Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 05:38:53 EDT
Subject: Report on all-Russia Day of Action - 19 June

from International Solidarity with Workers in Russia - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
ISWoR web-site -


On 19 June 2001 a coalition of independent trade unions organised a
nation-wide protest against the government proposal for a new Labour Code,
which massively weakens the position of workers, forcing them to work a
12-hour day, accept wage payment in kind, job insecurity, legal
enforced night work for pregnant women, child labour, and nullifies
collective bargaining.

Ironically the leaders of the FNPR, the largest trade union confederation in
the country, who initially declared their opposition to the Code, have now
joined forces with the Government in a "conciliatory commission" which has
approved the barbaric legislation.

Co-chair of the militant union Zaschita , Duma deputy, and one of the
founders of the protest campaign, Oleg Shein, proposed the alternative draft
popularly known as the "Shein Code" which calls for a major extension,
than a downsizing, of existing labour rights. This has received mass
grass-roots support.

Shein describes how 100,000 workers across the country were involved in the
Day of Action. Dockers at all Russian ports staged a short symbolic strike,
while seamen in some harbours simultaneously sounded their horn in
solidarity. Strikes, including hunger-strikes, by aviation workers took
in Archangelsk, Kotlas, Petrozavodsk, Tyumen, Omsk, Saratov,
and Yakutia. In Omsk, Siberia, two members of the Siberian Confederation of
Labor on hunger-strike were threatened with prosecution.

On the "October " and "Moscow" railway lines, workers sounded the hooters to
mark the event. At Sverdlovsk, in the Urals, there was a particularly good
turnout with up to ten thousand people participating in actions which
included a blockade of the main highway, and also of the local headquarters
of the FNPR. In Astrakhan, participants included not only members of the
militant union Zaschita but also, teachers and retail workers from the local
branches of the FNPR in defiance of their national leadership. Involvement
FNPR workers occurred in other towns too.

In Moscow, several dozen people, including representatives of Zaschita,
Sotsprof, the pilots union, airdespatchers and railway workers unions
gathered outside the Duma in spite of a ban by the authorities under a
far-fetched pretext. A further protest took place later outside the Ministry
of Transport, and in the afternoon 150 workers of the large industrial plant
GPZ demonstrated outside their factory.

Miners from the NPG (Independent Union of Miners) came from across the
country to demonstrate on the Gorbaty Bridge, the same bridge where Moscow
Mayor Luzhkov had sent his tanks to clear their picket during the famous
«rail wars» of 1998. Luzhkov banned the protest at the bridge (facing the
building of the Government of the Russian Federation), declaring that the
union could not give him the necessary guarantees of «social order».
Nevertheless the miners held another rally later.

Campaign activists from Zaschita and the Movement for a Workers Party
publicly criticised the cowardly behaviour of some of the union executives
involved in the campaign, who showered praise on President Putin and begged
him to avoid creating a "split" in society. In fact, most ordinary people
already very well aware that their society is split. While a tiny minority
"New Russians" live in luxury, the majority of the population is
a transition to nineteenth century living standards, with disease epidemics
and a male life expectancy of just 56.

A negative and unacceptable aspect of the campaign was the continued
involvement of the national-chauvinist Russian Communist Workers Party
(RKRP). Promising to organise large rallies at GPZ and ZiL factories in
Moscow, they were in fact, almost completely absent from the former, while
the latter protest never took place. The fact that large numbers of workers
at ZiL had expressed interest in the Day of Action, and had been enquiring
whether the event was still on, gave rise to suspicions of a deliberate
sabotage by this grouping. In Leningrad, where there was strong influence by
the RKRP over much of the campaign and in the unions of several large
enterprises in this, the second largest city, there were no reports of large
numbers of factory workers taking to the streets.

The country's largest "opposition" party, the red-brown Communist Party of
the Russian Federation, too, was notable by its absence. Since its ability
wield influence from within the Duma has declined, the party has begun to
take a harder stance against the government in words, though this has not
been translated into practice on the streets.

Over 160 trade union and progressive activists from around the world
responded to a call by International solidarity with Workers in Russia
(ISWoR) to send protests to Putin in support of the Day of Action and the
alternative Shein Code. At the Russian embassy in London, farce erupted when
bureaucrats panicked at the arrival of an ISWoR delegation delivering a
envelope containing the names of those who had endorsed the protest. They
closed the building down for half an hour.

The government intends to press on ahead with the first reading of its
so-called "Co-ordinated" draft Code on 5 July. However, as Oleg Shein has
pointed out, this still allows the campaigners several months to build wider
and stronger support across Russia before the crucial final reading is due
October. Failure will mean that for the first time in history, a modern
industrialised country will enshrine in law, among other things, the
from the 40-hour to the 58-hour week. A sustained and determined campaign by
Russian workers, with increased international support, will be necessary to
defeat this monstrous legislation.

Militant workers in Russia are continuing to fight back - and even if the
Putin Code is passed in October - they have to implement their laws. This is
where the labor network built during this fight against the Putin Code can
transformed into a more open class struggle fighting force.

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