms La Riva from Yugoslavia, by flooding the Yugoslav
embassy with calls and emails. Time is of the essence."
Ambassador Milan Propic can be reached by phone at 202-332-0333 and
by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED] People can also direct protests to the
Yugoslav government in Belgrade.

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