ML Update : A CPI(ML) Weekly News Magazine
Vol.-4; No.-35; 29-8-2001

Dhammam Sharanam Gachhami
The share market collapse and the UTI scam have taken their toll and the
credit rating of Indian economy has gone down in the list of international
agencies like Moody's and Standard and Poor. Even otherwise, the performance
of the economy is steadily declining and in the first quarter of the present
fiscal year the industrial growth rate has touched 2.1% mark. The core
sector has grown at the rate of just 1%. The real GDP growth rate has
slumped to 3.8% and in his 15 August speech Mr Vajpayee had to admit that
indeed there is a slowdown, although he called it a temporary one. Signs of
recovery are however nowhere in sight in this atmosphere of global
recession. Even the business houses have accepted it as a fait accompli that
the growth rate cannot cross 5% this year.
Food situation is particularly in shambles with FCI godowns bursting at
seams with 6 crore tonnes stock and the farmers are restive at the prospect
of their crops getting simply ruined. Employment situation in no less grim,
already in past three years 2 crore youth have joined the ranks of
unemployed. This is really unmanageable because to absorb them you need an
impossible two digit growth of GDP. But despite lowering bank interest time
and again no investments are forthcoming and FDI too is hovering around $2
billion a year, a situation that would not improve in the light of
downgraded investment rating.
The crisis is so acute that it reminded some economists of the 1991 days
debt trap. This time it is not the pressure of foreign repayments, it is
domestic credit that has assumed proportions equal to around 70% of the GDP
and almost four times the revenue receipts in the budget! Add external
credit and the government is already bankrupt!
Yashwant Sinha's harping on second generation reforms is not likely to
assuage the investors' worries. Govt. financial policies have come under
salvos in Parliament, fired not only by opposition alone but NDA partners,
even BJP MPs too. So Vajpayee has once again turned to the time-tested
communal card.
After bashing Christians recently, Vajpayee has now announced that a
solution to the vexed Ayodhya problem will be accomplished before March
2002. When asked in Parliament with who he is dealing for the settlement, he
simply refused to share the information with the lawmakers of the country.
However, Muslim Personal Law Board has clarified that no such talks were
going on. With whom Vajpayee is dealing under the table?
Indeed the statement has a bearing on the coming UP elections. However,
Vajpayee cannot forget the time bomb of unemployment he is sitting on. There
has to be something to divert these restive youth. And it has to be a
fascist project. While Advani is busy in discovering ISI activities in
Madarsas and harassing Muslim youth with the threat of banning SIMI,
Vajpayee has signalled off a new hate campaign. Secular-democratic opinion
must be on guard to prevent the fascists from succeeding in an exercise once
again injurious to the secular fabric of the nation to the proportion of
Babri Masjid demolition.

CPI(ML) Leader Killed in Bardhaman
Com. Jagannath Mondal, Secy. of Party's Kalna Block Committee in Burdwan
district, was brutally killed by CPI(M) goons on the night of 24 August when
he was returning home at Tamashapur village. Since our Party work began anew
in this area, CPI(M) local leaders have been using terror tactics, including
murder of our local leaders, to stop us from working here. Earlier in 1994,
they murdered Com. Abdul Halim, the then Party Block Secy. Many times our
organisation informed the police about the attempts on Com. Jagannath's life
by CPI(M) goons, but they did nothing about the security of Com. Jagannath.
On 26 August, State and Distt. Party leaders paid tribute to departed
Jagannath Mondal and a funeral procession was organised with more than 300
leaders, activists and masses.
While severly condemning the killing, Party State Committee demanded
immediate arrest of the culprits. Party has given a call to observe protest
day on 27 August throughout the state and Burdwan Distt. Committee has
called Kalna Bandh for 24 hours on the same day.

Com. Mati-ur-Rahman, member of West Champaran Distt. Committee of CPI(ML)
died due to heart attack on 23 August at Chanpatia. He was 60. He was the
Party candidate from Sikta assembly constituency and was known as a militant
mass leader. He had been implicated in a number of false cases and was in
jail. Following his release on 22 August, people of Chanpatia organised a
welcome ceremony in his honour on 23 August. After taking part in that he
suffered the heart stroke.
Com. Ramakant Ram, member of Buxar Distt. Committee of CPI(ML) suddenly
departed on 23 August at Buxar. He was 55.
Both these comrades were delegates to Party's forthcoming Bihar State
Conference. We pay our deep condolences to both comrades who worked for the
Party, people and revolution till their last. Their deeds will never be
forgotten and we shall take their unfulfilled task through to an end.

Lock-out in Dunlop Factory in W.B.
Management of Sahaganj unit of Dunlop factory in Hoogly district issued an
illegal notice of suspension of work on 20 August, which created tremendous
discontent among the workers. The owner Manu Chhabaria is notorious in
robbing off the capital of the factory. After remaining closed for 25
months, the Factory was reopened in March last year. During the past 16
months, management did not pay the workers for 8 months. With a view to
close the factory for good, the management served suspension of work notice,
falsely blaming the workers. Though they did not inform the state govt., but
the latter did nothing but playing the role of a silent spectator. AICCTU
Hooghly distt. committee organised mass meetings on 26 August at Sahagnaj
demanding withdrawal of illegal notice and reopening the factory, clearing
the arrears to all workers. The meetings were addressed by Com. Basudev
Bose, Prabir Halder and others.

RYA Campaign to Demand Dredging of Ichamati
North 24 Paragana distt. committee of RYA organized a propaganda campaign to
demand dredging of Ichhamati river and demolition of illegally constructed
bheri (fisheries) and brick-kilns obstructing flow of river, causing floods.
RYA activists carried the propaganda along the river by boat, starting from
Bongaon and ending at Swarupnagar, covering more than 45 km for seven hours.
The new form of the propaganda attracted people to a great extent. During
the propaganda, comrades also made a survey for development of the river bed
and basing on that they would submit a memorandum to the Irrigation Dept. of
West Bengal Govt.

Protest March Against Police Repression in Kheri
In protest to the police repression over Party activists during rail roko at
Mailani on 9 August, over 1,000 people of Terai region led by State CPI(ML)
Secretary Com. Akhilendra Pratap Singh and CC member Com. Krishna Adhikari
marched in a procession at Kheri on 23 August. A militant demonstration was
staged at the district HQs despite heavy police deployment. Speakers
demanded unconditional release of over a dozen jailed ML activists,
withdrawal of false cases against them and registering of FIR against the
culprit police officials. Under mass pressure, the ADM had to come to the
stage and announce that no further arrest will be there in false cases.
Party leaders Com. Purushottam Sharma and Distt. Secy. Com. Ramdaras,
Alauddin Shashtri and Mira addressed the gathering conducted by Com. Kranti

Killing of Agrarian Labour Protested in Mirzapur, U.P.
Protesting the killing of an agrarian labourer by influential Kurmi
landlords in Mirzapur district, around 4,000 people led by CPI(ML) took out
a march on 22 August from Pidkhir village at Chandauli border to Gauri
village in Mirzapur. The administration had not only imposed restrictions on
bringing out the procession but also even deployed massive police force to
stop it. However, in the face of people's militant anger it had to beat a
retreat. It is to be noted that CPI(ML) has thrown a challenge to hitherto
the domination of the notorious cabinet minister Om Prakash Singh and his
castemen Kurmi landlords in this area.

Gate Meeting at IISCO, Kulti
Around 1,500 workers belonging to IISCO participated at a gate meeting held
at Kulti (West Bengal) unit of IISCO on 23 August to protest the conspiracy
to shut down the plant. In an unprecedented vigour the workers came out to
attend the meeting despite the unrelenting rain. It is to be noted that the
Steel Ministry has singled out IISCO to conclude a separate wage agreement
with it, taking it out of the JCCS. The meting was addressed by AICCTU Gen.
Secy. Com. Swapan Mukherji, Upendra Singh, G.S. of CMWU, Krishna Singh and
PC Mazumdar, GS of IISCO Workers Union.

AISA Holds 4th National Conference in Allahabad
The Fouth National Conference of All India Students Association, held at
Allahabad on 21-23 August, was a resounding sucess, made evident by the fact
that despite struggles going on in various campuses and commencement of the
new academic session, it was attended by more than 350 delegates from 12
states across the country. The conference acknowledged that today in the
21st century the challenges and tasks before AISA and the student-youth are
unprecedentedly enormous than those faced in any other era. Along with
taking up the challenges of globalization and saffronisation, AISA resolved
to fight for secular-democratic education, culture and employment and to
free the motherland from the shackles of US imperialism.
The conference also acknowledged that this Mahabharat in the times of
globalisation demands a stronger organisation with revolutionary orientation
and wider social base. The conference called upon the participants to
corageously take up this challenge and march ahead to fulfil the aspirations
of martyrs Bhagat Singh, Com. Chandrasekhar and millions of struggling
people of our nation. The conference elected Com. Kavita Krishnan and Com.
Sunil Yadav as its President and General Secretary. It also elected a
43-member National Council, which will meet towards the end of Sept and
elect its Executive Council and other office-bearers. It ended with the
resolve to take up the challenge of becoming the largest and most militant
student organisation of the 21st century.

AICCTU Office Bearers' Meet
Central leaders of AICCTU met on 21-22 August at Burnpur in Bardhaman
district of Bardhaman to finalise details of preparatory measures for its
forthcoming 5th all-India conference. The conference will be held at Dhanbad
in Jharkhand on 8-10 October, 2001. On 8 October, a massive workers' rally
will be taken out. Main speaker will be CPI(ML) leader Com. Dipankar
Bhattacharya. The meeting was presided over by Com. Yogeshwar Gope,
president and conducted by Com. Swapan Mukherji, Gen. Secy.

CPI(ML) Condemns Dalit Massacre in Patna
Party strongly condemned the massacre of 6 dalits including three women and
two children in Datmai village of Dhanarua block on the night of 22 August.
The Party has termed it another massacre perpetrated by RJD-sponsored
Jainandan gang and said that in recent times incidents of killing of rural
poor have steeply increased in the state, and one of the main reason behind
this fact is that the criminal gangs are being patronised by RJD and NDA. An
investigation team of the Party visited the place and on 24 August held a
protest meeting at Datmai village. It was addressed by Party Polit Bureau
member Com. Ram Naresh Ram, who urged the villagers to rise in self-defence
and cast away the illusion that police or para-military forces can save
them. He appealed to them to demand weapons from the state for this purpose.

CPI(ML) Gears Up in East Bihar
East Bihar is a relatively new and less developed region as far as our Party
work is concerned. But during the month of August Party has undertaken
several activities.
In Rupauli of Purnea, Party organized Bandh and Chakka Jam on 6 August
against police atrocities. Meetings were held in villages and street corner
meetings were also held in course of preparation. On the bandh day there
were incidents of minor clashes with police commandos but police had to beat
a retreat because of mass resistance. Women also participated in good
numbers. It was led by Com. Sanjay mandal, DN Rai, Chaturi Paswan, Manish
Hembram and others.
A dharna was staged at Rupauli block office on 17 August in protest to the
burning of dalit bustee at Kamat Tola by criminal gang and police inaction.
On 9 August, demonstration was organised at Dhamdaha subdivision under
"Vajpayee hatao, desh bachao". At Farbisganj in Araria district, dharna was
organized and in the meeting the problems of jute farmers were also raised.
It was addressed by Distt. incharge Com. Satyanarain Yadav and others.
At Saharsa, around 1,500 activists and supporters of CPI(ML) took out a
march defying rain and shine on 9 August. It ended in a gherao of DM office.
People compelled the DM to come out in rain though he had asked the
representatives to meet him in his office. The DM confessed that he had no
place to keep the agitators who wanted to court arrest. Overwhelming
majority of the processionists were youth, a fact which imparted militant
colour to the demonstration. It was led by Distt. Secy. Com. Bhupendra
Yadav, Vibhuti Singh, Lalan Yadav, Laxminarayan Sharma, Ramvallabh Singh,
Ramnath and others.
Earlier on 28 July, a dharna was staged at Sattar Kataiya block office of
Saharsa district in protest to corruption in developmental schemes and
demanding pucca houses for the poor and transparency in panchayat
functioning. The BDO was compelled to come out and accept the memorandum.
District level cadre convention was organised in Purnea on 28 July at Kaimai
village of Bhawanipur block. This convention was held as a culmination to a
special Strengthen the Party campaign run on district basis from 18 December
2000 (Com. Vinod Mishra's death anniversary) to 28 July 2001 (Com. Charu
Mazumdar's martyrdom day), in which revamping the Party's organization
system was the objective. This convention has generated widespread
enthusiasm which manifested in mobilisation of people in subsequent

CPI(ML)'s Bihar State Conference at Rajgir
The 6th Conference of Party's Bihar State unit began at the historic town of
Rajgir on 26 August. The whole of Rajgir has been submerged into the red sea
of festoons and banners. The venue has been named as Com. Vinod Mishra Hall.
The inaugural session was open, attended by reputed guests from among
intellectuals, cultural activists and other progressive-democratic
personages, apart from around 400 delegates. The conference was inaugurated
by Party Gen. Secy. Com. Dipankar Bhattacharya (see box for speech). The
session was also addressed by Party PB members Com. Swadesh Bhattacharya,
Ram Naresh Ram and Kartick Pal. Earlier the flag was hoisted by veteran Com.
Prithwiraj Singh, one of the founders of Communist Party in Bihar. After the
Party leaders laid floral tributes at the martyrs' column, proceedings
inside the hall began with the singing of Internationale.
In the organizational session, Secy. of the outgoing State Committee Com.
Ramjatan Sharma presented the work report. Delegates from 35 (out of the
total 37) districts will discuss the report and in the course the conference
will decide on the policies to be adopted.

Com. Dipankar's Speech at Rajgir
"This conference at Rajgir is not just another conference, it is a summit
between the glorious past and the developing bright future. The two
tendencies, the old history in an effort to unshackle itself and the bright
future against which attempts to kill it in foetus are on, have joined hands
here to forge a new history, to build a new Bihar, a new India.
This place is indeed important but the time is no less important. In the
whole world today the restiveness for an alternative has intensified. Ten
years ago it was announced that history has met its end, the days of red lag
are over, the victory of capitalism is final. But the time has turned, and
people throughout the world have now taken to streets declaring that they
don't like capitalist path. Struggle is going on in America and Europe and
imperialists and their international institutions are not able to find a
safe place where they can hold their conferences. Wherever the international
financial magnates decide to meet, people reach there in tens of thousands
to stage demonstrations against US bullying and domination of capital.
Recently in Genoa of Italy, a meeting of G-8 countries was held. A powerful
protest was launched against them. Earlier in Europe and America they did
not resort to firing on these demonstrations, but this has started now. In a
massive repression the police fired on demonstrators and a 23-year youth
demonstrator laid down his life there.
So the time is turning. Everywhere restiveness against imperialism and the
US bullying and domination of capital has intensified and struggles are
taking place. We communists should identify these imprints of time
Just look at a recent shameless act of American president George Bush, who
has given his dog the name of 'India'. Even had he not done so, people in
India had readily identified the Indian rulers, the Vajpayee govt. as the
pet dog of America, and started taming it. The craving of alternative to
Vajpayee govt. is also intensifying. The country wants to get rid of this
pet dog.
Come to Bihar, you will find that here too the restiveness for the
alternative is quite intense. Aspirations for change and development are
surging against the politics of both RJD and NDA. We must become the centre
of a powerful movement to fulfil this aspiration and give a message to the
country and the whole world that we have the courage to stand at the
forefront of every struggle at every level that is being waged to forge this
In Bihar, both RJD and NDA are busy with the politics of turning the state
into the graveyard of dalits and toiling people, a state run by police and
criminals. CPI(ML) activists and sympathisers must hold the reins of a
powerful resistance movement against the massacres of dalits and poor as
well as police atrocities that are on the rise in the recent times, and the
movement should be broad enough to include all the aspirations of
Those who had initiated the wily drama of relieving the people from jungle
raj have themselves proved to be the representatives of another jungle raj.
And those who had promised to the people of Bihar to fight against the
communal and corrupt government in Delhi could do no more than playing
antics in Patna and Delhi. People realized that RJD and NDA may constitute
two different camps holding two different flags, but in the matter of
implementing basic policies or adopting anti-people stance they were two
birds of the same feather. Be it in launching repression on poor and toiling
people, or in patronizing Ranvir Sena and criminals like Shahabuddin, the
unity of RJD and NDA has come into open time and again. Saying that there is
no alternative to his rule, and therefore people have no option but to
withstand him, Laloo Yadav has thrown an open challenge before the people of
Bihar. Has Bihar, so long the vehicle of forces of change, has today become
so poor that it will fall prey to lack of alternative? Will it not be able
to produce an alternative? No, this can never be the case. Shortly the land
of Bihar will witness a hurricane of change and development that will not
only sweep away the RJD clan, the epitome of corrupt-criminal system, it
will also put the last nail to the coffin of fascist saffron regime selling
out the country. "

Durban Conference against Racialism
"World conference against Racism, Racial discrimination, Xenophobia and
Related intolerance" will be held in from Aug 31 to Sept.7 in South Africa.
A parallel four-day forum has already begun on 28 Aug. 15,000 people are
expected to join the main protest march on Sept 1, under the banner of
Durban Social Forum (DSF). Several international organizations also jointly
called to build worldwide action against Racism on Aug. 31. In this context
it is significant that on the eve of the formal opening of the Conference,
the two days nation wide general strike of the organized working class of
South Africa against privatization of public sector assets on Aug 29 and 30
sharply juxtaposes the issue of capitalism and imperialist globalization
linking with Racism.
US Secretary of State Colin Powell has confirmed no participation in this UN
conference on racism scheduled to take place in Durban due to what he termed
"anti-Israel" language contained in the agenda. He also said that there were
many other parts of the document which his government deemed to be
offensive. Washington has rejected out of hand the notion of linking Zionism
with racism as proposed by a number of nations to be represented in Durban.
Israel announced it would boycott the conference if the agenda were not
altered. Arab states have agreed to remove the reference to Zionism and
racism but insist on a discussion relating to Palestine. Now, with Israel
war plane attack on Palestine and cold blooded murder of Palestine leader
Abu Ali Mustafa, Palestine issue would come up forcefully in the Conference.
The US also insists that the debate on the issue of reparations for the
slave trade and colonialism be removed from the agenda. However, African
governments' proposed declaration described slave trade as "unique tragedy
in the history of humanity, a crime against humanity which have resulted
substantial lasting economic, political and cultural damages to African
people. South African foreign minister Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma deplored
efforts by Washington to dictate the agenda of the conference against
racism. In reference to the US and other Western nations' concern regarding
the issue of slavery, the foreign minister said that it was impossible to
discuss contemporary forms of racism without referring to the most barbaric
forms during colonial exploitation.
Vajpayee govt.'s ostrich like approach in blocking the agenda of casteism
treating it as an issue internal to the nation, neglecting the fact that
such a hierarchy do exist in several countries of the world irrespective of
religion and culture received a blow with the inclusion of caste in the
conference agenda at the final hour. In fact India ought to have welcomed
discussion on any form of human discrimination including caste, persisting
for long, in all part of the world including India, controlling both civil
society and the state.




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