TODAY'S NEWS (July.7.2001 Juche 90)



Meeting held to remember Kim Il Sung

Art exhibition opens

DPRK order and medals awarded to Cuban military delegation members

Kim Yong Nam meets Cuban military delegation

Solidarity with Korean people's struggle voiced

Head of Cuban military delegation gives reception

GIs' arrogant attitude protested in S. Korea

37th OAU summit hailed

KCNA refutes Japanese politicians' anti-DPRK outbursts

Cuban military delegation leaves

DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman on projected anti-DPRK "hearing"

For Spanish-speaking people


tergiversacion de historia y prensa japonesa, comentario de atcc

esencia agresiva de proyecto de "defensa de oceano atlantico" de ee.uu.


Meeting held to remember Kim Il Sung
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A meeting of crewmen of the Polish-flagged
ship was held at Kim Chaek Port on the east coast of Korea on July 5 to
remember President Kim Il Sung on his 7th death anniversary. Speakers at the
meeting said that Kim Il Sung was the great leader the Korean people
acclaimed for the first time in the nation's history of 5,000 years and the
peerlessly great man of the 20th century produced by humankind.
    Noting that he was well known to the polish people as well as the world
progressive people, they stressed that all brilliant victories recorded in
the modern history of Korea were associated with his august name.
    His revolutionary cause and immortal feats for the era and history are
being carried forward, developed and firmly maintained by leader Kim Jong
Il, they said. 
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.


Art exhibition opens
     Tokyo, July 5 (KNS-KCNA) -- An opening ceremony of Japanese painter
Ikuo Hirayama's art exhibition "I paint yesterday and today of Koguryo" was
held in Tokyo on July 3. On display are over 80 paintings and pictures he
made while visiting old tombs of koguryo, the old home of President Kim Il
Sung in Mangyongdae, the River Taedong, Moran Hill, the West Sea Barrage and
other places in the DPRK.
    The exhibition is open in Tokyo till July 17 and the similar one will
take place in Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, Hiroshima and other parts of Japan until
November next year.
    Present at the ceremony were Ikuo Hirayama and officials of the sponsor
organization including the chairman of the NHK, the director for cultural
planning of the Asahi Shimbun and the chairman of the federation of UNESCO
associations of Japan.
    Among those invited were the DPRK fine art exhibition delegation and
chairman So Man Sul and chief vice-chairman Ho Jong Man of the central
standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan.


DPRK order and medals awarded to Cuban military delegation members
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- DPRK order and medals were awarded to the
members of the Cuban military delegation with due ceremony at the Mansudae
Assembly Hall yesterday. Present were president Kim Yong Nam of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, vice marshal of the Korean
People's Army Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the DPRK National Defence
Commission and minister of the People's Armed Forces, lieutenant general of
the KPA Pak Sung Won, charge d'affaires A.I. Violeta Goodridge Culzac and
military attache Eduardo Sanchez Pena of the Cuban embassy here.
    A decree of the presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly was read
out and friendship order first class was awarded to colonel general Alvaro
Lopez Miera, vice-minister of the revolutionary armed forces and chief of
the general staff of Cuba, who is leading the delegation, and friendship
medals to members of the delegation.


Kim Yong Nam meets Cuban military delegation
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of
the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and had a friendly talk with the
visiting military delegation of Cuba led by colonel general Alvaro Lopez
Miera, vice-minister of the revolutionary armed forces and chief of the
general staff, at the Mansudae Assembly Hall yesterday. The head of the
delegation said that the two countries have struggled to defend the gains of
the revolution from the present U.S. administration, the most reactionary of
the successive u.s. administrations, adding that they witnessed achievements
made by the Korean people and army and exchanged experience with officers
and men of the Korean People's Army.
    Present there were vice marshal of KPA Kim Il Chol, vice-chairman of the
DPRK National Defence Commission and minister of the people's armed forces,
KPA lieutenant general Pak Sung Won, charge d'affaires A.I. Violeta
Goodridge Culzac and military attache Eduardo Sanchez Pena of the Cuban
embassy here. 


Solidarity with Korean people's struggle voiced
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A meeting of senior officials of
organizations for friendship and solidarity with the Korean people in Asia
was held in Nepal on June 29 under the sponsorship of the Asian regional
committee to support Korea's reunification. Om Prakash Mantri, secretary
general of the Asian regional committee to support Korea's reunification,
made a report and speeches were made by delegates of Sri Lanka, Nepal,
Pakistan and other countries and Kim Jin Bom, vice-chairman of the Korean
Committee for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries who headed the
delegation of the Korean Committee for Solidarity with the World People.
    The reporter proposed to reorganize the Asian regional committee,
underscoring the need to intensify the regional movement to express support
and solidarity with the just cause of the Korean people by embracing more
countries if it is to fulfil its mission, as required by the present
situation on the Korean peninsula.
    The former minister of foreign affairs of India who is chairman of the
All-India Indo-Korean Friendship Association was elected chairman of the
Asian Regional Committee to Support Korea's Reunification, and the general
secretary of the central commttee of the Nepal Communist Party (United
Marxist-Leninist) and the chairman of the Sri Lanka-People's Korea
Friendship Association were chosen as its honorary chairmen.
    An action program of the committee was adopted at the meeting.
    The program said that all organizations for friendship and solidarity
with the Korean people in Asia should widely introduce the three-point
charter of national reunification and the five-point policy of the great
national unity formulated by leader Kim Jong Il and undertake dynamic
activities to support them.
    The program strongly urged the united states to do something helpful to
the independent and peaceful reunification of Korea by signing a peace
agreement with the DPRK at an early date and withdrawing its forces from
South Korea. 
    It called for employing various forms and methods to put pressure upon
the anti-reunification forces in South Korea to cooperate with the fellow
countrymen and implement the north-south joint declaration to the letter.
    The committee will escalate the movement of international solidarity
with the Korean people in each country and on a regional scale on various
occasions including the month of international solidarity with the Korean
people and the month of supporting the proposal for founding the Democratic
Federal Republic of Koryo and particularly on the occasion of the 10th
anniversary of the founding of the committee to be marked this year, the
program said. 


Head of Cuban military delegation gives reception
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Colonel general Alvaro Lopez Miera,
vice-minister of the revolutionary armed forces and chief of the general
staff, who is head of the Cuban military delegation, gave a reception
yesterday in connection with its visit to Korea. Invited there were vice
marshal Kim Yong Chun, chief of the general staff of the Korean People's
Army, colonel general O Kum Chol, lieutenant general Pak Sung Won and other
generals and officers of the KPA.
    Present were members of the Cuban military delegation, charge d'affaires
ad interim Violeta Goodridge Culzac, military attache Eduardo Sanchez Pena
and other officials of the Cuban embassy here.
    Speeches were made at the reception.


GIs' arrogant attitude protested in S. Korea
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- The environment movement association, the
citizen's solidarity for democratic society, the federation of women's
organizations and the Wonju citizens' meeting for retaking our land-U.S.
military base held a protest rally in front of a U.S. army unit and made
public a statement on July 3 as regards the failure to make a proper
investigation into the leakage of oil from the U.S. military base in
Thaejang-dong, Wonju city, South Kangwon Province, though it took 50 days,
according to Yonhap News from Seoul. The statement denounced the U.S. forces
side for repeating its senseless assertion at the end of its investigation
that there was no oil leakage.
    It bitterly condemned the arrogant attitude of the U.S. forces side and
strongly demanded an early official apology and compensation for damage and
complete rehabilitation of the afflicted area.


37th OAU summit hailed
     Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Minju Joson today carries an editorial
entitled "traditional friendship between the DPRK and African countries will
develop in the new century, too" hailing the 37th summit OAU. The editorial
    The Korean people warmly greet the summit, firmly believing that the
Lusaka summit will mark another momentous occasion in achieving stability,
prosperity and progress on the African continent and hoping that the summit
will successfully discuss all the agenda items and achieve good results.
    The summit carries weighty importance as it will take up issues related
to the newborn African union and its operation, urgent issues of achieving
the unity and solidarity, independent development of the continent as
required by the new century and adopt relevant resolutions.
    Referring to the drive of the African countries to achieve continental
progress and prosperity, the editorial goes on:
    The Korean people highly estimate and sincerely rejoice over the
successes made by the African countries in their concerted efforts to
achieve the integration and uniform development of the continent.
    It is the invariable foreign policy of the DPRK to set store by the
friendly and cooperative relations between it and all the African countries
striving for the independent development and prosperity of the continent and
steadily boost these ties.
    The traditional DPRK-Africa friendly ties developing on good terms as
the days go by were forged thanks to the indefatigable efforts exerted by
President Kim Il Sung and the particular care shown by leader Kim Jong Il
for the independence and social progress of the African countries.
    It continues: 
    It is the firm will of the Korean people to develop the DPRK-Africa
friendly ties in the new century, too.
    The DPRK will as always further expand and develop the traditional
friendly ties between the DPRK and the African countries in the idea of
independence, peace and friendship.
    The Korean people are extending full support and firm solidarity to the
African people in their just cause of peace, stability and prosperity of the


KCNA refutes Japanese politicians' anti-DPRK outbursts
    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- Some Japanese politicians are now getting
more undisguised in their hostile moves against the DPRK. On June 18 Tanaka,
governor of Nagano prefecture, groundlessly pulled up the DPRK in a bid to
evade its population's criticism and denunciation of the prefectural
government. On June 28 Asano, governor of Miyagi prefecture, raised a hue
and cry about the non-existent "kidnapping by North Korean agents."
    These remarks only betrayed their ignorance and moral vulgarity and, at
the same time, revealed Japan's deep-rooted hostile policy towards the DPRK.
    The governor of Nagano prefecture seems to have no elementary knowledge
and basic understanding of the nature and character of the DPRK's
man-centered social system and its people's independent and creative
socio-political life.
    And the governor of Miyagi prefecture was so foolish as to describe the
non-existent "kidnapping issue" as a "fact."
    But what should not be overlooked here is that they echoed what Tokyo
metropolitan governor Ishihara, fanatical ultranationalist, asserted.
    The DPRK cannot but take a serious note of these hostile remarks made by
those Japanese heavyweights. These outcries not only betrayed their
political immaturity but indicated that Japan's socio-political atmosphere
is turning to such ultra-right as to accept the ultranationalist and
national chauvinistic remarks.
    Japan's turn to the ultra-right would lead to the revival of
militarization and precipitate its self-destruction.
    If the Japanese politicians, unawakened, continue to incite in society
chauvinism and enmity toward its neighbouring country and persistently turn
to the right, it will surely make its younger generation deformed to sustain
the same defeat as Japan did in the past.


Cuban military delegation leaves
    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- The military delegation of the republic of
Cuba headed by colonel general Alvaro Lopez Miera, vice-minister of the
revolutionary armed forces and chief of the general staff, left here for
home today. The delegation was seen off by vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, chief
of the general staff, generals and officers of the Korean People's Army,
charge d'affaires A.I. Violeta Goodridge Culzac and military attache Eduardo
Sanchez Pena of the Cuban embassy here at the airport.


DPRK Foreign Ministry spokesman on projected anti-DPRK "hearing"
    Pyongyang, July 7 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the Foreign Ministry of the
DPRK answered a question put by KCNA today assailing Hyde, chairman of the
international relations committee of the U.S. House of Representatives, and
other Republican congressmen for planning to "invite" renegade and runaway
Hwang Jang Yop to the United States for what they called "hearing". he told:
Hwang is human scum who not only abandoned his political creed but betrayed
even his wife and children for the sake of his personal comfort and a
despicable political imposter who likes to utter incoherent words, reversing
black and white in a bid to prolong his remaining days.
    No matter what remarks he may make anywhere, no one will lend an ear to
them. But one cannot but be surprised by the U.S. ridiculous attempt to use
such a mean fellow for its anti-DPRK smear campaign.
    Such an anti-DPRK burlesque to be orchestrated by some hardline
conservative republican congressmen is part of the foolish moves to give a
shot in the arms of the U.S. administration in its pursuance of the
anti-DPRK hardline policy and isolate and stifle the DPRK at any cost.
    This more clearly indicates that the U.S. talk about the "resumption of
dialogue" with the DPRK is no more than a fiction.
    If the U.S. stages a ridiculous burlesque by inviting such human scum as
traitor Hwang Jang Yop, instead of taking an honest attitude toward the
improvement of the DPRK-U.S. relations as required by the new century, this
will only further worsen the bilateral relations.
    Such hostile and provocative anti-DPRK moves of the United States compel
the DPRK to take an appropriate countermeasure.


For Spanish-speaking people

tergiversacion de historia y prensa japonesa, comentario de atcc
     pyongyang, 7 de marzo (atcc) -- en estos dias los paises asiaticos y
otros varios paises del mundo elevan voces de censura y protesta en torno al
asunto de sancion oficial de manual de historia del japon porque este pais
pretende enmendar el manual de historia en direccion de tergiversar su
historia de agresion a corea y los demas paises de asia y de justificar sus
actos criminales perpetrados en el pasado. esto quiere decir que el japon no
se propone reflexionar ni en lo elemental de sus crimenes antieticos
cometidos contra los paises asiaticos en el siglo 20 sino trata de repetir
su historia de agresion.
    por esta razon la sociedad internacional y su prensa cuestionan la
tergiversacion de historia del japon y exigen que este pais aborde con una
discreta actitud este problema.
    los politicos, intelectuales y todos los demas japoneses tienen el
ineludible deber historico de educar a los integrantes de la nueva
generacion con una correcta concepcion de la historia de acuerdo con la
aspiracion de la humanidad al siglo 21 pacifico.
    sin embargo, en vez de hacer reflexion sincera en el asunto de
tergiversacion de la historia, ahora en el japon se manifiestan abiertamente
las injustas insistencias de las fuerzas derechistas como "acto de maltrato
a si mismo" e "intervencion en los asuntos internos". en la actualidad los
japoneses mayoritarios no se enteran del verdadero aspecto de tal situacion.
    el problema de la tergiversacion de historia, ligado directamente con la
peligrosa ambicion ultranacionalista y militarista de llevar de nuevo el
japon a la guerra de agresion y la ruina no se presenta como una seria
cuestion socio-politica en este pais, lo que tiene que ver grandemente con
la actitud de la prensa japonesa.
    el asunto del manual de historia del japon ha causado la poderosa
resistencia a los paises asiaticos y la protesta y censura de los
intelectuales concienzudos del japon.
    pero, por el respecto la mayoria de los organos de prensa del japon
guardan silencio y aun peor, el periodico "sankei shimbun" se apresura a
defender la descarada insistencia de las fuerzas derechistas para justificar
la tergiversacion de la historia. asi es la situacion de la palabra del
    mientras la prensa tome tal actitud es inevitable que el pueblo y la
opinion publica del japon no cobren conciencia sino se conviertan de nuevo
en victimas de la politica fascista y la guerra de agresion como en el
pasado periodo del imperialismo japones .
    por eso, los ex-militares del "ejercito kwantung" del japon que en el
pasado fueron lanzados a la guerra de agresion se reunieron el dia 2 en el
ministerio de ensenanza y ciencia donde advirtieron que la tergiversacion de
la historia puede traer la repeticion de la historia de agresion.
    si la prensa del japon se preocupa verdaderamente del porvenir de su
pais y aprecia los intereses de su pueblo debe romper silencio irresponsable
con respecto al problema de la tergiversacion de la historia para orientar a
las masas a la justicia y la conciencia.


esencia agresiva de proyecto de "defensa de oceano atlantico" de ee.uu.
     pyongyang, 7 de marzo (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el numero
de hoy inserto un articulo poniendo al desnudo la invariable ambicion de ee.
uu. de tomar la heguemonia mundial. el articulo senala en particular:
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" de ee.uu. como una
ampliacion de "defensa nacional antimisil" implica la nueva intencion
    el proyecto de "defensa nacional antimisil" es para formar el poderoso
sistema de "defensa antimisil" para interceptar en el espacio aereo los
misiles de "enemigos" y "proteger" a estados unidos.
    para este fin, ee.uu. exige la enmienda del "tratado sobre misiles
antibalisticos "tmab" concertado con la ex urss en el ano 1972 pretextando
que este tratado no es capaz de dar plena garantia a preservar la
"seguridad" de su pais.
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" es la "estrategia de
alianza de misil en el universo" para recibir el apoyo de los paises aliados
al establecimiento del sistema de "defensa nacional antimisil".
    el proyecto de "defensa nacional antimisil" es para realizar su
intencion estrategica de perseguir la hegemonia y dominar con las fuerzas el
    los estados unidos impulsan con mas energia el establecimiento del
sistema de "defensa nacional antimisil" e intentan fortalecer el control
sobre los paises aliados.
    esto es precisamente el proyecto para la "defensa del oceano atlantico".
    los estados unidos tratan de ampliar hasta europa la esfera de la
"defensa nacional antimisil" para recibir el apoyo y cooperacion de dichos
paises y aislar a rusia.
    el proyecto de "defensa del oceano atlantico" ejercera influencia sobre
los paises miembros de la otan de europa y otros numerosos paises, destruira
el equilibrio estrategico del mundo y creara nuevo caos.

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