Organization: Antiimperialist Camp News
Reply-To: "Antiimperialist Camp News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 15:01:43 -0500
Subject: Support the new Intifada!

Call for a permanent international coalition in support of the Palestinian
people’s right to self-determination

We invite all organisations, associations or individuals who are interested
to support this call to get in contact with us as soon as possible!

The Zionist occupation forces are carrying on their massacre against the
Palestinian people. The only crime the Palestinians have committed is
insisting on their most elementary human right, the right to
self-determination against the colonial aggressor. In fact it is a struggle
David against Goliath where the Palestinians defend themselves with stones
and rifles against the most sophisticated weaponry such as tanks, helicopter
gunships and even airplanes being cowardly applied against civilians. More
than 500 Palestinians have been killed so far, many of them babies and
children, by both the army and the fascist settlers. And the death toll
keeps on rising. Tens of thousands have been wounded – often done so
deliberately that they will stay handicapped for all their life.
For ten years the Palestinians have been hoping for a lasting peace with
Israel and have done everything possible for it. Their leadership even
accepted the most unfavourable conditions. While they recognised Israel and
thus also sanctioned the Zionist conquest of Palestinian land they did not
even obtain the implementation of the UN resolution 424 in return, which
stipulates the full Israeli withdrawal from the Palestinian territories West
Bank and Gaza, occupied in 1967. All those concessions to the aggressor have
been proved to be in vain.
Looking back it becomes clear that Israel has never been striving for peace.
Jewish settlement in the occupied territories has neither been stopped nor
decreased but even accelerated. The destruction of Palestinian houses and
the robbery of land is being carried out relentlessly. Palestinian
agricultural land is deliberately destroyed and the economy is further
strangled by repeatedly sealing off the occupied territories. The
Palestinian water share is still decreasing, and while the settlers are
sprinkling their greens gardens while Palestinians do not even have
sufficient drinking water. The occupied territories have been fragmented by
military streets and installations, which means unprecedented obstacles to
move freely from one place to another and especially to Jerusalem. This is
not the behaviour of someone who wants peace. Israel has always pursued the
completion of the Zionist occupation of entire Palestine by all means
including the preparation for war.
The new Intifada is the signal of the Palestinian people that they are no
longer willing to accept a faked peace which in reality is only a cover for
their ongoing extinction as a nation. It is the signal of the new beginning
of the liberation struggle.
At the same time the Intifada is an appeal for the necessary international
solidarity in order to win David’s struggle against Goliath. All the
popular, democratic and anti-imperialist forces of the world are called upon
to support the just struggle of the Palestinian people against the Zionist
occupation and their imperialist masters in the West. The battle fought in
Palestine is the battle of us all. Only together we can defy our common
enemy – imperialism.
Therefore we call for the formation of a permanent international coalition
of all forces supporting the Palestinian cause with following basic demands:
Stop the massacre in Palestine – support the Intifada!
Immediate withdrawal of the Zionist occupation troops!
Right to return for all Palestinian refugees!
For the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination including the right
to constitute an independent and sovereign state with Jerusalem as capital!
The constitutive meeting of the International Solidarity Coalition for
Palestine will take place in the frame of the Anti-imperialist Camp in
Assisi, Italy, scheduled for July 28 to August 5, 2001.

Anti-imperialist Camp
June 2001

Addammeer (Association for the Support of Political Prisoners in Palestine)
The Anti-Imperialist Camp

Antiimperialist Camp
PF 23, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
Tel&Fax +43 1 504 00 10

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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