From: "cpimllib" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:56:43 +0530
Subject: No Extradition,  release  Malosevic

To the President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dr. Vojislav Kostunica
Fax: +381 11 3015 055

Mr. President
 Republic of Yugoslavia

On behalf of Indian people we strongly protest the June 23  decision of the
government of  Yugoslavia for Extradition of the former President Milosevc
to the International War crime tribunal in Hague in blatant violation of
the Constitution of Yugoslavia.

 Acceptance of Extradition of the head of the nation during her just war of
defense against Imperialist War of destruction means  accepting the unjust
transfer of the monstrous war crime of Imperialist NATO on the whole  nation
devastated by aggressive war. We urge upon you to unhesitatingly reject the

It seems, that your government has succumbed to the conditional offer of
billions of aid money from the Imperialist countries. If it was so, It would
be a greatest damage to the outstanding,  glorious anti imperialist legacy
of a nation nurtured  with blood of generations of her people. If the
Extradition is allowed, it will
be bring harm to Balkan people and the people of the world, besides the
people of Yugoslavia, who are fighting against US led Imperialism and its
monstrous hidden fist NATO.

We, therefore call upon you to reject US demand for Extradition and release
Milosevic immediately.

With Frertarnity to people of Yugoslavia,

Incharge, International Relations
Communist Party of India(Marxist-Leninist)(Liberation)

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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